the Android SDK exists from the Emulator with a englischsprachigen Android-Betriebssystem as well as vorinstallierten Applications. One Adressbuch, one internet-Browser as well as a adjusted Version of Date Maps demonstrating the developer the zweigleisige Bedienkonzept the Date-Betriebssystems: Android SDK bedient one How the iPhone by Touchscreen, the Date-OS supported but at the same time tools with Handy- or vollwertiger QWERTZ-keyboard.
Android SDK bid numerous Interfaces for Entwicklungsarbeit. The englischsprachige Documentation describe a row unterstützter APIs: the developer-Kit bid among other things Interfaces for Applications with Netzzugriff, GPS, Bluetooth or OpenGL-3D-Grafikunterstützung. for Android developed Java-Applications in the APK-stature installs one with the so named Android Debug Bridge on the Kommandozeilen-plain.
Fazit Android SDK bring any for Entwicklungsarbeit compel Komponenten with. The installation of Applications in the APK-stature over The Kommandozeile hätten The Date-Macher though eleganter solve can.