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Rootbares Mobiltelefon?



because of one Hinweises a Forum Search I one "rootbares" Handy - Apple-iPhones can it means not his, what about me would like too nothing against Urheberrechte/Softwareschutz gerichtetes so make. i want - zB via WINE for Android, XProfan (at least Version 11 free) or Derivate of it hereon run. gives it such a thing at all? gives it konkrete Experience? which Handy/Phonepad ought to I buy?
XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...


have self different tools gerootet - each time "anders" - mostly over The "Bootloader" the tools and Connection on whom PC and use of ADB - some tools can but too z.B. by KingoRoot-APK gerootet go -

but Perhaps still same one Linuxhandy (z.B. anhand this list)  [...]  find/ use.


thanks for Info (The me something with Fachbegriffen überfordert). my next question becomes now presumably thick sound, but: Can with a Linux/Ubuntu-Handy still telephone? at the same time even? I put me namely to, that the Netzbetreiber not keen are, if there Protokolle chopped go /could?

The übernächste question yet blöder: allegedly stick in eachone second ´Egal-was´-machine already Java. is one normales Android-Handy (of manufacturers abgesegnet) with Java programmierbar? (sh.Edit!) then could one XProfan still at least emulieren, speed would no Topic!

EDIT Ergänzungen about:

ADB, Android Debug Bridge, is a command-line utility included with Google's Android SDK (software Development Kit). ADB can control your device over USB from a computer, copy files back and forth, install and uninstall apps, run shell commands, and more.

Kingo Root: with the Freeware "Kingo Root" rooten tappt im dunkeln different Android-tools with only one Click, circa so filled Access to your unit to obtain. Herstellerseite lead list the supported tools. unfortunately can newer tools not rooten.

Date: In which Language go Android Apps written?
circa on the conventional lane to that Android-App-developer To go, would HTML The übliche electoral ((is WAP no Topic More?)) . circa however a advanced application to develop, ought to is a, two or several the produktivsten Languages learn – How Java or Python. Wundere you but not that with Android again some differently is as in Java self. :-{
with Android NDK can Apps in C/C++ program.
Androids Linux-Kernel (!!!) is mainly in C written ((means Maschinennahe)).

NDK: Android Native Development Kit (NDK): a set of tools that allows you to use C and C++ code with Android.

LLDB: the debugger Android studio uses to debug native code.
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

in the Zuge the development of InfinityProfan have I to 5 years time probiert, How one Android Apps classic develops  [...]  I had then Android studio installs and the Phone properly joined, circa on the unit To testing.

since then has some done.

Android_Studio [...] 

Kotlin [...] 

there finds one, what needed.  [...] 


thanks for Info.

I must confess, The thing is a ziemlicher Kulturschock for me. be hold verwöhnt of XProfan + LemonEd. but over The holidays goes Perhaps what.
everything good from Wien!
XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

p.woodpecker (19.12.2020)
Can with a Linux/Ubuntu-Handy still telephone? at the same time even?

Yes, integrally normal, becomes neither differently "gemacht" as under windows or Android or ..., as would have You one modem on the PC connected and as would You above SMS or Telefonie operate.

p.woodpecker (19.12.2020)
I put me namely to, that the Netzbetreiber not keen are, if there Protokolle chopped go /could?

this is free from problems, the (in that Handy already installed) modem (z.B.  [...]  ) is with AT-command steuerbar and whom Protokollen, The You vlt. mean, has one nothing To do. so Send any (OSs) z.B. eh only atdRufnummer ans modem and this building (asynchron) a link on How one it too of Behavior of on whom PC associated Modems expects/ knows.

p.woodpecker (19.12.2020)
The übernächste question yet blöder: allegedly stick in eachone second ´Egal-was´-machine already Java. is one normales Android-Handy (of manufacturers abgesegnet) with Java programmierbar? (sh.Edit!) then could one XProfan still at least emulieren, speed would no Topic!

You can for Android nativ in C/or C++ program and/ or (characteristically) by Java. The Android- Java- Applications (DEX-code) go from the Dalvik- Virtual-Machine processing and dank JIT (just in time)- "Compiler" häppchenweise in (against speedy) Opcode "konvertiert".

p.woodpecker (19.12.2020)
ADB, Android Debug Bridge, is a command-line utility included with Google's Android SDK (software Development Kit). ADB can control your device over USB from a computer, copy files back and forth, install and uninstall apps, run shell commands, and more.

The Darreichungsform as "Kommandozeilenprogramm" is properly meaningfully there it as SDK-component leichter übergreifend useable is.

p.woodpecker (19.12.2020)
Kingo Root: with the Freeware "Kingo Root" rooten tappt im dunkeln different Android-tools with only one Click, circa so filled Access to your unit to obtain. Herstellerseite lead list the supported tools. unfortunately can newer tools not rooten.

The Handyhersteller How Samsung LG SONY etc. having different Lösungswege for drop, that one one (new/ other) "Firmwareupdate" aufs unit aufspielen wants.

The Problems are so plenty More, that the new Firmware (the new OS) for right (target-) processor compiled go (therefore no X86- "Windows XP" on not-Intel-processor-Smartphones), the OS with the unterschiedlichen hardware (different Boards) bypass as well as working driver thereby his müss(t)en.

p.woodpecker (19.12.2020)
Date: In which Language go Android Apps written?
circa on the conventional lane to that Android-App-developer To go, would HTML The übliche electoral ((is WAP no Topic More?)) . circa however a advanced application to develop, ought to is a, two or several the produktivsten Languages learn ? How Java or Python. Wundere you but not that with Android again some differently is as in Java self. :-{
with Android NDK can Apps in C/C++ program.
Androids Linux-Kernel (!!!) is mainly in C written ((means Maschinennahe)).

WAP can still make, its very Datensparsam z.B. well for Mikrokontroller, z.B. one HTML To WML- Proxy would The Website in a compressed shape übermitteln.

what "Google" meant was well, that You hold instead of createEdit(hWnd,"Hallo Welt",0,0,120,24) sooner <input type=text value="Hallo Welt" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:120px;height:24px"> schrübest.

an äquivalente WAP-Variante were it in W(AP)CSS (quite)not.


me schlackern The ears whether the diversity on me einstürzender Info. VIELEN HERZLICHEN DANK, but I need now first time Time to that digest...
Einstweilen: best Regards from Wien!

P.s.: Kurioserweise Gibts too Android-on-windows:  [...] 
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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