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development - On 1 look

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Hello Horst,
one very nice Program. enclosed The view by me.

a couple (hopefully smaller ones) Problems have I fixes:

If one not any laufwerksbuchstaben durchgehend using, go The Laufwerksinfos not on their right Space displayed (and the Click aufs Laufwerksymbol lead then too in that vain).
If I z.B. by me (see Image) the (there not visible) Laufwerkssymbol of Z: click, comes The Message, that O: unreadable is. the in wonder not, there it O: in my system not gives. Physikalische Festplattenpartitionen are C:, D:, E:, F: and (from historischen Found) Q: and Z:; G: is my CD/DVD-Brenner; I:, J:, k: and L: are the installed Cardreader; X: and Y: two with Virtual CD 5.0 begot virtual CD-drives, where in X: one virtuelles Medium potted is.

The Laufwerksssymbole to whom Laufwerksbuchstaben vanish sometimes (see Image).

to that virtual drive X: becomes quite nothing displayed, except that it To 100% filled is, what kind of CD-ROM naturally correctly is.


177 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: A-1-B by me
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

- Page 6 -

started has The whole Misere to your Umstellung the surface.

the having Frank and Dietmar through this Thread so wirken let.

Tatsaechlich but began the trouble frueher, Frank having with the Layoutwandlung only (again) a Kuhle found, in the it itself then ausbreitete.

The conflict between Frank and me, from the Dietmar of my opinion to itself solely has in Mitleidenschaft wander let because it not rather known (but too without hardship uebrigens), arose with Programming the XIDE already.

I formulate it time so:

Frank fuehle itself each time embarrassing beruehrt, of notwendigen allude, of them I then already not at all More known, How hoeflich I these yet Formulieren should, so the mr not again where hingetreten fuehlt.

thereafter is it gedanklich umgekippt and uses each welcome present, To show, that if it here already not the Boy is, that it then at least there ne opinion has.

unfortunately but has it itself too hierbei verrant in that negatives, but I can NEN erwachsenen man not Change.

nevertheless had I gladly known, what with you go is.

Nuescht! is go! i'm even correctly. Happy and successful here!

Wuerde Yes gladly boast of the, I access have, be still too one braggarts - but some tip then again mental circa, and believes items To see The it not at all gives. (How in this Thread deference-schluemm-this-criminals-klaut-us-The-Shoutbox)

there's so many people, The then Meise play, and others not goennen, what herself but haetten too having koennen, only because tappt im dunkeln forget, it still really swapped to have in something, that against The not having, them one then only yet unholdiges unterstellt.

envy is to that k but I think very the triffts well fully, envious here, envious the, on jenes... very this behaviour is still so simply To watch that me even wundert and enttaeuscht, that some the not at all mitbekommt, and on this waves rides.

this Forum was for me always one place, on the I learn could, on the I but too time a joke on cost the others make could and self on the poor taken watts.

Well there faengt it but already again on, frueher was everything rather... I have as a others claim, but the gives but niemanden the right me gegenueber unfair or unsachlich To go.

against nothing other wehre I, and the most go the too so see. And if not, can I the strength of my Wassersuppe even not Change, what but against nothing on it aendert, that here z.B. nothing abgestellt becomes.

Perhaps be so did i go ahead STUPID, it so niederzuschreiben, that it simply verstaendlich is. then but Schonmal Dankeschoen fuer The whole Rueckendeckung.

but too one Großvermieter must itself a little bit to the cover its tenant strain. otherwise walk The it namely of it.

too so a thing, You hoerst me naehmlich neither To, alike How and How often I it write!

The visit having itself almost double with halving the Traffics + The Registrationskurve is progressiv to supra geschnellt, though here a registration hardly necessary is!

Tatsaechlich are The only Stenkerer still only The, The without know darueber the contrary insist, and not time einlenken, after I with X different Worten erklaert and displayed have (Yes, even in numbers!) that they even Unrecht having.

and ums to German To say: tenant weg not, only because some erzaehlt the House be not schoen, if the House but tatsaelich schoen is, very schoen is, No say we - really one Cockaigne.

on the end: numbers luegen not, that get The Humans only there.

in the Übrigen have You Yes my Mobil-number and with Your Base-Tarif cost it only Time

Ne is valuable from New Jersey, but the waere no reason fuer me you not anzurufen, separate sooner because I you still not in that ear fluestern must, wass so did i clear out write can. Selbstverstaendlich, if you moechtest I z.B. anrufe, then is the fuer me no trouble.

but what say I (and How often already) - comes Yes simply with z.B. you not on, because You it on Things festmachst, How z.B. No Shoutbox, though I already X time gebeten and erklaert have (How stupid of me), something Ruecksicht To take, because the are missing the Shoutbox in the Grunde voellig irrelevant is in the Contrast to the, wass here everything weg should or. now already functions or. as always functions or. always functions.

greeting, David.

must same to that airport, Rueckflug, be first tommorrow circa 10 again in Germany. How schoen.

Rückflug wen 21 january 09

flying time: 11:35

start: terminal 4 New York J F Kennedy international Apt (JFK), New York, united states
16:20 wen
arrival: Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS), Amsterdam, Niederlande
06:00 Do
KLM (KL 6054)
Flugzeugtyp - 757
carryed out of Northwest Airlines
Help about flight and E-Ticket clicking tappt im dunkeln Please here

06:00, Do - 08:35, Do -
duration the Zwischenstopps: 2h35
start: Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS), Amsterdam, Niederlande
08:35 Do
arrival: Berlin Tegel Apt (TXL), Berlin, Germany
09:55 Do
KLM (KL 1821)
Flugzeugtyp - F70
Help about flight and E-Ticket

so -
now be I sämtlichen friends and known with USB-Anschluss on the Wecker gone !
even my Stammgeschäft for Hard- and software had dran believe: [...] 
Überall running the Tool!
an Error Message How Thomas suitor here shows, watts neither fixes.
should once The drive-Icons partly or not at all showing, helps one Click on
update or The F5-Button
It can with speedy CPU and of/ one schmalbrüstigen Grafikkarte moreover come, that The display
verschluckt becomes. (The testimony stammt not of me, separate of a electronics-technician)

New moreover come in the Version 2301 is:

at that update becomes too The Speicheranzeige new aufgebaut.
in the Statuszeile standing now one Button with the immediate over the Mail-Program gemeckert go can.

thanks Horst.
Runs now really round...

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich

P.s.: Lw. k: is manually deaktiviert been (yet without Neustart)

75 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: with LW-Bildchen
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

either see I tappt im dunkeln only not, or it missing The Uhrzeit in the On 1 look.

Perhaps can Horst from it too a Mini-Variante make The z.B. attempts, The Information as a manner Gadget view.

thanks - the installing !

If you one unbedarften, volksschulgebildeten User erklärst, what a Gadget is, can I you hereon Answer

One Gadget is a Program, the permanent runs, usually only one very small Window has or only as Icon in the Taskbar To see is.
with Your Program could I me well present, that it as small watch on the desktop To see is and Perhaps additional The Laufwerksbuchstaben small indicating. If one with the Cursor drübersteht, popt but one größeres Window with all Information on.
Something like is still vorzugsweise round or anyway in others shape as popelich rectangular.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Hello Horst,
the best is Perhaps, if you a new Thread aufmachst. I benenne this then in On 1 look Beta circa and You can new begin. OK?
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

- Page 7 -

@Jörg: differently rum has it as rather rausgestellt, because one whom Program-Host-Thread belässt with Initialposting* and a/whom remainder abtrennt in a Making-Of-Thread which z.B. in the Regulars table stored his can. of Initialposting the Program-Host-Threads Gibts then a Button/Link to that Making-Of-Thread.

*) so lose itself neither The Download-Information and The Download-ID remaining The same, important if these already somewhere is used.

would be I Yes make but me erschließt not, How I the Thread aufsplitten and single Posts move can.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

OK, supra in the piloting on Moderation clicking and joining whom To splittenden Thread You can.

The Thread becomes then in the Splitmode viewed and each individual Posting can one [X] tick settle.

in the oberen area the Threadanzeige in the Splitmode can whom place and names the new Threads to determine, in the The Posts laid out go, which one [X] tick staid get having.

The Splitmode knows against 2 modes: separate ex Posting [X], or part any Posts with [X].

want one z.B. any Posts except The first(?!) 5(?!) detach, so setting one simply one [X] tick on Posting 6 and says: ex gewähltem Posting share. want one but only few Postings a Thread fitzeln, then markiert one The herauszufitzelnden Posts and says: chosen Posts share.

You müsstest in this example simply the 2. Posting in the Thread one [X] tick miss out on and say: ex gewähltem Posting share.

Thread the Übersichtlichkeit halber shared. The Ursprungsthread is here: [...] 
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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