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GDL | be momentarily of Schüben verschont. would have been a Please contact you:
Search somebody with plenty Time and Skype for a Program because of Creation of/ one Helpfile durchzugehen.moreover need I Anwenderfragen of techn. not versierten Personen.
Thank you.
Hello Georg |
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Nico Madysa | You want a FAQ create? if so, would I interested (technical not versiert be I ).
P.s.: What is Skype? |
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Nico Madysa | Hrm, KO, Skype have I do not., and even if could I only friday in the evening report. |
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GDL | Hello Nico,
lovely,iss Nich bad.are only ca. 10 MB.but its for me as technician very heavy one technisches Program generally verständlich To describe, there for me many things simply self-evident are, where others but nothing with begin can.
Skype would because of akustischer Verständigung of benefit been.I richte now time everything since and then schauste simply time.
Hello Georg |
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GDL | hope that It's all right,
here there the proposition as Setupdatei.
beforehand: probably wirste at the beginning at all nothing to pull off, but this is integrally normal, there one self with Komerziellen Programs first one ca. 200 pages starkes manuals study must circa a Entry to find.
then are some Module only after a Login(to the Inst. must You you as Admin Register) aufrufbar, there this one Vereinsprogramm is and the normal Member there none access has.
the proposition contains
- the Betriebsmodul - a DCC/NMRA konformen Loktrafo for 100 Loks for manuelle Testzwecke - one Portprogramm to that testing and Reading angeschlossener Mikrocontroller
Hilfsprogramme for the Betriebsmodul
- Gleisbildeditor (prepares the nötige Gleisbild for Verknüpfungseditor) - Verknüpfungseditor (prepares The compel IST SOLL Verknüpfungen) - Ablauferzeuger (can a vollautomatischen pursued produce) - Tastenzuordner (becomes for manuellen pursued Stellpultbetrieb needed. - Komponentenzuordner (so one with almost 9000 Komponenten whom Überblick keeps) - diverser Adminkram
ACHTUNG: DIES IST DIE ORIGINALE STEUERUNGSSOFTWARE sämtlicher us gehöriger facilities and accordingly fully funktionsfähig. therefore NOT on whom PORTADRESSEN something Change.These are for for vorgesehenen Adressbereich for INDUSTRIESTECKKARTEN pretended.
Hello Georg |
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GDL | @Nico Madysa,
verbesserter Gleisbildeditor
must under C:Steuerunggleisplaner
Hello Georg |
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Nico Madysa | friday werd ichs reinkopieren (be Yes only freitags in the Lautech). but standing can ichs me sure already sooner. |
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Nico Madysa | Öhm, I faith, you have a Error made. you have at Download Gleisplaner.exe stand, but at Download is trafotest.exe To Save... |
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Nico Madysa |
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Nico Madysa |
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