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new Programmidee... (Registrywiederherstellung)

Hello Profaner,

there my Hauptrechner to Time certainly yet at least two weeks on the Wörterbuch for my BrutForce Klamotte herumrechnet, be I to Time on the Search to new, interessanten ideas.
Gedanklich be I to Time thereby one Program To write, the a ongoing Windowssitzung (any 32bit Betriebssysteme) a binäre copy the Registry the eingeloggten Users make should.
Desweiteren should the program The Possibility afford (against in a ongoing Windowssitzung), The actually Registry by a gespeicherte Version To supplant.
Also should the Tool still moreover in the site his, The actually Registry with of/ one gespeicherten Version To vergleichen and differences aufzulisten.
=> the dürften insgesammt around the 2000 To 3000 Lines go, means relatively quick To write.

of it, How the weg could, have I already quite detailed imaginations - would soetwas but at all for irgendjemanden interestingly?
has itself already time someone such a thing program - or knows someone a Freeware, The the can?

try wirs time differently around - for what's this thing restore the whole HKCU well?

salvo, iF

It's all right u.u. not only around the Current User, sonder possible around the gesammte Registry. time following Examples:

my sister-in-law has a virus or Dialer on their computer. The thing is into Registry registered and no Virenscanner can the program discern...

my son having on seinem computer one Brennprogramm installs - since then functions some Games not any more. withal delete the Program no recovery...

I have time self on of my Registry by hand herumgebastelt - thereafter get any Tooltipps only yet Black displayed...

asks itself only, whether others The equal Problems having How I...

now - i think the Topic is through Microsofts Systemwiederherstellung slay.

salvo, iF

best Thanks, IF...

rewards The trouble means only in privatem area.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Peter Max Müller11/27/11
Julian Schmidt03/08/11


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