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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello people!
here a thing, The me already to längerer Time noticed is (Perhaps have I even Schonmal drüber beschwert): becomes on a procedure a Stringvariable transfer, so won't the Content the Variable übermittelt, separate the Pointer the Zielvariable with the the Parameters gleichgesetzt:
the can bisweilen for Verwirrung care... I entrapment anyway over ands over again time on it mere
SeeYou Pascal |
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| Thanks or by Garbage-Collection is this one feature for More Speed,
I have the presumably as in Delphi working or so similar nachprogrammiert and make it with nProcs purposely integrally similar too for 100% Kompa To XProfan. Rückgabewerte similar jolly. such Strings having for something like thatswhy too a Referenzzähler in front on the memory. |
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| I nehm everything back and behauptes contrary, habs for nProcs even very _nicht so made separate there has eachone StringParam Own address... is presumably "Wurscht" there You imho with nProcs (Perhaps Yes "noch") nothing rumgewurstelt have. ^^ |
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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi iF!
me went it too less around the for and against, separate therefore, that one as Programmer this behaviour not expects. who rechnet already so, the a procedure a übergebenen Originalparameter quasi by the back door changes?
Wenn's because so his must, ought to on entsprechender place hereon hingewiesen go.
is presumably "Wurscht" there You imho with nProcs (Perhaps Yes "noch") nothing rumgewurstelt have.
there's still a lot to be done...
SeeYou Pascal |
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RGH | Hi,
if one inm the procedure The Stringzuweisung "normal" power and not over The address, then works the too How expects, d.h. the ursprüngliche String won't changed:
as Programmer (Delphi, Java, C++) expect I really with Strings sooner, that they not always react How expects! ;) Since there it integrally angry entrapments! straight Delphi has me there sometimes already to despair driven. and who variables over your Adressen something antut, must know, that it How ehedem with PEEK and POKE with Basic is: it can unbedachte items occur. ;)
but I look time, whether it without large smart (still goes it a) around the Releaseversion and b) for a behaviour what already since over 10 years (introduction the long Strings with 7.0 in the april 2000) no known Problems causing.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 10/30/10 ▲ |
Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi Roland!
...for a behaviour what already since over 10 years (introduction the long Strings with 7.0 in the april 2000) no known Problems causing
is indeed not everyone so on the Rumbasteln How I
As I said: If man's white, can itself Yes on it take on (unless, one forget it dauernd again )
SeeYou Pascal |
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