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a couple small ask

gmx.rolf.gehring means:

Hello Friends
on the Search to one Program, with the I Files too in
Unterverzeichnissen to integrally eigenwilligen regulate automatically rename
let can, leave me increasingly The hope.
circa yourself such one Program To write need one one Unterprogramm, the
itself by the Unterverzeichnisse wuselt and itself first once any
found Filenames anywhere writes.
to decades I had already once this trouble (in a others
Language and others Speichermedien) resolved. one name it well Rekursion
or so similar. now would it me very relieve, if someone, derein
Unterprogramm for this object has and it too wiederfindet, me whom
View source To Disposal to put would.
in the directory Cokumente and EinstellungenolfLokale
EinstellungenTemporary internet Files go pieces from aufgerufenen
Websites for forever stored. One Happiness, I only respectable pages
aufrufe. into couple Monaten, The I XP on this computer have,
speicherten itself already over 8000 Files. the particular on this Ordner is
the Show the jeweiligen kompletten www-Path under properties. can
one this area with a Profan-commands read?
gives it a simple Possibility, a Basic-DATA-row with Hex-Elementen
kommagetrennt displayed from einfachen numbers (0 - 255) in PROFAN-View source
umzuwandeln. i want one altes Q-Basicprogramm, which very plenty
DATA-Lines contains, in profane paraphrase.
already in the ahead would like I all Antwortern thank
with friendly greet

frabbing.mail means:

> gives it a simple Possibility, a Basic-DATA-row with Hex-Elementen
> kommagetrennt displayed from einfachen numbers (0 - 255) in
> PROFAN-View source
> umzuwandeln. i want one altes Q-Basicprogramm, which very plenty
> DATA-Lines contains, in profane paraphrase.
For this can you whom BYTE-commands use:
Declare mem#
Dim mem#, anzahlbytes&
byte mem#,0=123,45,12,85,8,45,4,1,45,76,234,9
byte mem#,12=35,56,14,67,...
If you not yet at least Profan 8 have, must behind BYTE always only one
worth stand. otherwise as much as you want.
Greeting, Frank

jesoft.engels means:

Jürgen Engels
Hello Rolf,
to Dateiliste with Unterverzeichnissen: in Profan 7.5 there The
Possibility to The Dateimaske one * zusetzen, then becomes The Dateiliste
inklusive all Unterverzeichnisse with Pfadangabe created.
in example
ONLY IN THE 32-BIT-VERSION: becomes to the String one star indicated, go
too any Files whom Unterverzeichnissen added The the Dateimaske
correspond to. Examples:
ChDir C:
AddFiles **.WAV
to the Data Lines in middle-aged Basicprogrammen: The Hexzahlen are naturally
to dezimal To konvertieren and mid$(x$,x%,2) too slight to find,
but without whom middle-aged Basicinterpreter these data presumably useless.
You müsstest the program analyse, The routines To Auswertung the
Datenzeilen find and what the program then so starting. If the Content
the Data Lines then anderweitig verwertbare data contains points You too How
You The data use in secular can.
to that XP Internetseiten trouble: I lösche whom betreffenden Ordner daily
and the URLs interessanter pages save I ex. an URL can slight
read go, there it a Textdatei is..
programs for such tack write I relatively often, too in PHP is so what
useful. only one must naturally always very know as data
strukturiert are.
lovely Greeting
----- Original Message -----
From: rg
To: Profan-Mail
Sent: Thursday, november 09, 2006 11:30 AM
Subject: a couple small ask
Hello Friends
on the Search to one Program, with the I Files too in
Unterverzeichnissen to integrally eigenwilligen regulate automatically rename
let can, leave me increasingly The hope.
circa yourself such one Program To write need one one Unterprogramm, the
itself by the Unterverzeichnisse wuselt and itself first once any
found Filenames anywhere writes.
to decades I had already once this trouble (in a others
Language and others Speichermedien) resolved. one name it well Rekursion
or so similar. now would it me very relieve, if someone, derein
Unterprogramm for this object has and it too wiederfindet, me whom
View source To Disposal to put would.
in the directory Cokumente and EinstellungenolfLokale
EinstellungenTemporary internet Files go pieces from aufgerufenen
Websites for forever stored. One Happiness, I only respectable pages
aufrufe. into couple Monaten, The I XP on this computer have,
speicherten itself already over 8000 Files. the particular on this Ordner is
the Show the jeweiligen kompletten www-Path under properties. can
one this area with a Profan-commands read?
gives it a simple Possibility, a Basic-DATA-row with Hex-Elementen
kommagetrennt displayed from einfachen numbers (0 - 255) in PROFAN-View source
umzuwandeln. i want one altes Q-Basicprogramm, which very plenty
DATA-Lines contains, in profane paraphrase.
already in the ahead would like I all Antwortern thank
with friendly greet

gmx.rolf.gehring means:

Hello Jürgen, Hello Frank,
first once thanks for Your Answer. almost everything clear.
only to that directory Cokumente and EinstellungenolfLokale
EinstellungenTemporary internet Files understand I The response not.
to that XP Internetseiten trouble: I lösche whom betreffenden Ordner daily
and the URLs interessanter pages save I ex. an URL can slight
read go, there it a Textdatei is..
in the Explorer see I The Filenames in a slot and of/ one further
The URL. where is the Textdatei, How come I tappt im dunkeln?
the can itself to the question strain, How I get at all The in the
Explorer indicated Split in a Textdatei, around the indicated
with friendly greet

jesoft.engels means:

Jürgen Engels
Hello Rolf,
URLs are Verknüpfungen in that internet, vergleichbar whom LNKs. If you a
web page in your Favoritenliste aufnimmst we in the corresponding
Ordner a xy.url File created and these File my I.
where the suitable Ordner find depends from the Windowsversion ex
with Win 98 was is simply. ex 2000 must one search depending on which
user one is u.s.w. i want time say besorg The one entsprechendes
book in the such particular described are. Perhaps knows someone
a empfehlenswerten cover.
The lane over The in the Explorer indicated Information is presumably too
possible, but moreover should the Programmer quite well over The windows
functions message know.
lovely Greeting
----- Original Message -----
From: rg
To: Profan-Mail
Sent: Saturday, november 11, 2006 4:13 PM
Subject: AW: a couple small ask
Hello Jürgen, Hello Frank,
first once thanks for Your Answer. almost everything clear.
only to that directory Cokumente and EinstellungenolfLokale
EinstellungenTemporary internet Files understand I The response not.
to that XP Internetseiten trouble: I lösche whom betreffenden Ordner daily
and the URLs interessanter pages save I ex. an URL can slight
read go, there it a Textdatei is..
in the Explorer see I The Filenames in a slot and of/ one further
The URL. where is the Textdatei, How come I tappt im dunkeln?
the can itself to the question strain, How I get at all The in the
Explorer indicated Split in a Textdatei, around the indicated
with friendly greet


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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