...go now without further Notes against the standard-Avatar the Community ausgetauscht. In last Time häufen itself unfortunately copyright-Verstösse, The not further toleriert go can. Niemandem can on it lain his, that the pursued the XProfan-Community through Verstösse this manner prevented or delayed becomes - I say only the cue: Abmahnungen.
...therefore see now Admins in all Profilen a new option Avatar-Image-Delete. with one Click and without demand becomes accordingly the Avatar-Image one Mitgliedes deleted.
I wars! (have one Testobjekt sought and found - verzeih [ausserdem was your Ava eh not Deins - and spooky *bibber* moreover])
my altes Avatar was one spare verwendbares Pic.. hereon have I at select large worth laid. but alike. I bow me the Willkür.what remaining me too other spare. an Beschwerdestelle there here , in the diktatorischen democracy , Yes not.
* possible ironical gemeinte Textstellen are not through Smilies marked.*
now you were simply to incorrect Time on the incorrect place - therefore was my Löschwillkür objectively a such!
an Beschwerdestelle there here , Yes not.
correctly., The have I abgeschafft. These watts almost only of me self used. as i to many Mails noticed that I on my own answered held I it for angebrachter Verzicht To exercise and this feature To hide.