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ByteAttack | [iF] For which? I kanns gladly as Title the Uhrzeit Show but date with Chatbeiträgen?
integrally simply - writes someone something into Chat, and its already two days since, and none has what written, can I Yes on its Text How z.B. is someone yet wach... etc... Nich two days later Answer. the date is very important in the Chat - so quite eachone Chat shows it from whom supra named Found on !!!
[iF] Why verhinden the The Page in a Frame viewed go can?
This is in general as very 'unschön'. Also is the Overview not any more gewährleistet, and who would like already, that its Page with of/ one 'fremden' Navigationsleiste and/or Titelleiste displayed get! |
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E.T. | Aaah, H-groin found |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 11/10/10 ▲ |
| E.T. (10.11.10)
Aaah, H-groin found
Marc-Gordon (10.11.10)
[iF] For which? I kanns gladly as Title the Uhrzeit Show but date with Chatbeiträgen?
integrally simply - writes someone something into Chat, and its already two days since, and none has what written, can I Yes on its Text How z.B. is someone yet wach... etc... Nich two days later Answer.
Why because not?
Marc-Gordon (10.11.10)
the date is very important in the Chat - so quite eachone Chat shows it from whom supra named Found on !!!
How written... can it Yes as cover/QuickInfo the Uhrzeit Show.
Marc-Gordon (10.11.10)
[iF] Why verhinden the The Page in a Frame viewed go can?
This is in general as very 'unschön'.
Marc-Gordon (10.11.10)
Also is the Overview not any more gewährleistet,
it be because, one contact this feature on, circa a höhere Overview To gewährleisten!
Marc-Gordon (10.11.10)
and who would like already, that its Page with of/ one 'fremden' Navigationsleiste and/or Titelleiste displayed get!
I z.B.! what about me know now still not inwiefern the "problematisch" his should so I it Specifically "verhinden" should.
click time left on currently: [...]
I Have even to the in the drop one RGH-CSS displayed becomes... So the then Rolands Look adopted becomes. likewise becomes one this too global for itself take on can. ^^ |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | E.T. (10.11.10)
Aaah, H-groin found
this is again typical iF'sches thing. who comes hereon, that a gepunktete hardly visible Line on the foot the Page a again to supra bring? is now none angry meant, separate sooner a amusing Feststellung. i will see, I can make and not a half-way hour so spend, The mouse everywhere herumzufuhrwerken, around the Changes the Cursors To watch.
I would find whom PFEIL too rather in the row, where Bearbeiten|Zietieren|Mehr standing aufgehoben. otherwise must one again first deeper scroll, before one itself hochklickt. then can I too same up-scrolling... |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/10/10 ▲ |
| here so...?
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| Habs now so...
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Jörg Sellmeyer | this is super!! is for a new now still something Raterei but arrow to supra is Yes Schonmal one deutlicher Info. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/10/10 ▲ |
Paul Glatz | The notification on new Posts comes only if mins. 2 new Beitrage there are |
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| No the is correct not.
the Benachrichtigungsverfahren is very komplex, vlt. have something overlooking - z.B. the The notification too according to opened Tabs reacted etc.. and/ or You do not benachrichtig become for Topics The You just viewing because there Yes immediate the new Posting displayed becomes etc..
Please in the eye keep. |
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Paul Glatz | have strain again geschaut it coming your Posting it stood too The (1) in the oberen groin still the Hinweiston coming not. |
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| How written....
and/ or You do not benachrichtig become for Topics The You just viewing because there Yes immediate the new Posting displayed becomes etc..
>> still the Hinweiston coming not.
can I now little To say, To little Info. If the display functions then watts the tone at least "angewiesen". |
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Paul Glatz | as the contribution coming i was on the Mainpage and grade fhele again the tone |
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