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![Thomas Freier: 08/11/08](.././../../i/a/722278123487bd8c272307.gif) Thomas Freier | has itself already once with the converting PDF > JPG, Tiff, BMP over XProfan engage or has good Tipps? |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 08/11/08 ▲ |
![GDL: 03/25/16](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hallöle Community,
is of course already "Everything" old the Topic here, only I turn soon hollow on the same trouble (goes each free Minute on it in the momentum).
initial position: - my Platinen-Layouterprogramm can only Eagle and pdf stature produce - this PDF Image must dan PIXELGENAU into BMP Image transformed go. The smallest Größenveränderung power the image useless - this BMP Image then with XProfan beschriftet and ausgedruckt
I must this detour weg, there the finished Program relayed and is the users everything a Program, means without further Zusatzprogramme manage would like.
what not goes: - irfan view - pdf creator - free pdf -pdf24 creator
The wandeln of course a pdf in bmp circa, but unfortunately not größengenau. and as small Nebeneffekt sits one then for hours there, circa after a Deinstallation The versteckte Ad- and Spyware again from the system To Remove.
Velleicht Gibts too yet ne others Possibility?
nothing so withal, wish I all nice Osterfeiertage.
Grüßle Georg |
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![iF: 03/25/16](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | And if You a ImagePrinter installierst?
PDF2BMP yourself write need years, could my hpgl2bmp - Presentation benefit and on PDF einstimmen. (would I give up) |
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![GDL: 03/25/16](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hallöle David,
sorry, if I me wrong framed have. ![](.././../../i/s/smile.gif)
the transfiguring must the users or. XProfan not. it need only a gehende BMP Presentation. The problem lying on Eagle. this can only DBF stature.
I must my DBF Vorlagen on exakt gleichgroße BMP Vorlagen get.
this should Abdeckfolien for keyboard go. only whom Text for keyboard fügt then the users one.
the Image in the attachment must exakt diesselben Maße to conversion to BMP having.
Grüßle Georg |
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![iF: 03/25/16](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | so?
habs as png uploaded because as bmp 25MB |
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![GDL: 03/25/16](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | unfortunately too net. ![](.././../../i/s/icon_sad.gif)
![](https://xprofan.net/files/kmuke.jpg) |
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![iF: 03/25/16](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | How-many Millimeter long with Kreiskante must ruddy and blue his?
![](https://xprofan.net/files/mcuke.png) |
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![GDL: 03/25/16](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hi,
determining is the red and the yellow line, because under whom small green Rechtecken lying The Tasterköpfe.
![](https://xprofan.net/files/ocuke.jpg) |
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![GDL: 03/25/16](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hallöle,
who long seek the finds. [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif)
now be I first a step moreover. The transformed File is pixelgenau.
now must I only with XProfan experiment.
or iF has yet ne better Solution. ![](.././../../i/s/smile.gif)
Grüßle Georg |
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![iF: 03/25/16](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | If I me the PNG ansehe then has it already The right Maße, I faith You druckst the image not 1:1 separate skaliert/ eingepasst.
If it with sch2cgm functions then can still first hereon set up. |
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![Michael W.: 03/25/16](.././../../i/a/4750.gif) Michael W. |
19. User-Language-Program (ULP) – what's this thing and How use I it? EAGLE can programs perform, The in a C-ähnlichen Programming-Language written are, the EAGLE-User-Language. These programs lying always as lesbare Textdatei to. ULPs are utterly flexible Tools if it therefore goes, EAGLE-interne data To Edit or for others tack aufzubereiten. EAGLE is with numerous ULPs delivered, everybody can in the Control Panel in the sprig User-Language-programs finds. clicking one on a the Entries becomes right in the Control Panel a Description over The function displayed. No worry! one need no Programmierkenntnisse circa so To works. one launch one Program simply with the RUN-commands, the as Icon in the Aktionsleiste zugänglich is or over the Menu File/ULP perform. according to Program becomes one then in a dialog aufgefordert further indicated To make or the program verrichtet without further demand its service. How it very functions, standing in the Description the ULPs. who Programmierkenntnisse mitbringt, can itself one ULP with a einfachen Texteditor accurate standing and ggf. on its Opportunities adjust. or too one completely new ULP write. an complete Description the User-Language finds one in the Help-function (cue: User Language). in the Download-area the CadSoft-Homepage stand a Vielzahl of ULPs to that Download ready.
different useful functions, everybody can with ULPs realized has (small selection):
Bemaßungsfunktion for Platine — adimv4_0mm.ulp Duplizieren of Schaltplan and Layout — duplicating_v3.zipper Help to Nutzenerstellung — panelize.ulp Change of Bibliothekselementen — change*.ulp produce of Bauteilen with Using BSDL-Files — make-symbol-device-package-bsdl.ulp to charge of Leiterbahnlängen — length-ri.ulp Change of Leiterbahnbreiten — cmd-change-wire-width.ulp Change and Vertauschen of Layern — cmd-change-swap-layer.ulp items in the Schaltplan or in the Layout into bestimmtes Raster move — snap*.ulp Einfache Platzierungshilfe for the Layout — autoplace_v3.ulp create of/ one Bohrlegende in the Layout — drillplan*.ulp Verkleinerung the Bohrlöcher for Handbohren — drill-aid.ulp produce of Projektbibliotheken — exp-project-lbr.ulp Update-Help circa Schaltplan and Layout konsistent To hold — updateman*.ulp u.v.m….
Datenexport (selection, stood jan. 2007):
Stücklisten with Datenbankanbindung, in the HTML-stature, as RTF-File, in Tabellenformat u.a. — bom*.ulp, part*.ulp Statistikdaten To Number of Bohrungen, Pads, Kupferanteil, Signallängen etc. — statistic-brd.ulp data for Klebemasken — glue*.ulp Fräsdaten for Konturfräsen, Prototypenfräsen — outline.ulp, mill-outlines.ulp CNC-Aufbereitung d. Bohrdaten and board-Outline — b_cnc.ulp Gcode-data for mechanisches Ätzen / engrave — gcode.zipper , pcb-gcode.zipper DIF4.0-stature of Digitaltest for Testautomaten — dif40.ulp UNIDAT-stature for Test- and Bestückungsautomaten — unidat.ulp data for polar GRS500 Flying Probe Testsystem — eagletogrs.zipper IPC-D-356 for Testautomaten — ipc-d-356.ulp Fabmaster-stature for Testautomaten — fabmst.ulp ASCII-data for Bestückungsautomaten — mount.ulp, mountsmd.ulp 4qd-stature for SMD-Bestückungsautomaten — 4quad.ulp GenCAD for Testautomaten — gencad.ulp data for Optical Inspection system VISCOM — viscomnew.ulp data for KiCAD PCB suite — eagle2kicad*.ulp 3D-data to Weiterverarbeitung in a MCAD-system (Ideas, SolidWorks…) — generate_3d_data.ulp Excellon2-stature — excellon_2.ulp Bohrdaten for LPKF Bohrmaschinen — lpkf_drl.ulp Bohrdaten in the PRO-PAL stature for ISEL-Automaten — paldrill.ulp Schaltpläne in windows-Meta-File- (WMF-) stature — sch2wmf.ulp DXF — dxf.ulp EPS-stature — epsdraw*.ulp EAGLE-Schalpläne in Postscript — eagle2ps*.ulp PIC-stature to Doku in Troff or LaTeX — pic.ulp
there are WMF, PS and EPS with thereby.
P.s.: Oh, To late... |
| XProfan X3System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4 Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 03/25/16 ▲ |
![GDL: 03/25/16](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hi,
![](.././../../i/s/smile.gif) |
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