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E.T. | in the Interpreter funktionierts:
SubProc Create.BigPicButton
Parameters Ziel&, Text$, PosX%, PosY%, wide%, Hoehe%, Icon&
var BigPicButton& = @control("Button",Text$,$50012200+$2000000,PosX%,PosY%,wide%,Hoehe%,Ziel&,100,%Hinstance)
Button_Refresh BigPicButton&, Icon&
Return BigPicButton&
Proc Button_Refresh
Parameters Button&, Icon&
var Refresh_Button&=@control("Static","",$50000003,5,5,32,32,Button&,0,%Hinstance)
@Sendmessage(Refresh_Button&,$170,Icon& ,0)
Windowstyle 16+8+2+512
Window 100,100
Window Title "ButtonTest" + " -- " + $ProfVer
UseIcon "A"
var Icon1& = @Create("hIcon","baum")
var Button& = @Create("BigPicButton",%HWnd,"Test- \nButton ",10,10,100,42,Icon1&)
DeleteObject Icon1&
Compiliert GEHTS not:
Getestet with XProfan 11.2 / X2-R1 |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 11/16/10 ▲ |
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| standing Yes nirgends...
is still but "logisch" the one the Own Program to Disclosure maximum testing ought to - How on other windows-entourages so in Interpreter How as Exe...
More than less Testumgebungen are still one Bonus instead of a distress - I find the "verkehrst" You hierbei.
and the with unterschiedlichen entourages different Reaktionen erfolgen can - and this erstrecht with "fehlerhaften" code - is imho not new or quite verwunderlich separate indeed one reason and so one with unterschiedlichen entourages testing ought to. ^^
so seen understand I do not Why not gefreut becomes if the Interpreter or The Exe show the something not is correct, if so something not is correct. ^^ |
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E.T. |
[iF] standing Yes nirgends...
Please erklär time, what "nirgends steht".
...different entourages...
so far were we Yes yet none. we were still with of/ one Version of XProfan, on one system... |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 11/16/10 ▲ |
| Interpreter and Exe are 2 different entourages.
E.T. (16.11.10)
Please erklär time, what "nirgends steht".
the one "Programme, before one these weitergibt, in the Interpreter "auf marrow and Niren" testing should, if then in the EXE still what other rauskommt...". ^^
i'd time sooner say You should your programs Yes under possible many different entourages testing - entourages are hold z.B. different Win-systems How but too Interpreter/ Compilations. |
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E.T. | momentum, Nich whom set verdrehen. in the Help standing:
Help X11
...On any Cases is it very urgently anzuraten, jegliches Program in the interpreter mode on marrow and Nieren To testing, before one it compilert launch. ...
and very the Have I made, To then in the exe what other rausgekommen is.
what I mean: The Interpreter had these fehlerhafte Programming too discover must !!! |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 11/16/10 ▲ |
| even, and there standing not: "bevor one these weitergibt, in the Interpreter "auf marrow and Niren" testing should, if then in the EXE still what other rauskommt..."
the are so at least 2 couple shoes. ^^
fundamentally goes it still therefore below as many as possible Systemen/ entourages To testing - because the Results even different his can.
otherwise could one itself it still save... means Why wonder the it time so and times so runs... |
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| E.T. (16.11.10)
what I mean: The Interpreter had these fehlerhafte Programming too discover must !!!
and windows-Vista 64 bit must a Error discover the on Win2000 system appear could? ^^
or differently around?
Wozu then on different Systemen testing How z.B. as Compilations or in the Interpreter if eh same... ?!
_Weil even not same... ^^ |
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E.T. | O.k. we talk together past: I speech of unterschiedlichem Behavior of Interpreter and Exe (means Runtime). You redest of unterschiedlichen Systemen...
not windows should Error discover, only Interpreter and runtime should into- and like windows-surroundings same react. |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 11/16/10 ▲ |
| E.T. (16.11.10)
only Interpreter and runtime should into- and like windows-surroundings same react.
You verlangst but More!
I complement time: only Interpreter and runtime should into- and like windows-surroundings same react too with fehlerhaften Codes
and the stops I for "unfair" To unmöglich and pulled whom comparison heran, that You quasi verlangst, that one schnellfahrendes car just as far comes like a Langsamfahrendes with each one gleichbeschädigtem tire. and this is simply To plenty desires and imho too technical even not erklär- or. machbar. ^^ |
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Dieter Zornow | fundamentally be I Marios opinion, both müssten the same disgorge, naturally too with fehlerhaftem code. Why ought to the unfair his. both müssten discern, whether a code defective is, there both Yes whom equal code work out, only once in the Klartext and once compiled. |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 11/16/10 ▲ |
| If not unfair is name time ne Solution:
What exactly to the Interpreter; The Runtime; Win98- Win7 here do to determine what a Error is and what not? |
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E.T. | your Call-example is not XProfan... lass us still time at Topic stay. |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 11/16/10 ▲ |
| How, not XProfan? Hä?
this is sehrwohl XProfan!
what I say wants is: Imho can only "gleiches Verhalten" expects go with beschriebenen functions - not of "fehlerhaftem" code the Yes nunmal defective because vaguely is. Inwiefern your "unbestimmt" on unterschiedlichen entourages (Interpreter; Runtime; windows) "gleichgerichtet" know want is me one puzzel. ^^ |
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