Regulars table & Café

suggestions and Proposals

Space for suggestions and Proposals.

idea of Christian Bernfeld: in the E-Mail notification too whom Content the Postings mitliefern.

an API-reference like with  [...]  geordnet and each one small example. so can too times the API-functions simply time durchstöbern and has a fantastische Overview.

neither badly, would if a new Sign in the Shoutbox is, the welt another colour or similar had.
Should one only consider when the again disappears - Seitenwechsel?


Hi, iF!
have right, here's one better Space for ideas...
white therefore not, whether Dus in the shoutbox seen have, therefore here again:
in the Main Menu: Hello, .. in x Topics new Posts: How would The idea, at Anklicken this Field a list viewed To get - analog to Suchfunktion? therefore You can then any new Posts directly anwählen, without long rummage about To must.

In manchen Unterforen functions The Farbmarkierung of new Posts not correctly.. it'll of course in the Hauptforum what new displayed, if I then into Unterforum-view go, is no Farbmarkierung present. an further plain deeper GEHTS then again.

Greeting, Christian
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Christian Bernfeld

could You occasionally whom Quote-Button as response with Quote down uneasily, there, where dzt. New Topic is, the could then integrally to left back. then can no so blindes hen How I the QuoteBut with the EditBut confuse and logischer squared wärs too.

Greeting, Christian

Sag me Please How then clear his should whom Posting one Quote would like.

salvo, iF

Christian Bernfeld
from this visibility must I you naturally right give. I handhabe it hold differently. i'm relatively plenty online and can on (important or interesting) Posts rasch react. If I now a Posting Quote wants, then either same (means whom last) or I fetch me The Texts anyhow händisch and quote-endquote can I so too insert.

OK, i'll How from you suggested there a QuoteBut place - though the Quote of Posts in the rule only then makes sense - if one hold not whom last Posting Answer would like. otherwise ists Yes hold only a response.
Christian Bernfeld
I for my part würds too never differently make.
but this Thread should you Yes only as ideas-pool serve, whether The ideas then in the practice meaningfully or at all feasible are, must anyhow You decide
Greeting, Christian

i'm grateful for each Verbesserungsvorschlag.

Christian Bernfeld
Please gladly..

BTW: now is you moreover the same thing happens How me recently: you have in the haste my Posting edited...
very the was Yes the Hauptgrund for suggestion.
power aba nothing - was eh only for you.


No - How you see is this Posting the Meinige. i did this with solid (3x) circa here no Diskusion aufkommen To let - separate each suggestion in a Posting To pack.

salvo, iF

One Click on one Topic lead now same on The latest Page and to that last entry. accordingly is no Seitenwechseln More necessary.

salvo, iF


I had there another idea to Profanerkarte:
after the community presently vigorously grows, Better get going sometime time tight go with the names.
How wärs so: The names around The ticket place and Striche to that Place of residence wander? would be übersichtlicher.
Perhaps goes itself Österreich then too yet from, if time More as a handful registered are?

Greeting, Christian
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

unfortunately know You warscheinlich not How I it then geregelt having. I had a superleckere Beschriftungsengine gebastelt - these I will again new proggen. i think The Engine hats even yet rather geregelt - the Topic.

salvo, iF

Hello iF,

fänd it cool if one itself additional too How follows einloggen could:

with Ner persöhnlichen UserID The How follows is used:

https://XProfan.mxii.com/login.php?userID=******** means by Link!

then need one not jedesmal by hand einzuloggen separate can the simply so into Favos take off.


Salu Michael...

Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! 

Hi, iF

ideal would a Linkleiste on the foot the threads analog to the in the Kopfbereich, circa itself the zurückscrollen To save.
The Counter in the Main Menu ought to already circa 1 minimizes go, if I a as new marked thread open, not first at leave.

[highlight=red]otherwise would like I time in the names Aller with you for umfangreiche work thank, The You for us leistest![/highlight]
the should here too time particularly festgehalten go.
, Christian
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Erstmal many Thanks for flowers!

Sag only - of which Linkleiste redest?

From this?

Mainpage » The XProfan-Community » The Regulars Table of XProfan Community » suggestions and Proposals

salvo, iF


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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