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Michael Wodrich | Tolles part.
unfortunately have I there light Problems with. in the Beta showed it whom last User on, though it itself dismisses having. for want of Zuspruch in the Chat presently not To testing obs now runs.
new Version: (1.0 - 4.10.05) After one Weilchen is the Laufband suddenly disappeared and can itself neither again on.
I hope on further good versions, find The idea simply class.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 10/06/05 ▲ |
| can me Michael only connect, The idea is class. Folgender Schönheitfehler is me noticed: The Verknüpfungen include whom Arbeitpfad not, therefore becomes The ini not found and the dummy.txt not there prepares, where tappt im dunkeln hingehört. you should the Inno-Setup Skript in something so complement: [quote:025010d01c][Icons] name: {group}ComChat; Filename: {app}ComChat.exe; WorkingDir: {app}[/quote:025010d01c] its IMHO rather, The Paths with $PROGDIR To detect. |
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| @TS: yesterday night gabs there another Update - the Setup setting seither too The Paths.
salvo. |
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Rolf Koch | thanks you for flowers
@Michael: ought to really fixed his, that the incorrect Userzahl at last User displayed becomes. means by me shows it it correctly. on. >Nach one Weilchen is the Laufband suddenly disappeared and can itself neither again on comic, by me becomes it whom whole day displayed. this is still time again typical. in a Why the so is? Screen saver? might his. Have I Depp not dran virtual. because I use not so extreme many functions How with Noctramic with the Calendar on the Page.
@TS: the Setup has IF made. but he's it nevertheless FEIN made LOL. |
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Michael Wodrich | Hello Rolf, Yes could the Screen saver been his. The is in the firm active.
by me To Home is the Laufband steady.
i'm noticed, that itself the Laufband always over the Taskbar befindet. there have I with the Programming yet difficulty.
I use namely a zweizeilige Taskbar.
can You me there time on The Sprünge help, How I the sure program can? by me alights always one part under the groin (means under the oberen row).
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 10/06/05 ▲ |
Rolf Koch | I will you gladly show. Please give me but nochn bisserl Time. otherwise schreib me ne Erinnerungsmail The days what about me will be here ne response write *LOL* be something like of deepening in that Progrämmchen, that me everything otherwise ausm concept throws
Rolf |
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Michael Wodrich | v1.2 - a night run - on the next tommorrow was a Error Message there: Exception Violation
I thought me nothing with - it given already a new Version
now i was coffee drink - meanwhile werkelt v1.2b - again crash: Anwendungsfehler Exception Violation - appear 2 time. The Laufleiste is during the Message already lane - The 00 disappears first, if I with the mouse drüberfahre.
here's apparently still something in the argen. I had the part but already long go through let and it was nothing To notice. (Perhaps on solitude eingegangen ???)
can unfortunately no genaueren Info supplying, hope The observation helps nevertheless.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 10/10/05 ▲ |
| 2 Opportunities had I yet, Please, Please rather Rolf
Optionales turn off the Wartezeit at Start. I habs not Autostart. Ausserdem wait ZoneAlarm always To any ready are, circa as last to start, so the my windows too long need would.
indicated for AutoLogin, one can still soonen link Generate, the somehow with reinquetschen, so the one really same loschatten can
i know, I Have always Extrawünsche |
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| Jo - at TomateSalatBurger is the cheese indeed extra.
lol! |
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Rolf Koch | If I then Time have, I will me the time by the head weg let for the Autologin, must me If then nochma very telling for.
Rolf |
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| for the Waiting kannste one ProgrammParameter to assimilate, this ergänzte in the link to that Autostart. with whom andern Verknüpfungen läßte it simply lane. really right simple |
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Rolf Koch | integrally logical: Program:Kuckst You Autostart, if no Chomchatle drin,then no Wartezeit. so pleasantly? Rolf |
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