have your pleasure on a common Community-proposition or. can itself who present on it mitzuwirken?
in example one Program the a typical-versauten-user-winXP-computer again The nötige Durchstartkraft verleiht?
I speech of a einfachen small Program! no Monsterprojekt! One Program where any Mitwirker aufgezählt go - a Initiative of XProfan.com hold.
well - who power with?
what the program do could:
a) any Autostarts vollautomatisch remarken How one it manually by msconfig do can b) any nichtMS-services vollautomatisch remarken - How one it manually by msconfig do can c) items How Bildschirmhintergrundbilder or Skins turn off d) something like How Fehlerberichterstattungsdienste turn off e) treiberDatum vergleichen with neueren versions - z.B. The of Graphic-Cards f) defrag started - but not the of M$ - separate The Free better Variante (vorherr download unless installs etc.etc)
Son Zeux hold what too in eachone TV-series gepriesen becomes - one plainer assistant whom NOOB-X hold simply perform can if it the feeling has the it faster think as his computer.
I have here Perhaps neither at the end virtual - but as Why stay ought to it suffice.
so did i but... next 3 weeks on my own on the work and Stress and late and because of WM Samstags, Sonntags and late u.s.w - hold retail. thereafter comes ROC, NOC - Nervenklinik *lol*