Bugs and vermeintliche

differences Interpreter <> Exe

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in the Interpreter funktionierts:
SubProc Create.BigPicButton

    Parameters Ziel&, Text$, PosX%, PosY%, wide%, Hoehe%, Icon&
    var BigPicButton& = @control("Button",Text$,$50012200+$2000000,PosX%,PosY%,wide%,Hoehe%,Ziel&,100,%Hinstance)
    Button_Refresh BigPicButton&, Icon&
    Return BigPicButton&


Proc Button_Refresh

    Parameters Button&, Icon&
    var Refresh_Button&=@control("Static","",$50000003,5,5,32,32,Button&,0,%Hinstance)
    @Sendmessage(Refresh_Button&,$170,Icon& ,0)


Windowstyle 16+8+2+512
Window 100,100
Window Title "ButtonTest" + " -- " + $ProfVer
UseIcon "A"
var Icon1& = @Create("hIcon","baum")
var Button& = @Create("BigPicButton",%HWnd,"Test- \nButton ",10,10,100,42,Icon1&)
DeleteObject Icon1&

Compiliert GEHTS not:

Getestet with XProfan 11.2 / X2-R1

12 kB
10 kB
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

- Page 4 -

... and ifs XProfan would:
then ought to me already the Interpreter say, the there what not fit (or. as in the Window looks), and not first The finished exe.
very the see I Yes as bow, the in the Interpreter everything functions, and then as Exe at a single blow not any more. the has with fehlerhaftem code nothing To do, my Window has simply in the Interpreter very so How in the exe auszusehen !!

point. end.
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

E.T. (16.11.10)
then ought to me already the Interpreter say, the there what not fit (or. as in the Window looks), and not first The finished exe.

Weder Interpreter yet Exe can Hellsehen and usually ists still the system the ("bös") reacted and not XProfan.

E.T. (16.11.10)
very the see I Yes as bow, the in the Interpreter everything functions, and dan as Exe at a single blow not any more.

so is it imho Yes not at all. its still sooner so, that with fehlerhaftem code both different Abläufe supply and More can too hardly expect - these still already the "Test". ^^

E.T. (16.11.10)
point. end.

Syntax Error!

E.T. (16.11.10)
the has fehlerhaftem code nothing To do, my Window has simply in the Interpreter very so How in the exe auszusehen !!

with not-fehlerhaften code ought to it by Interpreter looks How by Compilations, with fehlerhaften code can You still no einheitliches Result expect - otherwise would it Yes sooner no-fehlerhafter code. ^^

where ought to XProfan (alike whether Interpreter or Compilations) Please know what when one Error is so it for a gleichbleibenden term in the Fehlerfall care could, hä? Hä?

Übrigens is call(123456,789) no Error if on address 123456 not-fehlerhafter code lying. (what XProfan before Verify should?)

Fakt is Yes, that Marios code no Syntaxfehler contains and accordingly not offentsichtlich defective is. no Zusatzsatzprogramm werder XPSE yet the + Edit supplying a Error, means is it so seen a pure Interpretationsache and here interprets The Runtime something other as the Interpreter from the equal code and this is integrally simply fehlerhaftes Behavior of one the both.
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

stay we still time at Klartext:
a. The Interpreter operates my (fehlerhaften) View source ex, and shows me one Result (Window).
b. The Compiler Translated my (fehlerhaften) View source and launch selbigen with the Runtime, and shows me one Result (Window).
c. The Linker linkt whom compilierten (fehlerhaften) View source to Runtime and shows me one Result (Window) .
now must I but not understand, why I between a. and b. or a. and c. one different Result sustain ??
has now under a. the Interpreter my (fehlerhaften) View source defective  interprets and the Result displayed, which I see wants ??
or Have under b. the Compiler something differently Translated ??

very the ought to not his !!
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

@Dieter: Yes even, because even no Syntaxfehler (means testbarer Error) exists separate even one "logischer" Error, is it "unfair" of XProfan abzuverlangen, a such "Fehler" To discern and hereon aufgesetzt even for a gleichbleibenden term To care.

Bräuchte is a virtual surroundings with Schlüssigkeitsprüfungen... and these can never 100% reliably judge because tappt im dunkeln otherwise "unendlich" long need would. thatswhy "unfair".

the changes but nothing on the fact, the Interpreter and Compiler different with the View source bypass !!
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

E.T. (16.11.10)
the changes but nothing on the fact, the Interpreter and Compiler different with the View source bypass !!

with the fehlerhaften View source - and this is too nothing what irgendwer 100%ig prevent can!

the but abzuverlangen is the I tried with "unfair" To bezeichnen. ^^

alike whether defective or completely correctly., how can I me still sure his, the Interpreter and Compiler / Linker selfsame with my View source make ???
then could indeed the Compiler, the what other Translated as the Interpreter, one completely and gänzlich fehlerfreies Program so translate, the what integrally other out comes.

means stay we time on the ground the lowdown: Interpreter and Compiler/ Runtime should already with the View source the same make.
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

E.T. (16.11.10)
stay we still time at Klartext:

Siehste! You expect neither, that fehlerhafter (instead of klarer) Text of _jedem _gleichinterpretiert becomes - hehe! we can only klarem - not fehlerhaftem Text - a konstruktiven context find.

E.T. (16.11.10)
now must I but not understand, why I between a. and b. or a. and c. one different Result sustain ??

I find You must!

the different Result comes therefore, there You "fehlerhaften" code written have. Fehlerhafter code is z.B. the contrary of absehbaren or. erklärbaren code. If you means in the function not-absehbaren or erklärbaren code written have, then can You too Nichtabsehbares or. Unerklärliches expect.

E.T. (16.11.10)
has now under a. the Interpreter my (fehlerhaften) View source defective interprets and the Result displayed, which I see wants ?? or Have under b. the Compiler something differently Translated ??


The question would indeed not: has Win98-32bit whom crash correctly gemeldet or the To 32-bit-Prozessen plenty gnädigere Win7-64. If one logischer Errors in the code vorliegt can it _beliebig "knallen" - otherwise would it Yes no Error.

E.T. (16.11.10)
very the ought to not his !!

there having but already the "Glück" one awfully good OS the most "Fehler" one Prozesses in a MSGBox erstickt...

... and Hellsehen kanns neither. ^^

your must too times not forget the it fehlerfreie Codes gives The of course on the a system correctly functions but on one others system Error cause. XProfan can't hellsehen, there can your no gleichbleibendes behaviour abverlangen or expect the something like as "Fehler" "erkannt" becomes. ^^

at least such a Fehlererkennung would but necessary too for Herbilden one "gleichbleibenden" Verhaltens with Interpreter and Compilations...

I mean, I schreib only with the Leertaste and without letters:
it's about one- and the same thing XProfan, for a- and the same thing Betriebssystem, for a- and the same PC !! and it's about around the different Behavior of Interpreter and Compiler/ Runtime in very this surroundings !!!
Sorry, but slow (but sure) Have I the local, here wants integrally simply someone not understand, what it really goes !!!
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...


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