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suggestions for competition 2009

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Hello together,

as past years showed, having many (X)Profaner Notes and suggestions to Weiterentwicklung ours jährlich stattfindenden Programmierwettbewerbes. often came such Proposals however always first, after the actually Wettbewerbszeitraum already began having and accordingly To Verunsicherungen with manchen XProfanern led.

here can your means now eure Proposals and ideas for future Competitions (means ex 2009) darlegen and account.

Sofern these Notes mehrheitlich Support find, can tappt im dunkeln in future Wettbewerbsausschreibungen einfließen.

because it known one thing the Unmöglichkeit is, with almost 1000 Community-members it always each individual right make to, go to the sort all eingegangenen Proposals The final decisions to Durchführung the each subesquent Wettbewerbes from the Wettbewerbs-Jury met.

any Notes to that 2009-it competition are To at the latest 31.10.2008 here To post.

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Yes diktatorisch is always something anrüchig . was neither so integrally serious meant rather if . But if one whom competition rethinking, then ought to one too The Zusammensetzung the Jury in question to put and integrally democratic dial let. still there Yes in the system a Abstimmungsmöglichkeit.
Mit freundlichem Gruß

Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !!

@Horst: diktatorischit can it neither his/go there not diktatorisch is/was.

@Bernd: Gäbe it whom Konjunktiv not - then would itself well any zwölfmal in the Kreise turn before tappt im dunkeln something post. i'm for Abstimmungen - therefore bid The XProfan.com this indeed suitable Umfragemöglichkeiten.

its but too To consider whether The Jury at all verbesserungswürdig is - the ought to one too before in a survey vote.

voted must too go whether The Jury at all over itself vote let would like. place one itself to the The previous Jury - which imho a really good and aufwendigen job done has - itself to whom head bumped feel could if one items How Abstimmungsnotwendigkeit or diktatorisches behaviour vorwirft.

before however should voted go whether at all a Jury necessary is, therefore because I me present could the The majority a Jury for unnotwendig holds because the majority too no Einreichungen erarbeitet.

we must means too above vote who everything vote must!

so The democracy but not lost goes should we first vote whether we above at all vote want - or whether it rather would a collaboration To Gunsten the Vorankommens To unterlassen.

Übrigens watts too not yet voted whether we at all vote should - The shape ought to already eingehalten go!

I find vote well, eachone can Votings create - time look who of Konjunktiv to that spade mutated.


therefore, that Frank aufhört (Why really, Frank ?) becomes The Number of Juroren again small and therefore diktatorischer (logical or ?)

I had me so very fussed over The terms for competition 2008, I now simply no pleasure More have. Also have I the already of beginning on made, Why shouldn't time others on The row come.
Have The Discussion here yes a little chasing. The Juroren-occupation is with plenty work joined. who itself therefore bewirbt , ought to itself in the Klaren his, that the testing the Posts and a schriftliche summary the Testergebnisse some hours in claim take becomes. an nichtssagende two-Sätze-Einschätzung one Program isn't there drin, of it has nobody something.
I personally think, I had my thing in this relationship well done. Dass I momentarily not any more moreover make would like, for Please I circa understanding.

Frank Abbing
Frank Abbing
therefore, that Frank aufhört (Why really, Frank ?) becomes The Number of Juroren again small and therefore diktatorischer (logical or ?)

I had me so very fussed over The terms for competition 2008, I now simply no pleasure More have.

Yes, these durchdringende Lustlosigkeit I had bemängelt on what there Witzbolde - which How foreboded eh no hand lay out - the word with theoretischem and partly Weltfremden Durchfall ergriffen had and the amputierten forefinger lifted .

Frank Abbing
Also have I the already of beginning on made, Why shouldn't time others on The row come.

Yes, others - there isses again.

Frank Abbing
Have The Discussion here yes a little chasing. The Juroren-occupation is with plenty work joined. who itself therefore bewirbt , ought to itself in the Klaren his, that the testing the Posts and a schriftliche summary the Testergebnisse some hours in claim take becomes. an nichtssagende two-Sätze-Einschätzung one Program isn't there drin, of it has nobody something.

Hierbei is only pity the even very from such Found only The wenigsten itself ready explain and itself then too yet Möglicherweise the Bevormundung and the Diktaturgetues justify should...

Frank Abbing
I personally think, I had my thing in this relationship well done. Dass I momentarily not any more moreover make would like, for Please I circa understanding.

I empfand your Ratings always as bevormundend, diktatorisch and in all others Points as completely correctly. (ok, the understands Perhaps someone wrong therefore means on plump: have You always super made! )

Dietmar horn
wrong! six! settle!

Dietmar, believe You Real, that itself any here announced User with iF verifizieren let ? mean I do not. and if still: on iFs place would like I do not his

what about me mean too, that not so the gavel is, if one of Juroren desires, Own programs reingestellt having To must. I mean, that too a great many not-Programmer Ahung of it having, whether a Progamm funktionstüchig is and the power, what it should.

mfg Christian E
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

Christian Eichler
Dietmar horn
wrong! six! settle!

Dietmar, believe You Real, that itself any here announced User with iF verifizieren let ?

where has Dietmar of it talked?

Christian Eichler
and if still: on iFs place would like I do not his

the would like Interessanterweise never someone if it hereon ankommt.

objectively however lying the probably on it that I no Versprechungen make The I do not hold can - and also it me not itch would if tommorrow of all members mail by me eintrudelt. The Postbote against would me in a conscience point sorrow do.

Christian Eichler
what about me mean too, that not so the gavel is, if one of Juroren desires, Own programs reingestellt having To must. I mean, that too a great many not-Programmer Ahung of it having, whether a Progamm funktionstüchig is and the power, what it should.

mfg Christian E

whom Einwand understand I, but the Begründung is cheese because tappt im dunkeln holds whom Umkehrschluss not stood.

an absolute shape the equality in all plains isn't feasible and only theoretical in the interest all because whom equal Wissensstand, The same Tagesform and the same identification bring sure not any on. and already not at all any gleichberechtigt ready too for gemeinschaftlichen Unternehmungen aufzukommen.

naturally understand I the too menschlichen claim everywhere as much as possible abgreifen and interfere To want - where it something umsonst gives there watts always fought until Abwinken.

The question is only ex when the Individual starting itself for To schämen (or To it it at all recognize) the it something demanded what himself not even in the Ansatz raise could.

very hieran missing it me with some - but a good Erziehung in all generations is unfortunately often likewise rarely How the mind. finally observe I - for all The not understood having or want - the it a equality only fundamentally give can. becomes these but on all plains demanded then must too any amenities with the Nachteilen abgeglichen go - where here The applicants fundamentally whom tail move in go because almost none really something contribute would like separate only attempts selfish its Own private small Glückseligkeit upright to obtain.


Perhaps could the Vielplapperer auchmal at least here participate:  [...]  or integrally konkret The Gusche hold.

where has Dietmar of it talked?

whoso concise 900 Members has The Possibility itself verifizieren To let. means had too eachone The Possibility, with vote to, if we the ex 2009 so manage should.

gladly beilige I ... if someone betray would, WIE and WAS I something do can

whom Einwand understand I, but the Begründung is cheese because tappt im dunkeln holds whom Umkehrschluss not stood.

white You, what my schlauer Math teacher letztes year said has :
If one a Umkehrschluss hears ought to one the ears zuhalten and run away

mfg Christian E
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

the Quote of Dietmar confirm my question on you where has Dietmar of it talked?...the itself any verifizieren let.

How You red having müsstest - at the latest to the Quote - so speaks Dietmar zurecht from the available Possibility without To assume the too any on the take action participate go!

gladly beilige I ... if someone betray would, WIE and WAS I something do can

Mach a Thread and lass you from...

but here observe I the You simply whom Difference realize should between others must me first say... what about me white I do xyz.

white You, what my schlauer Math teacher letztes year said has. If one a Umkehrschluss hears ought to one the ears zuhalten and run away

what one Math teacher said must not of interest his, even so little like a PhilosophieProf. the said the Feigheit letztendlich The stärkste weapon the Uneinsichtigen is.

well ... then mach I time
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6


i know z.B., I do not white, How I on The Page grab can, circa tappt im dunkeln To change, circa further Beschreibungen & Explanations reinzusetzten etc etc etc
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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