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Dietmar Horn | Hello together,
has someone of you Experience with the create larger documents with actually Textverarbeitungen (several hundred Pages in of/ one File)?
for the write of my mapped XProfan-Lehrbuches have I already almost everything on TV ausprobiert, what me yet between The fingers come is, How Word, Works, Open-Office, Star-Office. To ca. 250 pages amplitude play tappt im dunkeln any to some extent with. still thereafter knallt it constantly (Programmabstürze - usually, if one straight longer Time not zwischengespeichert has).
currently work I with Star-Office 8.0, because even Word already before only yet rumgesponnen having. still the Save lasts so with currently over 300 pages already ca. a half-way hour. now write I of course since some Time single chapter self-contained in a others *.odt and füge tappt im dunkeln sometime into Hauptdokument over "Einfügen" -> "Datei" on The suitable place one, but on the Time for the Save changes the too nothing.
man, oh man, were the still nice times beginning the Nineties years been, as i documents with several hundred pages and many Bitmaps on my then 386 DX 40 with straight time 4 MB RAM and Word 5.5 for DOS prepares having. there went the everything yet 1-2-fix with the Save.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 09/21/08 ▲ |
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Dietmar Horn | well Yes, but Seitennummerierung, table of contents, structure and Stichwortverzeichnis could one then ditto forget, if to the everything not sometime and somehow into Zentraldokument into get, or?
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 09/21/08 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | in the doing, or it would at least circa some komplizierter; for mehrfaches Change naturally not praktikabel.
there helps only memory arm and the Images as Link integrate. that is with Word but yet something differently. there are too Einbettungen, The but first at Print to that carry come.
now white I again: not eingebettet, not verlinkt, separate "verknüpft". the Image viewed and scheucht whom Text properly, but stored in the document becomes only a link. unfit to Dateiweitergabe as document, there then The Graphics moreover must - but with conversion in PDF ists Yes a only File.
so is the edit then integral flotter.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 09/21/08 ▲ |
| there sees one time, that so one blöder "Computerführerschein (ECDL)", over the any world laughs, sometimes Yes still To what Nutze is. small statement enclosed:
Zentraldokument ========= object one Zentraldokuments is it, one umfangreiches document To manage and To organize, because one it in smaller ones and plainer To handhabende documents (Filialdokumente) aufteilt.
so prepares one one Zentraldokument:
1. after tappt im dunkeln the new document prepares and stored having, change tappt im dunkeln in the Menu ANSICHT and GLIEDERUNG into Gliederungsansicht.
2. Positionieren tappt im dunkeln The Einfügemarke on those to put, on the the first chapter eingefügt go should and clicking the symbol UNTERDOKUMENT EINFÜGEN .
3. in the Dialog-Window UNTERDOKUMENT EINFÜGEN Mark tappt im dunkeln those File, The eingefügt go should and confirm with the Schaltfläche ÖFFNEN.
4. the chapter becomes eingefügt and as Filialdokument marked. same try: Zentraldokument with marked Filialdokumenten
5. Any Filialdokumente integrate, can these either * as link with the Original or * with the whole Content in the Zentraldokument displayed go.
after one The Einfügemarke in a Filialdokument positioniert has, clicking one the symbol UNTERDOKUMENT ENTFERNEN : * around the Filialdokument To delete and * as solid component into Zentraldokument To take. (the symbol FILIALDOKUMENT becomes then not any more displayed).
Filialdokumente ============== In them find the actual contents, The then to a whole document – the Zentraldokument – zusammengefügt go. One Filialdokument can einerseits self-contained prepares or a existing Zentraldokument ausgegliedert go.
One document in Filialdokumente divide:
1. Wechsle into Gliederungsansicht. 2. reduce there The plains on The Kapitelüberschriften. 3. Markiere all those plains (these include The suitable chapter), The as Filialdokumente ausgegliedert go should and clicking tappt im dunkeln on The Symbolschaltfläche FILIALDOKUMENT ERSTELLEN . 4. The chapter go as Filialdokumente marked. The effectively Ausgliederung the individual chapter results however first at Save the Dokuments. Please before on Blindtext try: "Dokument in Filialdokumente aufteilen". at that Save the Dokuments go each chapter as self-contained Files abgespeichert. your Filenames correspond to whom Kapitelüberschriften.
Open the Zentraldokumentes: ===== at that Open the Zentraldokuments can in the Gliederungsansicht two Darstellungsvarianten chosen go:
1. Filialdokumente not Zentraldokument angezeigen, separate only your left (too in the Normalansicht is then the Content not visible, separate only The left). best on Blindtext try: "Zentraldokument with Filialdokument-Links" to that Open clicking one with pressed - STRG Button on the Link (the Filialdokument becomes in a own window opened).
or: 2. to that Open the Filialdokuments in the Zentraldokument clicking one in the Gliederungsansicht on The Symbolschaltfläche FILIALDOKUMENT ERWEITERN [v]] . * change tappt im dunkeln now into Normalansicht, so becomes the document How the einstige Original-document with all Kapiteln displayed. * The ausgegliederten chapter are in the Zentraldokument editierbar. Changes go into jeweiligen Filialdokumenten stored. * in the Normalansicht are each Filialdokumente by the Abschnittswechsel marked.
hope, it works, Dietmar! Greeting, P. woodpecker |
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Michael Wodrich | [ irony ] The number of times auftauchende warning
best on Blindtext try
means then well, that it still not correct functions....
...or say we: it functions so, as in windows "üblich" is. [ /irony ] Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 09/21/08 ▲ |
| gives it no Buchschreibeprogramm? |
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Michael Wodrich | still...
on mac - Rechnern |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 09/21/08 ▲ |
| @iF: TeX (I mean so LaTeX) can a good deal, has but a gewöhnungsbedürftige Steuersyntax. [...] [...] @Michael: The Einfügungen "Ausprobieren" were only Proposals of me. original I had a statement from whom Originalscripten posted, then but the copyright hither study. now erzähl I it you hold simply time so... The Erläuterungen are without Icons but not simply To understand, therefore my suggestion, it To testing. functions tut´s with 1,5 GB Ram ausprobierterweise anyway To 550 pages... |
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Dietmar Horn | thanks, Peter, the wars been!
In Star-Office is it "Globaldokument" and one must there with a Navigator agieren. the whole Puzzle becomes then first at export or. Print zusammengefügt. the would Yes wealthy. now must I first time whom large Batzen again something zerpflücken, but this is Yes a einmalige action. too Seitennummerierung, Inhalts- and Stichwortverzeichnis should loudly Help so possible his. whom remainder I will then already somehow hinbekommen.
I can of course reading, but never in the life would I hereon come, therefore in the Help to "Globaldokument" to search.
now be I again optimistic, that I with the my XProfan-Textbook Perhaps until Jahresende hinbekommen will be - zumindestens first time whom part 1 for Beginner.
thanks too all others.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 09/21/08 ▲ |
Stefan Landsberg | Dietmar horn
now be I again optimistic, that I with the my XProfan-Textbook Perhaps until Jahresende hinbekommen will be - zumindestens first time whom part 1 for Beginner.
I freu me already |
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Thomas Freier | @Dietmar, before You umbaust, have you got OpenOffice 2.4 tested? Verwende self yet out of habit StarOffice 7.0 , that occasionally too "einfriert". with OOfice 2.4 have now once a Text-File (*.odt) laid out : 1331 pages with 22 Images - each 3MB- , 270.088 Wörter with 3.785.856 characters. The *.odt is 28.562kB big. the produce the PDF - 8.691kB- has ca. 90 sec gedauert. Loading and Save the *.odt under 30sec. too the Seitenaufbau, Insert and cut out very quick. everything on the Laptop with 2GB RAM. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 09/21/08 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn | Hi,
I have me straight time detail The story with the "Globaldokument" reingezogen and ausprobiert. an "eierlegende Wollmilchsau" shining in direction Word processing yet none from the "Großen" made up to have. too with Star-Office 8.0 runs the in the Endeffekt hereon out (anyway so How I the yet understood have), that this Globaldokument solely Verknüpfungen to the eingebetteten Unterdokumenten save. Sometime must one then whom whole Krempel but even still first time as OpenDokument export, before one it print (z.B. over PDF-Druckertreiber) or same in PDF transfiguring can. then can I too with of my recent Vorgehensweise stay, The chapter in several Batzen write and occasionally join. the risk must I then even come in, that me thereby The whole box now and than time einfriert. only one have I yet learnt: rather 10 Sicherheitskopien on external Festplatte More lay out, as a zuwenig ...
@Thomas: too Open-Office 2.4. I had tested (see moreover supra). the takes itself of my opinion to so well How nothing to Star-Office 8.0. my Mini-proposition has yet as finished PDF straight time ca. 7 MB (and nevertheless Gibts already The named Problems). The *.odt is little larger - ca. 7.5 MB.
too the there- and Herkonvertieren between whom File-Formaten with whom large companies (*.doc, *.odt u.ä.) works 100%-ig unfortunately only in its Werbeversprechen. with einfachen 0815-Texten without plenty graphic, without speziellere Formatierungen etc. klapppt the. still since then I 2 x 200 pages To foot between *.doc/*.odt hither and thither To foot nachbearbeiten had to, have I dbzgl. The Faxen for good fat! therefore I will now probably too No further Experimente with others Exoten More make, How evtl. "TextMaker", o.ä.
@Stefan: well Yes, forward must You yourself naturally already - but expect dbzgl. Please no wonder! This will really at the beginning first time only what only for bloody Programmieranfänger his. not any more - but neither less. my schoolboy benefit the part of course already since some Time, but you've Yes additional yet The Possibility, me each week with obscurities personally To ask. Mitverfolgen can You my "Lehrbuch-Fortschritte", because You you now and than The actually Version z.B. of ours MMJ-HP from the Download-area runterlädst [...] . here in the Community I will not to each Klacks on one UpDate allude, after only first time again couple chapter or little -zig pages hinzugekommen are. in the actually UpDate the XProfan-Managers becomes however too always The actually Version the Lehrbuches include his (including Textbook-aide).
too my XProfan-manager Have I to years solely as small Mini-Tool whom own use began. the self-important, mitleidige and hämische grinning some of my then "Möchtegern-Profi-Programmierschüler" see I today yet gedanklich to me ...
after that here with Call in the past tense to active Mitarbeit on such Projekten unfortunately not very good well worked having, Have I me even time these hiatus ausgeguckt and try currently, dbzgl. since some Time a first Startschuß in direction "XProfan-Lehrbuch" abzufeuern. who on it with own Zuarbeiten mitarbeiten would like, the is as always herzlichst Welcome!
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 09/21/08 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | how much memory has because your system? Perhaps rewards itself yes a small completion. The Speicherriegel cost Yes hardly More as one chocolate bar. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 09/21/08 ▲ |