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Clemens Meier | Äußerst seldom finds one with Includes and Units irgendeinen Info on its Lauffähigkeit under designed XProfan/Profan - versions or quite which windows-Version. Since I self under WinXP work, can I not Verify, whether a Include or Unit too under 95/98 runs.
naturally are here too The User of 95/98 called, suitable Experience into Forums einzubringen. occasionally reicht already one runs under 95 and XProfan 9, so others message know. would be Real class. goes means please times quick The Units and the Includes through, if your 95/98 or ME have and testing whether with you the parts walk. if so, Please a short Info ... if No, Please a short Info.
many, many Dankschön. |
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Nico Madysa | fit of course not about, but at least to Headline: I have now only once into baby-tab geschaut and will be it certainly so quick not any more do, there one into Codes or Posts simply none Info finds, what the now really make should. a couple comments or so wären Real not so bad. |
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| human Nico herjeh you have there still too garnix to search.
it standing still ultimately everywhere the ADMINS and MODS The Posts from the Babyklappe into Community einsortieren. eachone Posting becomes means begutachtet, möglicherweise nachbearbeitet UND VERSCHOBEN WO ER HINGEHÖRT. Z.B. to Codesnippets.
[quote:e7e7d66aa8]it certainly so quick not any more do[/quote:e7e7d66aa8] first Profan on, then losquasseln.
You should there too nothing search, separate Codes into Babyklappe reintun! |
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Nico Madysa | what bring it, Codes reinzutun, if The nobody benefit must? And if The still someone benefit must, must the too know, what the so begin should. |
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| [quote:2314af65c0]what bring it, Codes reinzutun, if The nobody benefit must? And if The still someone benefit must, must the too know, what the so begin should.[/quote:2314af65c0] probably I will me now wiedermal whom mouth verbrennen, but that it ADMINS in so one grossen Forum give must standing without Abstriche solid. what but Nico , faith I, say wants and the have so did i already on others place bemeckert : what nützt me as OTTO Profan-consumer the move one Codes How the untenstehende OHNE too only The smallest Statement |
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Frank Abbing | for the Source is the Programmer zuständig. badly or none documented Source code nützen niemandem. too can of iF and the Admins not desires go, each Source durchzuackern and To document. therefore the appeal on The Robin Hoodschen Einreicher the Codes, at least a short Statement in the Source To anchoring. |
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| therefore the The Admins here naturally too XProfankundig are is it possible each Codes EINZUSORTIEREN. even if the code for a or others in the Babyklappe useless appear so can the code NACHDEM ER EINSORTIERT WURDE sure its weight get. it must not absolutely one code his. an list or Overview of Sonstwas what with the Programming help can is likewise erwünscht.
releases the Babyklappe are to that example:
a) the Remove the Hürde for gepostete Codes Responsible his To must (so Mancher wrote me the it not wisse whether it itself to that Clown power if it code-X posting) b) the Remove the Hürde itself first einloggen To must (what Yes lasts, therefore here The Schnellvariante: [...] )
whenever DU the community with WISSEN bereichern want without schief angeschaut To go, then can You hold The Babyklappe benefit.
who into yet-not-umsortierten Posts stöbert need itself means well hardly wonder if it for itself nothing brauchbares finds, because Perhaps are The useful items Yes already into suitable Rubrik einsortiert.
so - having it now any understood? |
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Clemens Meier | Well, a question had I already yet. are left or PDF-documents too erwünscht? it would cool, if it another Rubrik moreover were, where one to entsprechender Literatur see could. means for each Topic a Posting with helpful left or Downloads. to that example have I one very good Socket-book in the PDF-stature found. One Forum with Wissenswertes would cool. one can then left and documents into Babyklappe and give your sortiert tappt im dunkeln into new Forum one |
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Dietmar Horn | Hi,
iFs Statement might still well eindeutig been his:
[box:4940031bca]it must not absolutely one code his. an list or Overview of Sonstwas what with the Programming help can is likewise erwünscht.[/box:4940031bca] means always since and mere with the babes into tab, sofern tappt im dunkeln somehow To (X)Profan fit.
if itself More as 1 - 2 -3 sinnvolle Posts here ansammeln should, The in no the recent Rubriken fit, is a for suitable Rubrik 1 - 2 - fix arranged. so quick become You none bad can, How that here occur becomes.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 05/31/06 ▲ |
Clemens Meier | [quote:81848e2f86=Dietmar horn]means always since and mere with the babes into tab, sofern tappt im dunkeln somehow To (X)Profan fit.[/quote:81848e2f86] very this is Yes the trouble. If I the Socket-book uploade, has it in the first momentum quite nothing with (X)Profan To do. therefore hoe I Yes to. otherwise becomes it Yes simply again deleted. How I but from your Worten entnehmen can, should one everything post, what as fountain or Documentation for XProfane benefit can. |
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Michael Wodrich | Wirf it simply into - it'll already its lane find... |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 05/31/06 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn | Hi,
To (X)Profan fit in our baby-tab fundamentally first time everything mere, what too only Entferntesten something with the program To do has (except Spam) - means too everything, what not absolutely coercive something with (X)Profan To do having must!
The further Vorgehensweise with such babes will then here by the Admins already somehow yield ...
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 05/31/06 ▲ |