somehow Have I the feeling that me The Shoutbox not suffering can! to some Meet Have I there what reingeschrieben and the thing has so done as though it operates, but my Text isn't emerged! After some failed try Have I given. and as i today nachschau, standing of me 4 time the same drin!!! there want I write the me that sorrow does and again is nothing geschehn! can me the time someone explain?
a) both FireFox b) both verkorkste Cacheinstellungen
by me (IE/FF/Opera) can I unfortunately no Fehlfunktion check what it me very heavy power a bow auffindig To make.
salvo.[/quote:81a2a1f03d]Have straight with Opera posted, grundeinstellungen, never what changed Smileys go too with erheblicher Verzögerung einfügt in the normalem Posting
I have me with Einträgen into Shoutbox angewöhnt: - zuallererst on The Mainpage in the Forum change - then ensuring (make sure), that one itself too there befindet - and then must one shouten
there too I usually whom FF use and on the part really everything getunt have, given I me for Shoutbox-Pannen always self The guilt.
power too nothing. one need with a modem anyhow little more patience. and sometime appear then The Message in the Shoutbox. Since I in between in the Forum read have so did i yet never one wirkliches Completed: the Shoutbox had (otherwise would have I immediate gemeckert).
Best wishes Michael Wodrich
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