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21.05.2007: 6 months Gesichtsstoßstange


hardly To believe, I now already almost 4 months a wire in the Gusche Have.
Nico Madysa

as Cyborg (elbow) can I mitfühlen, but where is the photo ???

we - The sensationsgeile volume want Bilda Bülda Pülta!!!

I carrying since 8 years Spange and is itself too yet hinziehen. Haste so one fettes part, what whom whole mouth einkleidet?
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP


we - The sensationsgeile volume want Bilda Bülda Pülta!!!


If the others Nico again its Kamera mitbringt, Perhaps on the friday *wahrscheinlichzuvielversprech* ...

@Jac: No, if I because mouth zumche is nothing To see. <- So etwa
Nico Madysa

One wire in the Gusche is still quite nothing!

me having tappt im dunkeln on the 19. april 2002 in the morning around 8.00 watch, means to very 5 years, a of my four Herzklappen rausoperiert and instead a whole Drahtkäfig installed, after tappt im dunkeln this with a become lumpy pork überzogen had.

The Herzklappe one Schweines watts thereby before rebuilt, on one Gerüst from feinem wire montiert and hierdurch the function the menschlichen Herzklappe angepaßt.

whether I Perhaps therefore often time something tierisch wilder on so some Nico-Madysa-futile-Discussion in ours group respond?

yet wiggling the small Piece pork (or Schnitzelfleisch?) anyway yet reliably.

if the sometime times not longer so his ought to, then has Timo Yes whom complete and lauffähigen Source the XProfan-Managers with everything thatswhy and Dran and could this if need be too without me weiterentwickeln ...

thereabouts should my spare part looks (see photo under). I habs but in the Original yourself unfortunately not see can, because me The People with whom green Coats short before integrally, super-duper drowsy made and a mehrstündigen Tiefschlaf shifts had.

the Schlimmste on the whole action were less The Wundheilungs-smart thereafter, separate plenty More The Abstinenz of Profan been, because then I had only a small Schlepptop with 66 MHz and 16 MB RAM in the Sana-Herzklinik Cottbus and the anschließenden Reha-clinic in Burg in the Spreewald mitgehabt.

On any Cases shine The White coat in the Lausitz your Handwerk To rule, because anderenfalls could I today here certainly not any more mitnerven.

Thanks the lovely work this Physicians-Teams [...]  can I means each year on the 19. april really a further birthday celebrate, next to my eigentliche birthday on the 18. december.


73 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: so should the Piece pork looks ...
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

can me yet well on it remind. was in the PROFAN.DE-Forum and we (teh folks Hasen having you then good success desired and the has indeed worked (in the wahrsten sense the Wortes) !
we're means a always greater werdende community of Cyborgs -

Hmm I consider soebend I moreover contribute could

Ah! Well - not plenty but at least! and of course...

next to whom oberen both mittigen Schneidezähnen has one well Augenzähne - denenben Reißzähne. my right obiger künstlicher Reißzahn is dank one into jaw gebortem Gewindes fixes. sees very from as though it naturally would - with the benefit I with the Büchsen zerbeissen can.

The Originalzahn having itself verabschieded as i with a solid übermächtigen opponent over strain and weight the Wirtschaftsteils the Frankfurter general diskutierte. the it me with seinem InitialPosting my this sprocket raubte could it however not before it behüten letztendlich with Tatütata abgeholt To to be itself of/ one anschliessenden Reha wg. gebrochener bone To unterziehen.

I remember yet very as the judge itself wunderte who here whom verkloppt has especially since - i'm everything else as schmächtig and small, my damaliger opponent toppte the whole but well with stämmigen 120 Kilo (I ~85) and ca. 210cm (I 195cm) Körpergrösse. i'm in the Übrigen with the capitation of 500€ for a gemeinnützigen object of it come withal particularly schwerer Körperverletzung.

in the Nachhinein find I my sprocket so g*** äää cool the it me the worth was.


...benefit I with the Büchsen zerbeissen can.

Kannste so too Bierflaschen open (Kronkorkenverschluss) ? One Known of me power with the its own Zähnen ! (mere, How long yet ?)

Yes could I. And if the Cancel ought to becomes simply NEN new raufgeschraubt lol. If to the however with normalen Zähnen does damaged one Zahnschmelz - and the would quite stupid.

If to the however with normalen Zähnen does damaged to the Zahnschmelz - and the would quite stupid.

what mean You, How often I it the said have - but against nonsense fight too I vergebens ! *lol*


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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