Regulars table & Café

suggestions and Proposals

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Space for suggestions and Proposals.

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its always only the each latest Thread, on the I answer. this is now z. B. lane.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

time see
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Schade, well still not so eindeutig
I hab's now time tested. different Threads answers. this diving not, The others already. before was is though definitiv the with the Bitmapstatic.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

I generiere The RSS-Files "nur" minütlich, therefore Perhaps so gewirkt?

I screen the RSS-Generate today evening again.

The Error was:
... order by "topicTime" desc limit 1,20

instead of 0,20 - sorry.

power still nothing. now having we it Yes erwischt.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

can You on it respect, the externe Pages in one extra tab opened go, as they over The number (actually Threads) angesteuert go? i was even suddenly on Facebook.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Ah, türlich!

would be it too possible, the Chat-Entries not as "Neue Themen" showing ??
one lied itself one, sees : "16 new Beiträge" , of it are then but 12 - 14 only "sinnfreie" Chat-Entries

...and if then time in the Chat what interessantes standing, has one warscheinlich anyhow whom beginning missed and white not any more worums goes, there Yes the Chat not back gescrollt go can...
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

alas, and where I already time bei'm "meckern" be:
Diesen "After-integrally-supra-Pfeil"  , (How it already time there was) would I me integrally gladly again wish. the gescrolle, circa again to supra To come, power a (and the Mäuschen) Yes integrally wuschig...

a "ganz-to-under-Pfeil"  Gibts indeed...
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

E.T. (09.11.10)
would be it too possible, the Chat-Entries not as "Neue Themen" showing ??
one lied itself one, sees : "16 new Beiträge" , of it are then but 12 - 14 only "sinnfreie" Chat-Entries

...and if then time in the Chat what interessantes standing, has one warscheinlich anyhow whom beginning missed and white not any more worums goes, there Yes the Chat not back gescrollt go can...

the would too in my interest! anyhow, one good tommorrow Chat, at noon Chat, Tea-time-Chat etc... soviele Chats... who need whom the? One Chat - so How former, without 'Neues-Topic-Counter'

2.) Beitragszeit / Beitragsdatum [1]
me would additional The Uhrzeit interested, when one Posting written been is, and not only the date.

3.) Beitragszeit / Beitragsdatum [2]
in the Chat would I gladly too the date having, instead of only The Time.

4.) On Forum becomes Yes often verlinkt. now there pages, How z.B. the RGH-XProfan-Forum (only as example) The yet The (good) old Frame-engineering use. and at a single blow becomes Forum in the Frame of/ one others Page displayed. by a simple Java-Script in the Head the Website, can itself the prevent:
<script type="text/javascript">

if (top != self)

    top.location = self.location;
Website:  [...] 
Facebook:  [...] 

E.T. (09.11.10)
would be it too possible, the Chat-Entries not as "Neue Themen" showing ??

no trouble. I beschränke the then but not Chat/ NichtChat separate one can hold for each Topic determine whether one this hingewiesen go would like if it therein new with and lazy gives.

E.T. (09.11.10)
one lied itself one, sees : "16 new Beiträge" , of it are then but 12 - 14 only "sinnfreie" Chat-Entries

there are Yes not The Entries/ Posts The as new gemeldet go separate sooner The Topics with new Postings. means with 100 new Posts in 1 Topic becomes a 1 viewed instead of of/ one 100 and "12 - 14" Chat-Threads Gibts Yes not at all. ^^

E.T. (09.11.10)
...and if then time in the Chat what interessantes standing,


E.T. (09.11.10)
...and if then time in the Chat what interessantes standing,
has one warscheinlich anyhow whom beginning missed and white not any more worums goes, there Yes the Chat not back gescrollt go can...

the is Yes strain the. usually sees one with Chats at all not at all what VOR to enter written watts. this "Anspruch" means of a Chat usually not at all To raise is.

E.T. (09.11.10)
alas, and where I already time bei'm "meckern" be:
Diesen "After-integrally-supra-Pfeil"  , (How it already time there was) would I me integrally gladly again wish. the gescrolle, circa again to supra To come, power a (and the Mäuschen) Yes integrally wuschig...

a "ganz-to-under-Pfeil"  Gibts indeed...

The Although invisible but it missing not. ^^ naturally I had the same wiedermitübernommen so one simply under (How before) on The H-groin clicking can and immediate to #top usher becomes. I habs me solely erspart extra a arrow hinzumalen but the Cursor verrät it nevertheless. How could I this feature forget.... pfff!

Marc-Gordon (09.11.10)

2.) Beitragszeit / Beitragsdatum [1]
me would additional The Uhrzeit interested, when one Posting written been is, and not only the date.

I make simply adjustable whether someone too The Uhrzeit its Posts betray would like.

Marc-Gordon (09.11.10)
3.) Beitragszeit / Beitragsdatum [2]
in the Chat would I gladly too the date having, instead of only The Time.

For which? I kanns gladly as Title the Uhrzeit Show but date with Chatbeiträgen? this is one bisl How as if one itself to standing and instead of "Hallo" To say first with Date and Uhrzeit begin would... ^^

Marc-Gordon (09.11.10)
4.) On Forum becomes Yes often verlinkt. now there pages, How z.B. the RGH-XProfan-Forum (only as example) The yet The (good) old Frame-engineering use. and at a single blow becomes Forum in the Frame of/ one others Page displayed. by a simple Java-Script in the Head the Website, can itself the prevent:
<script type="text/javascript">

if (top != self)

    top.location = self.location;

Why verhinden the The Page in a Frame viewed go can? what hold of "einstellbar"...?!


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Jörg Sellmeyer09/30/14
Paul Glatz07/20/11


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