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| Hey Frank - lass us time one pkg truss with xpse xpia xprr and of/ one IDE with zügigem Syntaxhighlightening. The XProfEd-IDE uses Yes Scintilla - I Have Yes self whom Lexer for manufactured. The DLL is however something like of gammy that I my grossen Codes lest Edit can. lying but not on my Lexer - to that comparison is the C++ Lexer likewise gammy. Scrintilla is means mist.
to IDE Have I yet no idea - Perhaps a ASM-DLL - to hardship must I The well on Base the already here already of me vorstelltenten ASM-Highlighters self write - what pity would there we therefore Time to give away.
I faith The people see xpse as one thing which one somehow integrate must circa then any switch To type The then somehow umgesetzt go. this is naturally a completely incorrect statement - which just therefore stirs that I well To stupid be To explain How simply XPSE einzubinden is - and How simply thereafter the whole XProfan-Programmierleben is.
The people come somehow not whom enjoyment because tappt im dunkeln not understand. an ordentliches Whole-Package which simply installierbar is would here remedy create.
what mean? what means your? |
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Frank Abbing | |
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| @Frank
Watt kütt, datt kütt ? |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | what I Yes always genial find (I rotten be), is so one code-komplete-mode. that is, if I wai eingetippt have can I on Enter cut and there standing WaitInput, or with several Opportunities becomes a Auswahlliste displayed.
P.s. they say incidentally Hightlighting without n, there it nothing with flashing To do has. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 06/20/07 ▲ |
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Frank Abbing |
Autovervollständigung hm - must Frank what about me itself time kurzschliessen - but I self be no fan of something like
Nervt me too, something like. Regt me on the Handy already enough on what about me knows not, How mans abschaltet... |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | iF
Jörg Sellmeyerthey say incidentally Hightlighting without n, there it nothing with flashing To do has. Öhm neither! it heist Highlighting - not High tlighting !
the comes, if one only copies, instead of yourself To write...
Autovervollständigung hm - must Frank what about me itself time kurzschliessen - but I self be no fan of something like. *g* (type faster as that I bad should in order to know whether I now the korrekte word select have circa it abzuentern. )
naturally only as option! it would Yes terrible, if iFs Turbo klemmt. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 06/20/07 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn | Hi,
here too time a couple suggestions and Opportunities from of my visibility:
1. finally time one vernünftiges TAB-Handling, so How the z.B. the editor of PrFellow bid (standard already with all Editoren another Programmiersprachen since frühesten DOS-times). Dbzgl. is the XProfEd really a only catastrophe, just as How any its Vorgänger! my Programmieranfänger make itself there almost always soon a nodes into fingers, with this ungewöhnlichen Handling (Einrücken the Codes by TAB-Button).
2. Einrücken (and again move out!) of Text (means occupancy enhance / verkleinern) without always first irgendeinen Text (or quite none) prompt To must. or z.B. circa hundreds of Lines quick time as comment Mark and again demarkieren to. See PrFellow.
3. transfiguring of marked code by Tastenkombination in big- or lower case - see PrFellow: Invoice values + F8 or. Invoice values + F9.
4. further sinnvolle editor-Standards How in PrFellow (see editor of PrFellow).
5. reasonable Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit too with more Codes. with XProfEd z.B. could I the code of my XProfan-Managers yet never sensible Edit, because I there even on my right slippy XP-PC constantly only Waiting must (with > 160000 Codezeilen). for Mini-Codes of Programmieranfängern likes XProfEd one nice Fun-Mobil his (plenty More of my Einschätzung to however unfortunately not), because with komplexeren Codes does it part right quick into knees - dbzgl. was even the PrfPad-OldTimer of Maik and Sven flotter on the way been.
6. appeal- or. Einbindungsmöglichkeit for externe programs. otherwise Verzicht on jegliche amendment-Tools, The over the amplitude of normalen editor-functions go out. Hierfür there meanwhile enough and to spare Free Alternativen (see ROC or. The ROC-Maxi-Version namens XProfan-manager with integriertem ROC).
7. appeal by Parameter Passing for gängigsten Options (Files, projects, etc.).
8. important: Save the Konfigurationseinstellungen in the Programmverzeichnis, and not of/ one Ini in the Win-directory or in Registry.
9. Per Tastenkombination (and / or Click) ought to one on XPSE-/XPIA-/XPRR-mode switch and again zurückschalten can.
10. with erkannter Internetverbindung ought to optional automatically recognized go can, whether for XPSE, XPIA, XPRR, ROC, Profan2Cpp, SKControl.dll, XProfan-manager, etc. recent versions available stand. These should to Rückfrage automatically of Program runtergeladen go can.
11. Einbindungsmöglichkeit external Help Files and appeal by Tastenkombination. Examples of such Help Files: XPSE, XPIA, XPRR, ListView.dll, etc.
On such Firlefanz How Syntax-Hightlighting and Autovervollständigen could I dispense. One such cheese ought to ggf. at least abschaltbar his. I yourself would something like anyway bypassing turn off. If I earnestly program, then white I I do and need not - something like irritiert and nervt of my opinion to just.
After one short trip To XProfEd and others Editoren be I remorseful again to that good middle-aged PrFellow returned and use XProfEd really only yet for smaller ones projects (because PrFellow at change its Projekteinstellungen always Problems had having).
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 06/20/07 ▲ |
Frank Abbing |
1. finally time one vernünftiges TAB-Handling, so How the z.B. the editor of PrFellow bid (standard already with all Editoren another Programmiersprachen since frühesten DOS-times). Dbzgl. is the XProfEd really a only catastrophe, just as How any its Vorgänger! my Programmieranfänger make itself there almost always soon a nodes into fingers, with this ungewöhnlichen Handling (Einrücken the Codes by TAB-Button).
in a, How PrFellow the handling. The XIDE orientiert itself with such things on TextPad.
2. Einrücken (and again move out!) of Text (means occupancy enhance / verkleinern) without always first irgendeinen Text (or quite none) prompt To must. or z.B. circa hundreds of Lines quick time as comment Mark and again demarkieren to. See PrFellow.
is already drin. for comments there additional the /* */ , with which on speedy point gigantic Kommentarflächen formed go can.
3. transfiguring of marked code by Tastenkombination in big- or lower case - see PrFellow: Invoice values + F8 or. Invoice values + F9.
becomes installed.
5. reasonable Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit too with more Codes. with XProfEd z.B. could I the code of my XProfan-Managers yet never sensible Edit, because I there even on my right slippy XP-PC constantly only Waiting must (with > 160000 Codezeilen). for Mini-Codes of Programmieranfängern likes XProfEd one nice Fun-Mobil his (plenty More of my Einschätzung to however unfortunately not), because with komplexeren Codes does it part right quick into knees - dbzgl. was even the PrfPad-OldTimer of Maik and Sven flotter on the way been.
one the Reasons, Why we on Richedit and Scintilla dispense.
6. appeal- or. Einbindungsmöglichkeit for externe programs. otherwise Verzicht on jegliche amendment-Tools, The over the amplitude of normalen editor-functions go out. Hierfür there meanwhile enough and to spare Free Alternativen (see ROC or. The ROC-Maxi-Version namens XProfan-manager with integriertem ROC).
is drin. The Toolleiste can of users extended go.
7. appeal by Parameter Passing for gängigsten Options (Files, projects, etc.).
is drin.
8. important: Save the Konfigurationseinstellungen in the Programmverzeichnis, and not of/ one Ini in the Win-directory or in Registry.
iF is thereby.
9. Per Tastenkombination (and / or Click) ought to one on XPSE-/XPIA-/XPRR-mode switch and again zurückschalten can.
therefore goes it Yes. the Editorpaket should XPSE/XPIA/XPRR imply and everything so install, that it of beginning on ready standing. The User has immediate Access to any extensions.
10. with erkannter Internetverbindung ought to optional automatically recognized go can, whether for XPSE, XPIA, XPRR, ROC, Profan2Cpp, SKControl.dll, XProfan-manager, etc. recent versions available stand. These should to Rückfrage automatically of Program runtergeladen go can.
Yes, meaningfully.
On such Firlefanz How Syntax-Hightlighting and Autovervollständigen could I dispense. One such cheese ought to ggf. at least abschaltbar his. I yourself would something like anyway bypassing turn off. If I earnestly program, then white I I do and need not - something like irritiert and nervt of my opinion to just.
Ansichtssache. i want not abschaltbar make, but naturally standing it the User spare, any Syntaxfarben the equal primitive colour anzupassen.
After one short trip To XProfEd and others Editoren be I remorseful again to that good middle-aged PrFellow returned and use XProfEd really only yet for smaller ones projects (because PrFellow at change its Projekteinstellungen always Problems had having).
Wären we with XProfEd pleased, would we no new IDE program, or? with PrFellow i was incidentally neither pleased and use it never. |
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| Dietmar horn
here too time a couple suggestions and Opportunities from of my visibility:
1. finally time one vernünftiges TAB-Handling, so How the z.B. the editor of PrFellow bid (standard already with all Editoren another Programmiersprachen since frühesten DOS-times). Dbzgl. is the XProfEd really a only catastrophe, just as How any its Vorgänger! my Programmieranfänger make itself there almost always soon a nodes into fingers, with this ungewöhnlichen Handling (Einrücken the Codes by TAB-Button).
we name the Tabs strain [option] - Tabs can lovely handlen.
Dietmar horn
2. Einrücken (and again move out!) of Text (means occupancy enhance / verkleinern) without always first irgendeinen Text (or quite none) prompt To must. or z.B. circa hundreds of Lines quick time as comment Mark and again demarkieren to. See PrFellow.
Both goes - as well as already of Frank declared - and also is it over PopupMenu possible one marked area To remmen.
Dietmar horn
3. transfiguring of marked code by Tastenkombination in big- or lower case - see PrFellow: Invoice values + F8 or. Invoice values + F9.
Strg+u / ShiftStrg u, StrToUpper or. StrToLower
Dietmar horn
4. further sinnvolle editor-Standards How in PrFellow (see editor of PrFellow).
gladly but not of what Kinderprogrammieren as standard acknowledged becomes. we're going weitestgehend MSKonventionen unterstüzten - too what The TastenCodes/Kombies angeht.
Dietmar horn
5. reasonable Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit too with more Codes. with XProfEd z.B. could I the code of my XProfan-Managers yet never sensible Edit, because I there even on my right slippy XP-PC constantly only Waiting must (with > 160000 Codezeilen). for Mini-Codes of Programmieranfängern likes XProfEd one nice Fun-Mobil his (plenty More of my Einschätzung to however unfortunately not), because with komplexeren Codes does it part right quick into knees - dbzgl. was even the PrfPad-OldTimer of Maik and Sven flotter on the way been.
the Edit of Riesencodes goes very Fix! on it lying me very plenty!
Dietmar horn
6. appeal- or. Einbindungsmöglichkeit for externe programs. otherwise Verzicht on jegliche amendment-Tools, The over the amplitude of normalen editor-functions go out. Hierfür there meanwhile enough and to spare Free Alternativen (see ROC or. The ROC-Maxi-Version namens XProfan-manager with integriertem ROC).
next to selbstdefinierbaren Helpfiles and selbstdefinierbaren Tools becomes it whom Tools too possible his relevante Info of editor To relating. (<>Plugins)
Dietmar horn
7. appeal by Parameter Passing for gängigsten Options (Files, projects, etc.).
More than the
Dietmar horn
8. important: Save the Konfigurationseinstellungen in the Programmverzeichnis, and not of/ one Ini in the Win-directory or in Registry.
very so funktionierts!
Dietmar horn
11. Einbindungsmöglichkeit external Help Files and appeal by Tastenkombination. Examples of such Help Files: XPSE, XPIA, XPRR, ListView.dll, etc.
Runs |
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Nico Madysa | give me message, if your me zutraut, a display for XIDE on The Mainpage To settle. |
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Frank Abbing | It's all right with Riesenschritten forth, only time so to Info in between... |
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Frank Abbing | pluginmani... |
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