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Rolf Koch | One Tipp of me: Afer a long Überlegen of me, Why The mouse so lazy on of my woman their computer and my computer under Firefox reacted and the construction been noticeably slow in all pages went, coming I with my Detektivarbeiten To folgedem Result: Dauernd saw I on Websites Telfonnummern as anklickbare Buttons, where before never one Button was. any contacts from of my list, had behind their names whom Online/Offline status of Skype inside the Website, though this of Webseitenautor never arranged watts. then set I solid, that supra next to the Suchleiste of FF one Skypebutton was, which well ungefragt installs watts. my Fazit now: there runs a application in the background, which my Websites monitors and these Problems causes. I means In the Control Panel sought and next to the normalen Skype The application: Skype Web Features (selbes Icon How the as Button within FF). immediate deinstalliert and see there, it's running again without Problems my geliebeter fox ^^ can but too his, that Skype during the installation nachgefragt has, I can me not remind. Perhaps for one or others one importent Tipp. it deals itself around the neuste Skype Version. |
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| Jupp, this SkypeAddon was always "Müll" (seither, means already forever - circa not To say "immer" ^^) - it zerhaut once in a while HTML and I can also recommend (and do this too), it abzustellen or. abgestellt To let. |
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