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| iF has Zehen broken...
Jaja very, I Depp had to me still objectively yesterday night at stumbling in the Flur over The shoes The three äußeren Zehen of left foot break. the does hellish painful, because tappt im dunkeln only angebrochen are. Please have compassion!!!! anyway can I now not any more walk.
iF |
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| my Zehen goes it schonwieder explicit rather, me so naturally too.
Well, In any drop look The now not any more in any directions. Fußmodell werd I nevertheless not any more.
To denne, iF PS: ought to I allude that I me yesterday evening killing in my Click-fingers cut[ed] Have??? |
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Frank Abbing | Hi,
[quote:a6297f375d=iF (!ReGeXiT)]PS: ought to I allude that I me yesterday evening killing in my Click-fingers cut[ed] Have??? [/quote:a6297f375d] Oh man, you occur too always things. me but unfortunately too. so I had letztes year a fish-hooks in the small fingers sit, quite deeply, To under whom nail. had to surgically removes go :roll: before it Have I me The shoulder zertrümmert, because I on one Riesen-Kinderspielplatz of a Drehrad plummeted be :roll: thereafter was though a large operation necessary. time see, what this leave happens...? |
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| [quote:ec3232475d=Frank Abbing]time see, what this leave happens...?[/quote:ec3232475d] Hehe Yes very, or differently: time see who first thing of us scream.
iF |
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Jens | Hi,
Carrs book has me helped, since More as three Monaten not any more To smoking. From 80 To 100 cigarettes on the day on zero.
If one itself its Grundaussage klarmacht, helps the terrific. for it and well too objectively is the trouble smoking a Kopfsache. who The testimony: smoking is and verstärkt the trouble (nervousness/Konzentrationsfähigkeit), which Solution it To his one itself einbildet! verinnerlicht, the falls the stop explicit leichter.
against its testify in the book have I into first 14 Meet The heftigsten Entzugserscheinungen with the stundenweisen employment of Nikotinpflastern abgemildert. (vastly geringerer employment this plaster as to manual.)
Versuchts mal; one feel itself vastly rather, already to few Meet.
Jens |
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Frank Abbing | Hi,
wow, 80-100 cigarettes... by me warens only 20-25 on the day, nevertheless verspüre I to over one year still once in a while whom urge to nicotine, if too always seltener. on the beginning think one constantly on it, later always seltener. After one year now ca. any 1 - 2 weeks time. i think time, to 3-4 years is one then complete kuriert *hoff*. |
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Rene-ZNG | respect, of 80 on 0 with a book, the I will me well too time add. have of course to 2 years with the smoking augehört, with 3 Hypnosesitzungen, but one learn Yes gladly moreover.
have today really nichtmehr whom urge to cigarette, but reading cultivates the mind and one can it others recommend (the book my I).
and iF as Fußmodel had You anyhow no Changse against me |
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Jens | Hi,
it likes Yes unwahrscheinlich sound: I have The instruction of Allan Carr befolgt, first his book To end To reading and then with the smoking aufzuhören. into More as three Monaten, The I now not any more rauche, I had only one EINZIGES MAL the want after a cigarette, and of course to the ?? beer. but self there helped yet The Review, How unfrei a the smoking power, How mucky and harmful its.
somehow motiviert the book to autosuggestiven Antizigarettenhaltung.
Jens |
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| yesterday evening was is time again so far, gives hold mindest. 2 items The infinite are...
but not with Programmierlust with Ibu and dickem connected ausgestatteter iF... |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/09/10 ▲ |
| right foot great toe and it does eifach only beschossen painful - gruen and blue. |
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Rolf Koch | Armes pig - nevertheless: Fastlogin must since, be straight time again genervt of these Login LOL - smart are no apology ^^ |
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| Jawohl Sir,
once I the Beißholz from the mouth and the others from the hand laid have are too any fingers again in use. ^^ |
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