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Detlef Jagolski | Hi,
i want two Dialogelemente on one Bitmap bring.
the first with Control. and the second with Create.
from the help of XProfan:
Hinweis; If Dialogelemente on this Bitmap lying should, so is with them nevertheless the lever the übergeordneten Dialoges/Fensters anzugeben and not the the Bitmap-Controls. so becomes gewährleistet, that The Buttons, etc. How dwelt react.
my trouble, the first isn't visible, Why not?
or missing one Style?
Declare appexit%
SetTrueColor 1
Window Style $003F
Window Title DesignForm
Window %maxX + 5,114 - 498,415
Cls ~GetSysColor(15)
UseFont MS Sans Serif,13,0,0,0,0
SetDialogFont 1
var bitmaphandle& = create(hNewPic,350,82,RGB(167,226,222))
var ControlBitmap& = Create(BITMAP,%hwnd,bitmaphandle&,20,60)
var Edit1&=Control(EDIT,,$540100C2,145,99,121,21,%hwnd,2000,%hinstance,$200)
var Edit2&=CreateEdit(%hwnd,,145,110,121,21)
SetWindowPos %hwnd = 207,114 - 498,415;0
WhileNot appexit%
If %key = 2
Let appexit%=1
ElseIf GetFocus(Edit1&)
ElseIf GetFocus(Edit2&)
ElseIf %key = 4
ElseIf %key = 5
| XProfan X4, PRFellow, Profan2Cpp - Version 2.0c-pre5, Windows 11 | 06/30/08 ▲ |
| must well on the Style lying, set to The Loop and It's all right. I have no Ursachenvorschung betrieben. |
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Ledeod Remmud | you have whom wrong Style staid. RGH setting with its Editcontrolen these Style:
var Edit1&=Control(EDIT,,$50010080,145,99,121,21,%hwnd,2000,%hinstance,$200) |
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Detlef Jagolski | Hi,
i want the in the first Dialogelement the Text right reported becomes. otherwise could I Yes same everything with Create make and had no Problems.
Detlef |
| XProfan X4, PRFellow, Profan2Cpp - Version 2.0c-pre5, Windows 11 | 06/30/08 ▲ |
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Dieter Zornow | I have too no Ursachenforschung betrieben, but since You Yes on the Mainwindow are has one simple Drawpic whom equal effect and goes most likely. |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 06/30/08 ▲ |
Detlef Jagolski | Hello IF,
the Klappt, thanks
but Why?
Detlef |
| XProfan X4, PRFellow, Profan2Cpp - Version 2.0c-pre5, Windows 11 | 06/30/08 ▲ |
| because I the Style change, not whom extended-Style. |
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Detlef Jagolski | Hi,
from the API Help:
guard untergeordnete Window voreinander. the means: sustain one bestimmtes untergeordnetes Window a WM_PAINT-message, guard The indicated this Stils any others untergeordneten Window this plain in the area the betreffenden untergeordneten Fensters to the New-drawing. (is the Style WS_CLIPSIBLINGS not indicated, and untergeordnete Window überlappen itself, can it vorkommen, that at Draw Client-area one untergeordneten Fensters in Client-area one benachbarten untergeordneten Fensters drawn becomes.) only together with the Sitl WS_CHILD useable.
without WS_CLIPSIBLINGS goes it without Problems.
Detlef |
| XProfan X4, PRFellow, Profan2Cpp - Version 2.0c-pre5, Windows 11 | 07/01/08 ▲ |