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Dietmar Horn | to my knowledge, watts Prfellow jahrelang as shareware vertrieben and is meanwhile of Author as Freeware released been.
Freeware must of my Wissens in unchanged shape and free relayed (means of everybody copies) go. now have I but repeatedly red, that solely Bernd Haase the right own, this program on its Homepage anzubieten. How fits the together?
In PrFellow is a not straight small Source-collection include, The to that überwiegenden part yet currently is. must these Source code now in unchanged shape official relayed go, or not - to that example as component of/ one Quellcodesammlung for Schulungszwecke (Profan-courses) - naturally under the prerequisite, that the copyright-Vermerke the Autors not removes go.
knows itself here someone with such rechtlichen ask from? which Rubrik(en) on software there evtl. yet between Freeware and shareware (except Public Domain).
of my opinion to is the quite bewildered. either I give one Program as Freeware spare, or I let the stay. if I the program not as Freeware freigebe, then becomes it simply not weiterentwickelt and the yet erteilten shareware-Lizenzen keep your Gültigkeit, as it yet was.
If I in my Kursen Source code, z.B. from the RGH-Forum or of XProfan.com use and weitergebe, then must I still neither with mail of irgendeinem lawyer calculate. Genausowenig How my schoolboy this befürchten must, as they of me yourself developed Codes benefit and pass.
what could Jemandem at the worst occur, if it (except Bernd Haase) the Freeware-Program Prfellow unchanged Internet to that Download anbietet? and ggf. with which Begründung? it might still legal no Difference therein consist, whether one one Program on volume weitergibt, or Internet anbietet, or?
Greeting Dietmar |
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Bernd Haase | Dietmar has already right. its quite verzwickt. i think, the first thought to Freeware is the, that one software with this Freeware develop can and these developed software without rechtlichen Ärger transmit can. Freeware can I naturally too transmit, How z. B. over the internet. These rechtliche box, that only I these transmit must, is sometime time To Sharewarezeiten hochgekommen. Why knows so did i not any more, is too long since. The Contact then To Thomas Hölzer was very well and therefore having Thomas too nothing against it, I for its Products or rather its Products The Werbetrommel gerührt have. means mach you not whom large head, hold Prfellow endearing and on the life.
Bernd |
| Mit freundlichem Gruß Bernd Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !![...] | 04/07/06 ▲ |