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H.Brill | we're already time thereby are, what holds Roland of a lebenslangen Update - right ? I use yet on the side ne others Programming-Language. there Have I einmalig 79 € paid and Have one lebenslanges Update, naja say we time as long as it hold these Programming-Language gives. or. exists.
be of course still thereby, but mittlerweiler find I straight the Update in the Abbo relatively valuable. here be I on the consider, whether I still again normales Update make. If me the Update then gefällt, zahle I then the Update, otherwise red I it stay. there The Versionssprünge in the year not so often are, drive I with this method billiger. with the Time is XProfan Yes expensive as then (I betone) Delphi (1 To 4), that I neither More use. the has then about 150 DM per Versionssprung cost[ed].
there should itself Roland something dreamup. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 07/06/07 ▲ |
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H.Brill | The first Delphi Version was expensive but the hereon subesquent could one updaten. having there of Borland always a letter with the Update - Preisen get. so exactly white I it with Delphi neither More, anyway wars then yet bezahlbar. I had too always only The standard versions. is indeed alike, I my only, as langjähriger Abbo customer comes with the years some together (6 or 8 years X 89 €). I had the Abbo already To DM - times.
what XProfan concerns, so would so did i with a Download - Link or. Download Area for XProfan - proprietor vollends pleased. who then wants, can itself its CD Yes yourself burn. I personally make it rather on NEN USB Stick and if ichs time inadvertently deleted have, could I it over ands over again download. too interestingly would Perhaps one Update - Tool, as well as it some Virenscanner having.
but probably were it there Problems, there we not only Abbo customers, separate too Updater version of 7, 8 , 9 on Version 10 having. and there count Yes different prices. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 07/10/07 ▲ |
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H.Brill | Tja, the comes integrally on Roland on. the lebenslange Update right must Yes not absolutely his. rather see I it so, that one vernünftiger Abbo-Price already what bewirkt. sense one Abbo is Yes, that to the product something better sustain and on the other hand for a gewisse Time (Laufzeit) tied is. accordingly could itself Roland with a interessanten Abbopreis More Abbonehmer secure, what too future beduetet. who in the momentum XProfan buy wants, the rechnet time geschwind : XProfan10 : 59,90 € AbboPreis : 89 € and says häää ?????? And if it then on The Abbo CD schaut, says it again häää ??? Probase, OGL etc. has but already XProfan drin, wieso custom I the ? the only, what interestingly is, is the latest BETA, if at all thereby.
means buy it itself still rather XProfan as Full Version and updatet for little money once or twice in the year. therefore think I, that 30 - 40 € in the year for a Abbo suffice would and so the Abbo attraktiver is. an CD bräuchte one, How supra said, Yes not absolutely. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 07/10/07 ▲ |
| Hm nuja however having AboKunden IMHO ggü not-AboKunden Phone- and Briefsupport. I Have no Abo and always if I Roland anrufe sees it my number and goes erstrecht not ran.
long speech kurzer sense - really GEHTS still only around the old Discussion Price down More revenues? ==||!= Price high More revenues?.
so simply can it itself but not optimize - I mean but the Price down + others Vermarktungsstrategie sehrwohl successful his can, unless even erfolgreicher. say we time so ( now kommts ) if I know I had only yet a day To life would so did i Rolands method dial - but too then if me these method on long Time seen something Abschätzbares yielded had - presupposed I lay worth on Abschätzbar. Abschätzbar is however usually only important with existentielleren Things - and XProfan is for Roland imho not existentiell necessary. Therefore could Roland Perhaps really little more try. |
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H.Brill | Nö, Phone u. Briefsupport Have I with the Update in the Abbo neither, the cost of my Wissens again ne corner More, faith so 149 € jährlich. and with inquire ergeht it me so How you. this is Yes the Knackpunkt. Have useful only one benefit, if Roland ne new BETA has, otherwise is everything How with one normalen Update (except the CD, The none need). |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 07/10/07 ▲ |
| I fetch me the XProfan always because of the CD and the package - too then if I The Files self already have. (z.B. wg. SubScription) |
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Dietmar Horn |
and with inquire ergeht it me so How you.
I had during the past years number of times Mailkontakt with Roland because of irgendwelcher (X)Profan-border. yet has it always hereon reacted - naturally not within 3 minutes, 3 hours or 3 Meet and not always already to 3 weeks - but it klappte always. what about me be no Abo-customer, separate one integrally normal registrierter XProfan-users. naturally ought to one whom Author the Programming-Language not reinen XProfan-ask nerves (How can I it achieve, that on one Dialog-Window one Bitmap neugezeichnet becomes?, etc.), because then käme Roland well hardly yet to that Weiterentwickeln of XProfan. for such Kleckerkram there Yes the RGH-Forum and our Community. and naturally The ROC-Maxi-Version namens XProfan-manager with integriertem ROC.
On actually Beta-versions be I do not More particularly spicy. me reicht it, if I me on whom Subscriptionsphasen participate must. with the Beta- and Subscriptionsversionen can initially mostly anyhow not yet sensible works (anyway not on Projekten, everybody can already longer Time in work has). so were I then rather, To the eigentliche Update is done.
the changes but nothing on it, that I David consent would like. somehow müßten new Vertriebswege and -shape found go, circa XProfan finally at least under whom Jugendlichen something known To make!
On The schools and its Informatiklehrer with their Logo-, QBasic- and Turbo-Pascal for DOS -Halbwissen would I for the time being not any more big building. The Informatiklehrer life evident in her own imaginären world without Realitätsbezug. I have in unserem territory any schools with the SE-Version of XProfan keeps and even over one children- and Jugendzentrum Free XProfan-Grundkurse all Computer science-Lehrern with the blessings the Schulamtes offered. because I yourself of profession teacher be, was no trouble been, this tender over the official official channel on The Info-teacher heranzutragen.
thereupon meldeten itself Although a couple Interessenten. still as it then hieß, that the Teilnahme on whom Kursen in the free time erfolgen should and for no Abminderungsstunden angerechnet bekämen, were it effectively zero Kursteilnehmer.
David has already right: Irgendwas other should at least time ausprobiert go, circa XProfan in the Public known To make. I faith not, that Roland after a or two possible mißglückten neueren try in this direction same umfallen would, because moreover hegt and care it his XProfan-kid already To many years long.
And then is correct it ditto, that finally of these verdammten XProfan-Versions-Mischmasch time Schluß his ought to! Freeware-users and registrierter XProfan-users - and well is!!! once registered - always registered!!! if papa itself sometime as XProfan differently orientiert and its registration on the Sohnemann transfers - big deal??? with such Schwund must one even in the Marktwirtschaft life can!
If through such How in this Thread roughed ways it evtl. sometime klappen ought to, XProfan too in the wide Public finally as vollwertige windows-Programming-Language next to whom large To arrival, then will the guaranteeing too for Rolands bank-account lohnen - but even presumably not of now same ...
I personally would meanwhile anyway none particular worth More on CD, CD-Box, Packaging and 0815-paper-manuals for XProfan lay. These times are with the Opportunities the internet one for all time past!
and particularly would have the JDS-Shop time tidy ausgemistet go, what not any more actually XProfan-Tools concerns. For this, I had Yes already in another Thread my opinion posted.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 07/11/07 ▲ |
Dieter Zornow | i think time, that alone by the Preispolitik XProfan not known and is I venture To insist, that the itself never sonderlich changes. Profan is a Nischenprodukt with of/ one large competition. one think only time on The Number of Basidialekte, The Internet to find are. some are even Freeware and not so bad, How I from experience white. most need ditto no Runtimes or Dll´s in order to walk. to that others is Profan only for german market laid out, what The Käuferschicht already minimizes. viewing time the Profanforum in holland, the proposition is dead. who a Programming-Language learn wants, becomes, if it not only hoppymäßig betreibt, always a the Languages dial The famous are. what uses in of/ one Bewerbung The indicated, I can Profan program, nothing. i think XProfan becomes always to a high Prozentsatz in the area the Hoppyprogrammierer stay and these amount of people is by the different Interessenlagen very limited. for much in the Profibereich is Profan too slow these Fakt. i will so XProfan not so bad make but one ought to too The eyes not verschließen. i think XProfan has only The chance Buyer one others Nischenproduktes abzuwerben and there counts it advantages aufzuzeichnen. i think but that the to- and detriments all Nischenprogrammiersprachen vaguely The balance hold, so that it at Buyer on the Bekanntheitsgrad the software and the personal attitude ankommt To what it itself entschließt. How already multiple written is it already difficult Profan on schools To arrival, what but not is, that The teacher any blind are or not want. The old software Pascal is still very famous self with Nichtprogrammierern and Perhaps think some, this is one Entry for new large Programmiersprachen. we can not always of ourselves go out. we've us sometime once for Profan decided and we loves it.
greetings from Bangkok
Dieter |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 07/11/07 ▲ |
msgroup | @Heinz: The Forderung to verständlichen Abo-Preisen is utterly nachvollziehbar! find the something krum, with nem Abo ought to one already a discount get and not sooner yet draufzahlen must.
@Dieter Zornow: approval!
@David: Nö!
time in the serious - You mix there again bekanntermaßen Äppel with pears! Fakt is: Roland wants with Profan money earn and this is too correctly. so, because not umsonst stick it Yes bulky Time and sure too money (Delphi, Server, computer, power etc) there mere. the must itself somehow rentieren. One kostenfreies or lebenslages-updaterechtbehaftetes Profan bring mE at all quite nothing! The competition is simply To gigant, one get Yes self one Delphi in the meantime in standard-versions for lau! Profan is and becomes a Nischensprache for Hobbyprogrammierer stay. especially since The others (How even Delphi) technical already Lichtjahre removes are.
so, and the your NEN disengaged editor develops and yet bulky others items for Profan, is Yes beautiful and well. you have hold The Time, The pleasure and the ambition, something like 4 free To make. Something like power but too eachone time, meinste not (next to the PRFPAD-proposition Gibts too zig others Freeware, too for Profan of me)? that is but not, that there eachone only so outside hereon wait... |
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| on what relating itself really your Nö!?
additionally, I mix nothing - You understand only simply not correctly. because You do not correctly. reads or the written only überfliegst or the written wrong auffasst. This will eachone confirm the Dietmars and my Postings really red and understood has - and subsequently your response hereon reads. It's all right even therefore, the/How Roland evtl. yet More to achieve could - and not circa power, Server, Delphi & computer. likes his that I Äpfel with pears vermische, but You cast the Knaller with the mix up of yoghurt and cement.
Garnicht reacted have You on my Backlink-Please. Why really? If you not for necessary hold then say it simply - with not react however missachtest You my Please by which the whole personally would. |
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msgroup | I have already (relatively) very red and understood. only think You To simply! profane has mE not The possibilities more kundenströme abzufassen! should hot geringerer Price != More customers != More revenues. with More customers my I noticeable More customers, not only 2-3 hanseln! The demand is simply NOT there!
profane² and friends! was to a guter testlauf, then 2004, the part watts in etlichen known magazinen distributed (partly inkl. workshops!)! and? How big was the new zulauf over the zitierten 2-3 hanseln? sure, it came which and Yes, book-cds having Perhaps not any more whom zuspruch, How former. but I have each explicit More zulauf Is it Unikode can, if I ne others Full Version, The explicit less amplitude having, over these kanäle vertrieben have.
too The development internet <> profane-user shows there unfortunately a deutliche statistik on...
@backlink: have I you not Schonmal written? I faith but already, or? |
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