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Done: Eigenleistung strengthen ...


nothing is unmöglich ...

... and in the Überwachungs-state BRD through the bundesdeutschen Nachfolge-organization namens STASI II sure soon too soon not any more undenkbar ... because The Billion-Schutzschirme for poor, of HATZ IV threatened bank-manager must Yes finally somehow refinanziert go ...

See JPG-attachment (to that Scrolling).


fountain: [...] 

395 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: new ways need the country ...
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

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Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

the The (se Politiker) too always so belustigende names having müssten...

<-- kein grüner schwuler Kommunist

ALG must only complete wegfallen, at a single blow hätten any again work and the Arbeitenden hätten again the money what tappt im dunkeln earn.

Renter relating pension and Kranke relating Krankengeld, unemployed person should no money of Arbeitenden get if The Arbeitenden not voluntarily give would.

Wüssten the The people, that they itself each Own money erarbeiten must, would tappt im dunkeln with the erarbeitetem money too differently bypass - wohlbemerkt any guaranteeing too a work hätten and only semi so new Handys...

and for, of a Completed: of my opinion has: go still simply works.

@iF: and How ordnest You something like one?

See attachment.


fountain: [...] 

483 kB
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Moin !

one ought to not excite. Why ? because we The mündigen Citizen these bescheuerten Politiker over ands over again dial. i'm still integrally stunned, that one Banken with 500 Billion € support wants and pensioner sometimes to Geldknappheit not whom sleep come. Toller Sozialstaat. I listen rather on, otherwise comes yet the thought on, I had ne rights soul.

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !!

Dietmar horn
@iF: and How ordnest You something like one?

See attachment.

very such Irrsinn and Geldverschwendung, if the what there standing The whole truth is.

an Zahlungsaufforderung to that Entrichten the Steuer plus Vorgangskosten wären imho verhältnismäßiger been if one deliberating what there for a apparatus in Gange staid watts

Bernd Haase
Moin !

one ought to not excite. Why ? because we The mündigen Citizen these bescheuerten Politiker over ands over again dial.

Volksvertreter The yours work not descendants (and the I at least neither chosen have) make the Schmarotzen lovely to and naturally ought to one itself quiet constantly excite.


Volksvertreter The yours work not descendants (and the I at least neither chosen have) make the Schmarotzen lovely to and naturally ought to one itself quiet constantly excite.

Ne,ne. not excite, differently dial !!!
Mit freundlichem Gruß

Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !!

If only The Half the ca. 10 millions unemployed finally to electoral weg and your Cross possible far the left of the SPD (sozial Piraten Deutschlands) on the right place make would, then would one gewaltiger Orkan over Germany hinwegfegen and thereafter would the Spuk with the Berliner Kasperletheater finally for all time past! That something like thoroughly functions can, the having we Ossis Yes 1989 the whole world viewed! worse How to this Umsturz in the autumn 1989 can it therefore neither More come!

still somehow shining it itself To dwell whom whole loves long day to the goggle-box with Richterin Barbara Barber & Co. and the many Verblödungs-Talkshows still right easily To life. unfortunately! and thereby observes the stupid teutsche Michel not yet once, How it constantly of in front To hinten and of hinten To in front verarscht becomes!

on the other hand there many unemployed person and pensioner, The zerfetzen itself in her Ehrenämtern each day until goes-not-More, circa others weiterzuhelfen. still unfortunately is not The volume! evident reicht it whom most people from, if your humpy to some extent warm is, always a couple Flaschen cheap-beer next to the Fernsehsessel stand and the ash-tray sufficient Nachschub has. The Verdummungsmedien namens BILD, SAT, RTL & Co do your Übriges for, circa this negative-Image the allegedly schmarotzenden unemployed aufrechtzuerhalten. i want herewith under no circumstance any unemployed a comb scissors, still to my experience are such Erscheinungen unfortunately no extremen individual cases More - neither with us in the east this Bananenrepublik Deutschlands.

Hochbezahlte Abzocker-Banker verspielen the money the small Otto-normal-Sparers on the exchange and get for subsequently yet hundreds of Billion(!) Teuros of state as Rettungs-screen into Allerwertesten blown! and the, though the normalen people from the Berliner Puppenspielern the Kapitals constantly gepredit becomes, that the public cash registers allegedly empty seien and any whom cincture enger schnallen müßten. i'm of course Perhaps too sometimes something bescheuert and likes in manchen eyes occasionally something senil wirken - but a such hirnrissigen Blödsinn can I at best sake not any more understand! moreover must one not absolutely maths and Physics study having, in order to discern, where The trip weg becomes, if this Trend not soon on demokratischem ways of under to supra inverse and again of head on The Füße set becomes!

eachone small Handwerksmeister must with his GmbH-Klitsche in Insolvenz weg, if itself his venture not any more rechnet. before has this often yet with seinem whole wealth, How House and court and Ersparnissen etc. gehaftet and is the everything go. there kräht afterwards no chanticleer More thereafter - with whom Bankern against sees the differently from. These catch hundreds Billion hinten mere gepustet, To its Anus short before the burst standing. if need be becomes even from whom Reihen the Vorstände one Bauernopfer exquisite and downed, which then The blame undertaking and its resignation anbietet. naturally only against a compensation for previous merits in Millionenhöhe. bet, that the with Mehdorn and the DB AG time again so similar functions becomes?

which normal employee or employed can because already its resignation offer and for another compensation kassieren, if it the Job time against expect seinerseits involuntary real shit built has? in the contrary! this fly gnadenlos out and get another couple vigorously Arschtritte as Abschieds-present hinzu, How z.B. Sperrfrist at later unemployment benefit, etc.!

yourself be I under no circumstance fehlerfrei and I certainly my Macken. If I as MMJ-chairman however time shit built have, then give I mean Error To and korrigiere tappt im dunkeln even and be under no circumstance beratungsresident. big deal? there falls me still no jags from the crown! particularly children and adolescent weg nowadys with plenty offeneren eyes durchs life. most anyway. who spun them because a Rettungs-screen on, as they withal gutem graduation no apprenticeship position or none Studienplatz get, or to successful abgeschlossener Training none job ergattern can? The legally binding vorbestrafte kriminelle Ex-VW-manager namens Peter HA(R)TZ with seinem zusammengerafften Millionenvermögen about?

Why to the Steuerzahler currently again millions or Billion Teuros into insolvente Opel-AG pumps, The our children, grandchildren etc. in the next generation anyhow refund must? my god! then there even sometime none Opel More! therefore becomes The world neither go down! then drives even not everyone Popel More NEN Opel, separate sometime even one other car! if need be even Lada, Dacia, Skoda, Ford, or irgendeine make from China, Korea, japan or india. The market becomes the already richten!

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Dietmar, You promise a couple gewältige words let from. my acclaim.
Mit freundlichem Gruß

Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !!

Bernd Haase
i'm still integrally stunned, that one Banken with 500 Billion € support wants

Ds has already a important reason the The Banken supported go must. its so the many companies presently Kredite need circa moreover deal to otherwise went tappt im dunkeln bankrupt. there The Banken because of falser lead even now this money not provide can, must tappt im dunkeln hold gefördert go, so The whole groen companies not broken weg. The whole economy which of these tributary made has would then to cave in. I give To, it went too differently but the was simply on the simplest. your must The whole zusammenhänge see. If no economy there's, can none works. If none operates defrays nobody into Rentenkasse etc...
and not the your think I steh on its Page, but I can those supra too understand, usually. much could but really differently his How z.B. The diets the Herrschaften and some would rather therefore lösbar. i'm immernoch the opinion Politiker should voluntarily to that wohle the Volkes works and not yet 20x More earn How I (if I what get would)!
Gtuß Thomas
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!

this is but already again these damned Black-white-Denkerei, with the The people veräppelt and ruhiggestellt go should!

where standing the because written, that the state whom Bankern Billion of Euros into Hintern blow must and these Gelder not z.B. same yourself whom bedürftigen companies auszahlt? in the Bibel about? If the state evident soviele hundred Billion Teuros for spare has, and so sermon it because then since years gebetsmühlenartig its Bürgern, that tappt im dunkeln whom cincture enger schnallen müßten, because the public cash registers empty seien? with the idiotischen Abwrack-bonus etc. works the still too. One sufficient great Verwaltungs-Wasserkopf for is still anyhow already present!

And if a bank because of the raffgierigen Zockerei yours super-manager on the exchange bankrupt goes, then should these bank even Insolvenz register and even bankrupt weg! this is still exakt the integrally normal principle the kapitalistischen Marktwirtschaft. Why must it because soviele Banken with sovielen high- or. überbezahlten Managern give? would for not nationwide altogether 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Banken suffice?

but No! The manager having viewed, that tappt im dunkeln your venture against The Wand rad and get for too yet bulky Gelder of Steuerzahler! If you as manager of/ one small GmbH your venture into Insolvenz lead, then get You of keinem Banker this world too only a only cent credit. bet, that the so is?

your must The whole zusammenhänge see. If no economy there's, can none works. If none operates defrays nobody into Rentenkasse etc...

again on The Verdummungs-Media reingefallen! These Media do meanwhile evident whole work, too on whom schools, etc.

Wozu need one because The economy, circa works to? circa such criminal former super-Managern, How z.B. Peter HA(R)TZ of VW its Lebensabend To versüßen?

many Otto-Normalos schuften each month 250 hours and yet plenty More, circa itself and your families to some extent over waters hold to. nevertheless catch meanwhile millions of them not yet time wage or salary in Höhe the Sozialhilfe and must itself ihren keep as HA(R)TZ-IV-Aufstocker each month of bundesdeutschen Armutsamt call for! time integrally irrespective whom many Rentnern, its Mini-pension to one arbeitsreichen life (zynischer point too yet vollmundig as Grundsicherung marks) on Sozialhilfe-level aufgestockt go must, so it Yes not to a Sozial-revolution in Deppen-Germany comes! because before it having our Berliner Bundes-Kasper at least so much fear, How the devil's before the Weihwasser!

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

@Dietmar and IF: BEIFALL !!! (find the gossip-Smilie not )

@Dietmar: you have forget To allude, thats Abwrackprämie too only again Schwindel on Rädern is:
of/ one family, where one part Hartz IV sustain, go The 2.500 Teuro as income angerechnet. means would I me z.B. now one new car of my mad Verdientem buy, would the of course ggf. as Geschäfts-spending acknowledged, but with of my woman (in its Bedarfsgemeinschaft I Yes lebe), would The bonus (for my altes private-car) as income for may part angerechnet !! this would Heisen, schlagartig 2.500 € in the month More to have (without these to have), means first 3 months no tired marrow of office for woman and children. About The Auswirkungen on such things How allowance to that Bus-money for my small, I will none first cogitate (I Have not pseudo, the The school with us in the place, 150m of me, closed and is now 15 km Schulweg with 5 €/day for Bus border. The Gemeinde wished this neither, but the watts of supra diktiert).

circa with whom Examples To stay: myself Have beginning March a friendly recollection of Tax get, the still well yet 504,00 € (Yes, Euro, not thousand-Euro) on abzuführender Tax. open are, receive. with of my sofortigen Vorsprache watts me mitgeteilt: to put tappt im dunkeln still a proposition on Stundung !!. said, done, concise 2 weeks later The deviation, on the next day The Pfändung in the Briefkasten. 3-4 days later one write of of my bank, the my Geschäftskonto because of Mißbrauchs gekündigt becomes (there having the FA already The fingers on it). demand with the bank has yield, the the Abuse The kurzzeitige Pfändung by the FA is. of course has The bank always beautiful well your Kontoführungsgebühren get, but apparently has these no interest More on customers, which only your fees pay for and no millions eingelagert having (that I there yet plenty 8.000 € from 2007 open have, interested there schlichtweg no Sau).

what power one means ?? deal umgemeldet to second occupation, then having any what of it:
- I count official again as Erwerbslos (too in the Bedarfsgemeinschaft)
- I must official still with all mögl. AG works
- I must bills only yet without Tax. exhibit, Have I less work and the state get
quite nothing More of me (though I the always as impudence respected have, the the state 19%
of my Verdienstes without Gegenleistung kassiert, because, I have worked and not the state).

And if I then today evening too still in whom Messages listen, the still The poor Asylbewerber claim too Hartz IV get should (without apiece a cent eingezahlt to have), in the countermove moreover but the Leistungen on pensioner and Bedürftige adjusted (d.h. gekürzt) go, there should one not the hat hochgehen ???

and @IF: Yes, behind your testimony then goes still works (sinngemäß) stand so did i still, I Have me my life long trouble given, always something money to dwell To bring.
but in this state becomes indeed eachone (small) attempt, itself independent To make, with all Mitteln prevented.

so, the my opinion moreover,
Mario, , the now too attempts to to that-Winkel umzuziehen...

Nachtrag: and Yes, as i today evening The Messages in the radio heard have, be I of purchase from the CZ come. would be so did i don't, unless again the super in the Nachbarland 40 cent/liters !! billiger would (but it stand Yes The Oster-holiday on, there must one Yes in D again correctly. zulangen (1,279 €/liters super in FG)).

Nix for Offense, we wursteln us already through....
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

(though I the always as impudence respected have, the the state 19% of my Verdienstes without Gegenleistung kassiert, because, I have worked and not the state.)

well, we want but not forget, that the steer not grundlos there are, still becomes so (in principle ) the social network expanded, schools, police and fire brigade finanziert, erneuerbare Energieträger, cards for the urban theatre and milk subsidized, ... without steer or with geringen were not time Hartz IV, separate only NEN Stinkefinger for unemployed person.

that the steer lavish go, is naturally one other song, which however against no Begründung is, The steer To lower.

Greeting Nico

PS: In Germany go jährlich round 100 Millarden Euro on steer hinterzogen, the reicht fat circa each german The third To pay for. we hätten accordingly less Problems with the finance the sozialen Netzes, if any people simply The steer paid.
Nico Madysa


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