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| Space for suggestions and Proposals. |
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Nico Madysa | have you got yet whom time suggested Avatar-competition in the back of the head? |
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Michael Wodrich | would be it possible for Cookie-Basteleien a manner diary with date/Time To lead, that eachone discover can?
If then something athwart runs can Yes time look whether it with a SuperRefresh again To repair is...
If one in the network in several Windows on the way is and only in this Community hakt it suddenly somehow - then is the really helpful if is a small Info above has.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich
P.s.: If is a While not drin was, then nützt the Baustellenschild nothing. one get it evtl. not any more To see (and falls over the not yet entsorgten Abraum/Biteimer). |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 11/22/06 ▲ |
| I had there time a suggestion for a new Forenbereich. here could (to the paragon of Under the Hood) Own Forschungsergebnise in reference Windows pictured and discusses go.
what wären such Forschungsergebnisse:
a) an API is wrong or unkomplett of M$ documents been. The fehlerhafte Documentation becomes anhand of Profan Quelltexten aufgezeigt and korrigiert.
b) Undokumentierte Systemstrukturen (alike whether in the Registry or in memory) get lokalisiert and dingfest made. where itself these Structures find, How one these lokalisiert and is used anhand of Profan Quelltexten and allgemeinzugänglicher software for all verständlich displayed.
c) Thesen and Entdeckungen one Experten go pictured, and anhand eigener Source and Untersuchungen nachvollziehbar widerlegt or confirm.
d) Undokumentierte Parameter of APIs are entschlüsselt been and go in her weight displayed.
e) Zusammenhänge in the Betriebsystem, The hardly or yet none famous are, go anhand of Quelltexten and allgemeinzugänglicher software for each verständlich displayed.
what would no Forschungsdergebnis:
- One item becomes abgeschrieben, without this To prove or To widerlegen.
- it'll a Possibility displayed, How one defined things with Profan regulate can, The But in others Languages already forever gives.
- it'll as Eröffnung one Topic a question set, without The response hereon to know.
eachone item ought to in its Headline a Info the OS enhalten, the itself these Results relating (XP:...).
target the thing: item, The nirgendwo differently in this Nature and allocate find are (and nirgendwo differently in this manner posted go can?), shouldn't in the alltaglichen Forumsdurcheinander go down. |
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| I name this suggestion now time beyond API, then white one Perhaps later again, wovon The speech was.
think times the next weeks above to. in the moment had I about 10 things, those mere fit would. correctly. well would the but only go, if me the succeed, Why I today begin will be To works... |
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Jörg Sellmeyer |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 02/07/07 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | having I iF already on it hingewiesen. The HPs lying means not mxii separate on XProfan.com. there The DOT COM pages plenty Formatierung to remove had to it Yes with the HPs - The hold too HTML bring into action - to that Crash come.
but it sees so from as if there only some attributes in the HEAD Problems bound. the can hoping...
Best wishes Michael Wodrich
P.s.: you have momentarily ne crazy Signatur. |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 02/07/07 ▲ |
| means does me sorrow i see eigendlich the trouble not at all - could your me clarify? |
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| OK habs understood. for its Signatur can it but nothing - this is because I mean new iF(BB)CodeEngine not yet on The Signaturen umgelegt have. This will yet... |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | I bekommegerade always a Error Message, if I one Posting Call wants. I faith its one to Prospeed.dll:
The inquire can't answers go, there in the Server one internal Error aufgetreten is.
Error Message: Premature end of script headers: thread.core
Sofern tappt im dunkeln this for a Fehlfunktion the Servers hold, informieren tappt im dunkeln ask the Webmaster hierüber. Error 500 XProfan.com Sun Feb 11 12:37:25 2007 Apache/2.0.48 (Linux/SuSE) |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 02/11/07 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | Have The Adresszeile moreover time "verhaftet":
http: XProfan.com thread.core?t=4180 (from the Main Menu: x new Posts)
http: XProfan.com thread.core?p=24915#24915 (over: Topics the last days)
"Druck with Prospeed.dll is To klein"
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 02/11/07 ▲ |
| what Have I employed. momentum behebe the time strain - smell to out of memory. |
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