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| Message: Microsoft has ex windows2000 The Meldepflicht for processes introduced! eachone User-Process has gefälligst on inquire its detailed whereabouts unverzüglichst anzugeben! with want can all rights deprived and the whereabouts polizeilich festgesetzt go!
in the attachment is To this Topic one small Polizeiprogramm.
my question: How are the?
as reward for guess there lovely yummy View source... |
| 609 kB | | Kurzbeschreibung: | Big Brother - Meldepflicht for processes Version 3 | | Hochgeladen: | 10/10/06 | | Downloadcounter: | | | | Download |
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Frank Abbing | Hm, I stand already to the trouble, The task-ID one Prozesses auszulesen. in the task-manager find I no Possibility moreover.
For this bring I your Program to that crash . simply through input of/ one incorrect ID... |
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Rolf Koch | give Frank right. by me coming now too twice Variable is already dimensioniert. what about me be integrally sincere: i'm überfordert, what the program power - can you means neither say How the goes - what at all *lol*. but very interestingly see it again from and one can certainly yummy things so make.
@Frank: The Process ID get You displayed, if you in the Taskmanager under view/Split select whom suitable point dial. |
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| [quote:7a50607696=Frank Abbing]Hm, I stand already to the trouble, The task-ID one Prozesses auszulesen. in the task-manager find I no Possibility moreover.
For this bring I your Program to that crash . simply through input of/ one incorrect ID...[/quote:7a50607696] I building a expansion, where not More necessary is. 2000 shows The ID on. to hardship first time TNT use, there standing The ID before each Process.
Andreas |
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| having because of better Lesbarkeit the Quelltextes on Fehlerbehandlungen and the Reading the processes waived. have supra one Update implemented and now little more comfort installed. so rather? |
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| for integrally rotten here once more Testquelltext: CompileMarkSeparationDEF @GetDlgCtrlID(1) !"USER32","GetDlgCtrlID"
DEF @ButtonClicked(1) @GetDlgCtrlID(@&(1))=-%MENUITEM
Declare Button&,DIREC$,DIR&
Windowstyle 31+512
Windowtitle "Ich ändere meine Aufenthaltsort..."
Window 0,0-640,440
Usermessages $10
LET Button&=@CreateButton(%HWND,"Current Directory ändern",30,30,200,30)
LET DIR&=@Createtext(%HWND,"",20,100,600,90)
While %Umessage<>$10
IF @ButtonClicked(Button&)
Setmenuitem 0
LET DIREC$=@ChooseDir$("Verzeichnis auswählen, in das ich springen soll...")
Settext DIR&,DIREC$
plenty Fun at Knobeln.
Andreas |
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Frank Abbing | Andreas, your BigBrother is not yet reif. The Hälfe of my processes sees it as defunct on, though tappt im dunkeln yet integrally living are and no Systemprozesse are... |
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| the would no trouble the To Change. is Yes only one puzzel and no fertiges Program - means, how does that? the some processes with you not weg, is already the best Info. |
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Frank Abbing | i think, the runs over the Windowhandle. Werd but time little testing. |
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| 1.Info: wrong get. goes with each Process, too without Window. |
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| Habs once more (hopefully) something plainer and übersichtlicher configures. As I said: it would really with each Process functions, if... |
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Frank Abbing | Hm, szExeFile supply always only whom Filenamen, never How indicated too whom way. but ought to no trouble his |
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