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H.Brill | what hold your of a small manuals ? To Version 7 having Roland always one small Handbüchlein mitgeschickt. was of course More one book (of DIN A 4 To DIN A 5 with clinging) with the Neuerungen, one having but what to that reading in the hand. I yourself read rather what gedrucktes as offline or online on screen (Schlummerlektüre). Perhaps power Roland Yes time again something like with sufficient interest. might Yes quiet ne Kleinigkeit cost. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 07/25/07 ▲ |
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Michael Wodrich | where we naturally The Textbook-Variante wish. it should really in direction book walk - any can thereby help.
Glücklicherweise is it here possible, that some with Stichworten and tables begin and others the then ausschmücken can.
@Dietmar: If your Approaches to a Textbook already finished chapter encompassed, then would we naturally forward if you these entmottest and bereitstellst.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/28/07 ▲ |
Thomas Zielinski | in the XPM is the Textbook what Dietmar time started having include as pdf-File. means who because has custom itself there no care make. (Dietmars Propaganda zwinkt me so To think ) |
| XProfan X4; Win10 x64 Der Kuchen ist eine lüge! | 07/28/07 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | Uiiiih, 88 pages, beautiful bebildert. Yes, there want we with the Wiki-book there.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/28/07 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn |
look we still something it at all becomes before we longer drüber diskutieren as on it To works.
Hmmm ... this Ansatz find I something odd ... or we talk time again completely together past ...
therefore a couple Überlegungen for may part about:
simply on it lostippen and look, what thereby herauskommt? then would it really pity around the whole hoisted and particularly around the Time. If I none to some extent reasonable plan for a Program have and simply drauflos program, then comes sure something hinten out - but in all rule becomes the probably only cheese his.
If here without plan eachone of 10, 20 or 50 XProfanern his geballtes know reinkopieren should, then yields the not more than a new edition the Onlinedoku or the XProfan-Helpfile. then should we rather whom hoisted integrally save and this into already available Onlinedoku to assimilate. an reasonable Druckfunktion bastelt iF for certainly too yet somehow together.
but as Textbook would I under no circumstance one stures nochmaliges Aneinanderreihen of command, functions, Begriffserklärungen etc. around XProfan understand!
a integral Difference to vorhandenen Onlinedoku or the XProfan-Helpfile can I here yet anyway unfortunately not yet time in the Ansatz discern.
under one Textbook (or for may part too manuals) would I one material understand, with the too the blutigste Beginner step for step into site shifts becomes, by degrees his erstes Program create to, around the Entry in XProfan to find. and moreover should The structure already of reason on completely differently aufgebaut go! with the planning and structure standing or tip anyway one solches proposition, because on one sandiges Fundament can never and never a skyscraper building. one could of course later here and there still one Weilchen long patches draufkleben, still sometime becomes the part then nevertheless in itself zusammenstürzen!
who a others Programming-Language To XProfan changes, the knows in the rule already whom grundlegenden Programmaufbau and gängige Algorithms, so that it on one solches Textbook hardly dependent his becomes, separate with the vorhandenen reinen Befehls-Zusammenstellungen auskommt.
in the subesquent would like I time on The available Grobgliederung relating (and Zielstellung: Textbook):
I can't already at the beginning whom Lernenden same with of/ one Overview all in XProfan vorhandenen Variablentypen slay want! by then white this Yes not yet once, what a variable at all is and wozu variables serve. Verständlich explain can it the on this place ditto not yet, because it by then not yet time experienced has, How one with XProfan one integrally normales Mainwindow with a couple gesetzten properties prepares (x-, y-dimensions, the Koordinatenursprung lying at program not left under, How in the maths, separate left supra, Window Title, Window Style, Fensterfarbe, Wallpapers, ...) - first time even yet completely without Hauptschleife and only with WaitInput.
after one this step for step declared has, could one on the example the values for wide and Höhe the Mainwindow and / or the WindowTitel-Befehles explain, what at all a variable is, for what one at program variables needed and first of all with the String- and Integervariablen begin. The Longint-variables then first plenty, plenty later introduced, after the concept lever (on the example the Erstellens one Buttons) durchgenommen been is. From Memory-Variables need one Programmieranfänger a whole while at all yet quite nothing to know, because so can it on this place anyhow yet nothing begin.
but yet plenty former should first of all clarified go, How one XProfan-Programmcode at all in the Editorfenster writes: of supra down, big- and Kleinschreibung play no role, Leerzeilen and comments are to better Overview allows, eachone commands in a row, etc. means these integrally small Tippel-Tappel-Kleckertour. and not same whom Beginner with of/ one complete Overview all possible Variablentypen slay and thereafter matching The integrally large Bumskeule with the complete Overview sämtlicher Steuerungsbefehle, followed a Overview all command To Dateioperationen. At the latest on this place becomes the Programmieranfänger for good geschockt and disappears on Nimmerwiedersehen! such command How BlockRead, BlockWrite, PuByte, PutLong having on this place yet utterly quite nothing lost! so has it Time, To the fundamental construction the Arbeitsspeichers declared (Offset- and Segment-Adressen), as well as The Memory-Variables introduced been are.
To Beginn reaches a WHILE/WHILENOT-ENDWHILE-Loop completely from, likewise How simple IF/IFNOT-ELSEIF-ELSE-ENDIF-inquire.
head- and fußgesteuerte creep, einzeilige IF-inquire - this is for Programmieranfänger in a Textbook at the beginning anyhow überflüssiger ballast! who against expect one quick-Kapierer is, the can Yes of itself from some chapter skipping and moreover hinten in the Textbook nachschauen, where such fortgeschritteneren Praktiken described are.
i know, that this with the Wiki-manuals first time only one Startschuß been his should and the everything yet by degrees complement becomes. still of my opinion to can the on these Nature and point without jegliche methodische and didaktische Approaches in the Grobgliederung never and never one Textbook go, separate it'll again only one further reference book / Kompendium for already something fortgeschrittenere Programmer (see supra).
too is me famous, that the most Programmer itself yourself not any more, or only very heavy into Time zurückversetzen can, as tappt im dunkeln yourself not yet whom blassesten Schimmer of program had. still on these niedrige or. primitive level must one itself even coercive zurückversetzen can, if one one Textbook for Programmieranfänger write would like.
such scheinbaren Kleinigkeiten and Nebensächlichkeiten are unabdingbar! differently does it simply not! Anderenfalls wären into past years not soviele pseudo-XProfan-Lehrbuchschreiber failed and having without exception any to relatively kurzer Time your think about given.
sure could here again eingeworfen go: One well dokumentierter Source supplant each Textbook! this is of my opinion to völliger balderdash with Soße, if it for a Textbook for Programmieranfänger goes. with dokumentierten Codes enable one The schoolboy solely moreover, itself stranger Codeschnipsel without sense and mind together To clapping, without that tappt im dunkeln at least before The elementarsten Grundlagen understood having. in the momentum are you then of course mostly happy, as they therefore a simple Programmfunktion somehow running get having, but as they on these Nature and point go on, entrapments tappt im dunkeln already to shortest Time from all clouds, because then quite nothing more in her Program functions, because tappt im dunkeln crept and simply whom Content the zusammenkopierten Codezeilen not understood having.
itself today already around the formatierten expression the Lehrbuches whom head To break - i think time, of Print out are we to that jetzigen Time yet etliche Lichtjahre distant ...
I would anyway for, that we here time one real XProfan-Textbook in forward line take. still for should The Herangehensweise of my opinion to a utterly others his (see supra). Reine Befehls- or Quellcodesammlungen there meanwhile enough and to spare - however no einziges material (first time secondary, whether as File in irgendeinem gängigen Dateiformat, or as Papierausdruck), with the one blutiger Beginner the program with XProfan successful erlernen could. That this one want exists, the show z.B. which almost quarterly in the RGH-Einsteigerforum constantly wiederholenden identischen Anfängerfragen.
How one one solches Textbook-proposition possible concern could, the have I already in the XProfan-manager (see courses -> MMJ-basic course) attempts To rough. there's of course yet very plenty altes Zeugs include - but vaguely on these Nature and point begin I since years my Programmierkurse. still these Vorgehensweise in shape one Lehrbuches aufzuschreiben - so would eachone XProfan in its free time as Einzelkämpfer completely überfordert.
On any Cases should such things How Memory-Variables, APIs, ProcAdr, Call, etc. on the first 500 pages not yet time big erwähnt go - integrally simply therefore, because by then hundreds grundlegendere others things in detail and particularly for Beginner verständlich To explain are.
as all-all-allerletzten part the Lehrbuches could one then as a manner reference or. as i-Tüpfelchen the whole then The already available Onlinedoku add, including something komplexerer example-Applications as Source, in the eachone Programmteil in detail comments becomes.
so - now can your me for may part steinigen, or in the breeze zerfetzen! but I wished with my Lines absolutely at the outset hereon allude, that it not therefore weg ought to, that -zig people by degrees on beliebigen to put one vorhandenen Gliederungsgerüstet your Codes and Begriffserklärungen somehow aneinandergereiht reinkopieren. anyway then not, if from it sometime prospective one niveauvolles XProfan-Textbook go should!
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 07/28/07 ▲ |
| DH
simply on it lostippen and look, what thereby herauskommt?
so come into being often The best items, see XProfan.com - or the already first Ansatz the vorhandenen Wiki-Handbuches. would have been Michael not simply so a Tree gebastelt, had I do not simply whom Tree Schonmal yesterday night fleissig befüllt - then would we here immernoch with 0 (zero) sit! |
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Dietmar Horn | sure like You so to be right. still with the Content of my vorangegangenen Kilometerpostings has this of my opinion to little To do ....
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 07/28/07 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | Hello Dietmar, now steinige us still not same.
it should in each drop one Textbook go. means hilf us at korrekten Ansatz.
The of me roughly roughed Kapitelüberschriften stammen Yes objectively a manuals and not a Textbook. the here iF vorgeprescht is and the everything already in that manuals directly hineingeschrieben has, was well a little bit premature. really wished I over the construction first diskutieren.
there You as teacher over Lehrstoff-Vermittlung rather message points as we, hoping we on your rege holding. If it possible is as Oberplaner.
items The not The entrance examination for the Textbook receive move we then into Tutorial- or others reaches the Wiki.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/28/07 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | we wanted to hold already time begin.... |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/28/07 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | I have once more into PDF geschaut.
to Typographie the Buches must too a Festlegung erfolgen. there's well in the Wiki not everything so possible How in a gedruckten book?!
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/28/07 ▲ |
| what missing because so? |
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Michael Wodrich | The construction the Wiki-Page manuals allows incidentally too:
go To: manuals:XProfan10 (actually edit of XProfan10-manuals) go To: manuals:XProfan10_Lehrbuch (actually edit of XProfan10-Textbook)
Related: Discussion:manuals Related: Discussion:Textbook
where The Namenswahl for pages sure yet rather go could...
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/28/07 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich |
what missing because so?
distinction: Farbboxen for simple Hervorhebungen (in the course The Parameterdefinitionen) from the Quelltexten (in the course in another Schrifttype). sure yet so some...
the ließe itself in a chapter Typographie (in many Programmierbüchern already usus) transact. then know too any Mitwirkenden How something format go should.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/28/07 ▲ |