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| Âus one report over UFO-Sichtungen over Großbritannien ;)
Simple Explanations Militärexperten believe, that itself many allegedly UFO-Sichtungen with secret Testflügen of rockets or unbemannten Aufklärungsflugzeugen, so named Drohnen explain let. and a Polizist in Kent, the in the july 30 minutes long one bright erleuchtetes Objekt in the Nachthimmel watched, watts finally from the colleague in the Einsatzzentrale by Funkspruch with the Worten aufgeklärt: "Alpha Zulu 20. the Objekt is the moon!" abashed answered the official: "Ja, its the moon. Over." |
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Frank Abbing | And then is there yet The Komponente Time, still existing our universe already since 14 Billion years... |
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| there Have I but time again a nice Discussion "angestossen !" - moreover so |
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Gerhard Praher | very Frank - and then To believe we're The "Krone the Schöpfung" is still really far hergeholt. we knoe Yes not yet once what itself there in the whole universe so does. but we weg of it from, that we The only and the best are (at least my the many). this is straight time so, as would I fundamentally suppose, that the Einkaufskorb to the Einkauf empty - only because I do not knows what drinnen is. but self there there a Difference: The Einkaufskorb has a known Size - of universe know we The extent yet long ago not.
anyway wish I you a galaktisch lovely good tommorrow Gerhard |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 10/21/08 ▲ |
Gerhard Praher | @Horst - to that Beginn the Threads:
"Die Militärexperten believe..." - means they know not. explain can itself many - naturally too the UFO-Phänomen. The question is only whether we this Explanations believe give as a present. whether we, with the often fadenscheinigen Erklärungsversuchen, pleased given or whether a beträchtlicher part the mankind finally starting To hinterfragen. finally sees, that it To ca. 95 or 96% all Sichtungen a "natürliche" Statement gives., and thereby anerkennt the 4 To 5% not declared go can. at least not conventional manner. These 4 To 5% then simply under whom carpet gekehrt as if it tappt im dunkeln not were. One example: If one a Text with say we time 1000 characters verfaßt (to that example a Programmcode) and one has then 5% Error drinnen, so are the 50 !! we any would us disturbing on it if one Zeitungsartikel so many Error imply would, and with one Program is even one Error already too much.
but with Things The we self not receive, for us not receive, go 5% simply ignoring !
Best wishes from "Good old Austria" |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 10/21/08 ▲ |
| @Gerhard you have my Posting somehow wrong aufgefasst. - I found the so fine stupid and to the island properly, that jemandem after a half-way Strunde declared go had, that it the moon "anbellt" - so far moreover To all others Posts can I only so some Bekanntes contribute. terms The we self given having: "Der human - The crown the Schöpfung" "homo sapiens" "Intelligenteste Lebensform on the Planeten" etc. etc.
we're dermaßen pretentious and megalomaniac become, that we not at all More remember, take off a Mist we make. it given time a really good Werbespruch (I faith of B.u.n.D.): The nature need us not, but we need The nature ! so becomes it come. - the experiment "Mensch" is fehlgeschlagen. means runs the "Versuch" from ! |
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Gerhard Praher | Sorry Horst, I have the apparently really wrong understood. and of course in the form, that this your Own opinion widerspiegelt.
in the first freut it me very, that not so is. and secondly can I you To your last Posting only consent.
love Regards Gerhard |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 10/21/08 ▲ |
Frank Abbing |
so becomes it come. - the experiment "Mensch" is fehlgeschlagen. means runs the "Versuch" from !
The evolution will zweifelsohne new ways search, presupposed, that we letztendlich not still everything life auslöschen. to that Topic intelligence is here very interessanter item, the another Sichtweise common: [...] |
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| @Frank The item is interestingly, says but nothing New moreover, what WIR rather make should others "schlaue Menschen" having fixes, that one genius (of it are we any distant) at the very most 30% the vorhandenen Gehirnkapazität using ! - D.h. still, that the nature with the Ressourcen lavish bypassing. now power The nature nothing without follow. it would means only logical, sometime a "homo superior" To expect unless the happens what You indeed said:
The evolution will zweifelsohne new ways search, presupposed, that we letztendlich not still everything life auslöschen.
hoping we the best for follow up generations. *~748~* |
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Frank Abbing | Patentrezepte shining not To give. And if still, becomes tappt im dunkeln not of führenden Personen gefördert. The greed to power becomes our Untergang letztendlich besiegeln.
whom set found I particularly been successful:
our brain is on the allerjüngsten level one langwierigen Evolutionsgeschehen angesiedelt. Möglicherweise is in the Gefolge the Genduplikation with us a Hirnduplikation in the Gange? our brain is plenty anpassungsfähiger as our stomach. would be which Anpassungsfähigkeit genausogut How the brain, then could it learn, Zellulose and Konserven To digest. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | whom Endzustand achieve we in the Monment first in the moment the Todes: The Solution the idea/the Gedankens from the matter. I wealth time Telepathie becomes a the next levels his, To "wir" sometime masselose Geisteswesen his go, instead of geistlose Massenwesen. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/21/08 ▲ |
Gerhard Praher | Very good testimony Jörg ! though would like I here the following moreover say: In previous times was is really always only possible this status by the demise To achieve. still in the phase, in the we now life, having we The chance this status and so too The Possibility the Telepathie, as lebendes creature To achieve. partly functions it already. How often happens it that the Phone rings and we knoe already in the vorhinein who there on the others end the pipeline is ? or we think of somebody and speedy reports itself these person or standing on front-door. It's all right in this phase particularly therefore, that we us which, means ours skills again fully aware go. Dass we these Opportunities for ourselves to permit and not say "dies or the goes anyhow not or can I anyhow nicht". already on my own The fact, that these Discussion here stattfindet, shows integrally explicit, that the perception in many reaches moved has. because its not yet such a long time since, there would one, once to the word UFO only erwähnt has, sozusagen on whom Pranger set been. these but only an example of many possible, The eachone sure for itself complement can. we're means for ourselves defined Ansichten, Einsichten, Wahrnehmungen, etc. to permit, so extended itself automatically our awareness, there it these items in itself integrate. it'll accordingly too to our integrally personal truth. If this now a great many Humans do, then manifestiert itself this in the so-called Massenbewußtsein. what against means, that it to reality for a large part the mankind becomes.
greetings Gerhard |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 10/21/08 ▲ |
Thomas Zielinski | Gerhard Praher
[...]Einkauf empty - only because I do not knows what drinnen is. but self there there a Difference: The Einkaufskorb has a known Size - of universe know we The extent yet long ago not.[...]
After anybody theory breitet itself the universe Yes constantly after a Wellenbewegung from. Sozusagen as Exposionswelle to the big bang.
Adams Douglas
there's a theory, The besagt, if ever irgendwer very herausfindet, wozu the universe there's and why since it is, then disappears it on the place and becomes through yet something Bizarreres and Unbegreiflicheres supplant. - there's another theory, to the the already happens is.
Greeting Thomas |
| XProfan X4; Win10 x64 Der Kuchen ist eine lüge! | 10/22/08 ▲ |