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Roberto | so i'm integrally new here I Have me yesterday night XProfan 10 free runtergeladen and yet can I -a Text into window write -a button make and something reinschreiben -and a messagebox make so I new be could your me perhaps a couple command give? I bräuchte zb whom commands Pc Shutdown and if I a button make need I a commands that if one on the button clicking a messagebox comes
i am pleased on eure Help and Please only Help not JUNGE VERGISS ES ODER SO what thanks beforehand mfg Robin Honacker |
| Ich bin neu hier also Verurteilt mich nicht für meine fragen.^^ | 02/15/09 ▲ |
Jac de Lad | Holle Robin.
Welcome here!!!
means, look best into Helpfile, there become You each crowd command find. for your special Cases help you ExitWindows and Clicked(). look in the Help to, there are too Examples drin. otherwise simply weiterfragen or The Hilfefunktion in the Community bait. Source become You here on eachone corner find.
Jac |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 02/15/09 ▲ |
Thomas Freier | Well, over ...Search: or Content: [...] ....or Examples of MMJ Quellcodesammlung: [...] |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 02/15/09 ▲ |
Roberto | THX for Help but I looks there not through can me Nich jmnd simply whom commands give that if to the Program opens the pc herunterfährt |
| Ich bin neu hier also Verurteilt mich nicht für meine fragen.^^ | 02/15/09 ▲ |
Sascha Oliver Haak | Hello Robin,
I can me whom others only connect, The Help XProfan is very well. but for a small Einblick kopier this code: CompileMarkSeparation $H windows.ph
Declare Ende%
Declare ButtonOK&, ButtonAus&, ButtonMSGBox&
Declare Antwort$
Window 1,1 - %maxX, %maxY
Ende% = 0
ButtonOK& = @create(Button,%hWnd,OK,20,20,100,100) OK Button erstellen
ButtonAus& = @create(Button,%hWnd,Aus,125,20,100,100) Aus Button erstellen
ButtonMSGBox&= @create(Button,%hWnd,MSG-Box,230,20,100,100) Button für Input und MSGBox
---------- Haupteinsprung
whileNot Ende%=1 Programmschleife
waitinput Auf Eingabe warten
if @getFocus(ButtonOK&) Focus auf OK Button
elseif @getFocus(ButtonAus&) Focus auf Aus Button
ExitWindows 0
elseif @getFocus(ButtonMSGBox&)
Antwort$ = @Input$(Wie ist dein Name ?,Gib Deinen Vornamen ein!,)
if Antwort$ <>
@MessageBox(Schön + Antwort$ + das Du XProfan benutzt.,Antwort,1)
endwhile Programmschleife Ende
end Ende Program
Sascha |
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Roberto | ES HAT WORKED VIELEN DANK JZ WERD ICH DES NOCHN BISSEL UMSCHREIBEN. PS knows another the with the button the if one on a button draufklick that dan zb a messagebox geöfnet becomes?
Greeting Robin |
| Ich bin neu hier also Verurteilt mich nicht für meine fragen.^^ | 02/15/09 ▲ |
Rolf Koch | |
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Roberto | Sorry that I so nerve but I be beginner. but I Have no idea I behind whom ... prompt should |
| Ich bin neu hier also Verurteilt mich nicht für meine fragen.^^ | 02/15/09 ▲ |
Rolf Koch | @Robin
load you time my Object Creator down. there position You you one Window together with Objects and can then in the erstellten code exercise. [...] |
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Roberto | HALLO thx for Help but I have kp I there make should |
| Ich bin neu hier also Verurteilt mich nicht für meine fragen.^^ | 02/15/09 ▲ |
Rolf Koch | @Robin As I said: Object Creator herunterladen and aufjedenfall plenty trouble, will and patience. none could of today on tommorrow directly program. one must it learn and Rückschläge einstecken can. Helpfile reading. my Page visit (and others here under left). by me there too Beginner Codes. |
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Sascha Oliver Haak | rather Robin,
look you still nocheinmal my code very on. The Button MSG-Box opens a Inputbox and as nächstes The MSG-Box. red response$ and the row response$= ...... and if response$ <>..... and endif lane.
otherwise can I Rolfs testimony support. program has plenty with try To do because only from Fehlern everybody can self resolve learn one.
Greeting Sascha |
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