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Matthias Arlt | well say wirs time so: it bid hold ne crowd Bequemlichkeiten under one housetop, is quite well konfigurierbar and conditioned erweiterbar. from it can itself then a almost maßgeschneiderte IDE shape, The of House from already much mitbringt. is of course Ansichtssache, How so much others too, but who dwelt is, so To works, depends usually dran... |
| WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia | 12/12/06 ▲ |
| clear the understand I. |
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Matthias Arlt | the only, me spontan einfallende Manko is, that Syntax-Highlighting even only To Profan7 implementiert is. Perhaps can itself but too on it yet feilen (with properly deeper Eingriffen). the Have I not yet attempts... |
| WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia | 12/12/06 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn | Hello together,
herewith would like I as utterly überzeugter PrFellow-fan come out!
PrFellow is for me yet always the best Tool, what it for XProfan-Programmer apiece given has! and the, though it already since years not any more weiterentwickelt becomes.
particularly convincing The vielfältigen editor-functions, The I simply not any more missen would like! If I there z.B. on the nichtfunktionierende Einrücken with Tabs in the PrfPad or ProfEd think, then becomes me over ands over again aufs new badly of it (and the concerns too The Beginner in our MMJ-Programmierkursen).
really pity, that then because of of/ one really small Kinderkacke (in the Nachhinein viewing) or. Zoff between of/ one hand voller Profaner (or übertriebener Profilierungssucht einzelner people) The Weiterentwicklung of PrFellow tuned been was!
PrFellow (in weiterentwickelter Version) + ROC + XPSE + XPIA + iF-Units + Profan2Cpp + SKControl.dll + XProfan-manager under of/ one Haube and everything together and among themselves voted - the could a quite perfect IDE for XProfan yield!
I stay anyway until further notice at PrFellow-editor, because it derzeitig yet always nothing Gleichwertiges gives!
On the fehlende Syntax-Highlighting for recent XProfan-versions can I safely dispense! who something longer with XProfan program, the needed such überflüssigen Firlefanz eh not any more! Strg + F1 for XProfan-Help to that actually commands reicht then still really completely from. especially since The Syntax of XProfan version of To Version always uniformly becomes, so that I at Proggen of standard-routines already the öfteren thereby erwischt have: human Dietmar - really does it with the program in XProfan still meanwhile already almost faster, How the type anybody Mail on Hinz or Kunz ...
If Roland and his Co-Help-Author it to meanwhile over 15 years finally kapieren would, that the Sprungmarke To Loadfile not LoadFile separate LoadFile$ hot must, then would I restlos happy. this Topic I had in the RGH-Forum and on XProfan.com since years repeatedly angeschnitten. still changed has yet unfortunately nothing. meanwhile have I however The hope almost given, that itself dbzgl. yet sometime something do becomes ...
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 12/12/06 ▲ |
Matthias Arlt | @Dietmar rather had I it neither squeeze out can, only wished I do not same so in that detail weg. accordingly wären here already time at least two Geoutete ! I personally need the Highlighting ditto not, obschon it grade umfangreichere Codes Yes then still too übersichtlicher looks can...
anyway reicht qualitative presently nothing other on these IDE heran. (...and the under a Haube bring be I u.a. grade too engage.)
in this senses of fan To fan... |
| WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia | 12/13/06 ▲ |
Thomas Zielinski | three geoutete! i'm too one Fanatischer User the PrFellow. I can already not at all More without IHN. me disturbing the Highlighting neither More even if it already sometimes beautiful would. the strange on the PrFellow is its Hypnotische effect The a tributary power(in the positive senses), have now my Profanzeugs on a others computer brought(because I my Hauptrechner on the Wochenendn Nich benefit can) and wished me,with PrfPad, remedy To I the PrFellow on it having. it went simply not. Fazit: The PrFellow is yet The ulimative Profan-IDE. lovely Greeting all Gleichdenkenden. Alexej. |
| XProfan X4; Win10 x64 Der Kuchen ist eine lüge! | 12/13/06 ▲ |
TPeichert | now are we already 4 geoutete
too i'm with PrFellow More as pleased and it must already one Quantensprung his, so I mean IDE wechsle... |
| Th eichert ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ Hab'n PC - keine Zeit für 'nen Hobbit..... | 12/13/06 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | I faith, I custom me none To come out, there of me etliche Posts always time again on Prfellow verweisen. irrespective the genialen Program with a yet (tschuldigung Rolf) unerreichten WYSYWIG-editor, is it namely particularly The Großzügigkeit, with the Thomas its Codes available set has, and the mitgelieferten Vorlagen, The me to etlichen years first Einblick in vernünftiges (strukturiertes) program possible made having. At the latest ex XProfan10 is WinFellow useful useless become or at least only yet with great hoisted sensible anzupassen. One small Bug in whom inquire for selbsterstellte Komponenten power additionally always something abenteuerliche Verrenkungen necessary. since the XProfEd existing is incidentally the Syntax Highlighting no reason More with Prfellow To stay! with the Anpassung the Scintilla-dll is iF one great fling been successful and the editor is straight because of the Open-Source-Creation utterly class. means funeral circa Prfellow and still around the Weggang Thomas but the life goes moreover. with ROC and XProfEd has one already two very comfortable programs available.
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 12/13/06 ▲ |
Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello people!
we're straight thereby are... functions with you eigendlich the Mausrad in the Editorfenster of PRFellow?? by me namely not (just as little How into RGH-Editoren)
SeeYou Pascal |
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Frank Abbing | Well, then I will me time come out as not-PrFellow-User. having it former time tested, but the editor pleased I do not. gives better. The Source code weren't badly, but I found it always rather, not with strangers feathers To deck and yourself To bemühen. the bring on duration More. Fensterdesigner there too better. with ROC or ControlBuilder can itself liquid works. but - the would like I yet allude - everything is Yes Geschackssache. |
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| I close me Franks opinion on. I had then at testing for me recognized the PrfFellow of course beautiful - but likewise as ProfiEDITOR plenty useless is. somehow has the part never so reacted as To expect would if one program - what about me speech not of KlickToExe. i'm nunmal no MausFan and somehow i was with my keyboard in PrfFellow aufgeschmissen - too what so The gängigen (but still special) Tastenkombinationen concerns. *g*
the the program well is faith I but gladly - is only hold nothing for me. |
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