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Dietmar Horn | Hello together,
as past years showed, having many (X)Profaner Notes and suggestions to Weiterentwicklung ours jährlich stattfindenden Programmierwettbewerbes. often came such Proposals however always first, after the actually Wettbewerbszeitraum already began having and accordingly To Verunsicherungen with manchen XProfanern led.
here can your means now eure Proposals and ideas for future Competitions (means ex 2009) darlegen and account.
Sofern these Notes mehrheitlich Support find, can tappt im dunkeln in future Wettbewerbsausschreibungen einfließen.
because it known one thing the Unmöglichkeit is, with almost 1000 Community-members it always each individual right make to, go to the sort all eingegangenen Proposals The final decisions to Durchführung the each subesquent Wettbewerbes from the Wettbewerbs-Jury met.
any Notes to that 2009-it competition are To at the latest 31.10.2008 here To post.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 01/15/08 ▲ |
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| Christian Eichler
i know z.B., I do not white, How I on The Page grab can, circa tappt im dunkeln To change, circa further Beschreibungen & Explanations reinzusetzten etc etc etc
then white I the You do not mitwirkst because You Yes otherwise The Posts in the Thread not overlooking would have in them I clear pictured have which Opportunities available stand.
I carry therefore niemanden something afterwards because it in the Result not nutzbringend is if only Überzeugungsarbeit done go must.
in the drop the someone really something moving would like recognize one it on it the not only whom Worten remaining.
I have number of times FTP offered, the can none überlesen the join would like.
we should a survey started whether someone without FTP discriminating or regiment feel not on the Page mitarbeiten to. democratic should We also with the same question bypass for all The people The on the survey not participate can - z.B. because these no internet having or Perhaps first in 2 years here Member go. |
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| whoso gladly join would like must only a Umsetzungsvorschlag present. If for Umsetzung necessary then go too FTP-data relayed. integrally easy means if one go about would like and a umsetzungswürdigen suggestion has. |
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| Nachtrag: who itself discriminating or regiment feel because it not on the Page mitarbeiten would like, But could, möglicherweise but ungern would, nevertheless but should, the möge Please properly indirekte einwände Äußern around the Possibility the passiven Mitwirkens darzustellen. |
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Nachtrag: who itself discriminating or regiment feel because it not on the Page mitarbeiten would like, But could, möglicherweise but ungern would, nevertheless but should, the möge Please properly indirekte einwände Äußern around the Possibility the passiven Mitwirkens darzustellen.
How was the others: eachone, the iFs nachmacht or nachgemachte iFs in traffic bring etc...
i'd me gladly available to put, aaaber my FTP-Kenntnisse wealthy not from. with trouble and hardship come I with XProfan clear. here are still Intelligenzbolzen the jüngeren generation (Jac, Nico etc...) where Bitteschön is here the forefinger, the us says: I make with ? - Franks retreat can I understand. ultimately has it except the PC yet others Hobbys: family, work etc... - means a grosse Please contact The boyhood: On now ! iF everything I on Rächtschreipunk seen have, are two fehlende Kommas. the wars |
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Dietmar Horn | Hello together,
who plenty operates power many Error. who little operates, the power little Error. who none operates, the power quite no Error. and who no Error power, the becomes fine and prämiert. this is one saying from frühesten DDR-times, in the well some Körnchen truth stick.
two Listviews because here really the whole Geplappere of democracy and dictatorship? yet not even a flock blökender Schafe can known without Leithammel in suitor Wildbahn survive.
who in its life already time a real dictatorship miterleben had to (I to that Happiness yourself not), z.B. The of 1933 To 1945, the wouldn't so tumid and gedankenlos of these concept here circa itself throwing.
always if it something umsonst abzugreifen gives, then discover some people urplötzlich your scheindemokratische vein. democracy exists but not only therein, To each Pups its poor raise To can (or even not), separate rather too therein, yourself active mitzumachen and mitzugestalten. the has one us even already To DDR-times in the allegedly I see bitterbösen SED-dictatorship beigebracht!
Wieviele offers to that active Mitgestalten has because only David on my own here already unterbreitet? to that example: Online-Doku, WiKi, API-Doku, XProfan Help, XProfan-editor, and, and, and ... and constantly come new offers hinzu.
where hide itself since the industrious demokratischen Armheber because any always so successful?
And then happens the iF time so one Lapsus, How with the Wettbewerbsausschreibung recently. big deal? eachone believes now suddenly reasonable To his, hereon eindreschen To can, probably circa itself yourself time again something profilieren to. which concrete Proposals, Notes and suggestions to Weiterentwicklung the Wettbewerbes are because yet from the Eindreschern into past over three(!) years come? zero comma zero!
If then sachliche Argumente auszugehen threatening, then go one The words simply without to think in the Mouth umgedreht. integrally under the Motto: falsehoods must one only sufficient often repeat - something becomes already hängenbleiben - integrally so How in the large politics.
Those who have since into past over three years already time with iF beworben? in the direction: i want gladly something active in the Community join and mitgestalten - as Jury-Member, as Admin, as Moderator, as CE, or as whatever?
would have been David in the years 2004 not strength its Wassersuppe as Community-Boss any Admins diktatorisch moreover thunderstruck as Jury-Members To agieren, then were it presumably to date yet no Jury and none competition, because then would we probably still over nebensächliche Modalitäten diskutieren.
under such terms must it simply somebody give, the The Zügel in the hand holds and festlegt, in which direction the bunny To walk has, so it at all first time go- or. weitergeht!
If I in my ca. two- To dreistündigen Programmierkursen always first scheindemokratisch 2 hours long futile herumdiskutieren would, whether we today now with lists, Databases, graphic or Sound keep busy, then would the chaos perfect - and the would too keinem fallen. As I said, I speech not of nörmalen Schulunterricht, where one vorgegebener syllabus abzuarbeiten is, separate over one Freizeitangebot to the The schoolboy voluntarily come (vaguely vergleichbar with ours Community).
I mean, that too a great many not-Programmer Ahung of it having, whether a Progamm funktionstüchig is and the power, what it should.
clear! my nanny can also The quality one PCs to weigh up. but only as long as the unit silberfarben is, to Lavendel duftet and large Fonts tuned are.
I wanted to with my Ausgangsposting among other things solely hereon allude, that of potential Jury-members a gewisse Mindest-qualification, Sachkunde, or How always to the bezeichnen likes, presupposed or. shown go ought to. or name the for may part something hochtrabender klingend one überdurchschnittlicheres Engagement for our Community or. XProfan altogether.
yourself have I as Admin too first ex this year moreover bereiterklärt, in the Jury mitzumachen, because Frank jumped off is. I tear me however not circa a Jury-Post, because i haven't been lastly because of of my xprofanen Hobbys keinesfall too much Langeweile. anyway is not so done, time so even each Wettbewerbsprogramm to start and a slightly therein herumzuklicken.
I put me to, I would already at first competition in the Jury been, and what it then afterwards for a scream given had: Dietmar was yourself in the Jury! Well then is Yes everything clear, wieso its schoolboy seven of eight Hauptpreisen clear away could!
sure becomes eachone of itself insist, that it on something like not time in the dream think would. But if I see, How one here of manchen people regularly The words in the Mouth verdreht go, then be I me there dbzgl. not any more integrally so sure.
long speech - kurzer sense: who itself moreover berufen feel and itself whom Stress as Jury-Member do would like, the should itself simply with David by PM bewerben and its Bewerbung properly account.
we can here naturally but too yet lasting weeks diskutieren, vote until goes-not-More and tonnenweiße hot breeze fabrizieren. because plenty More is to now thereby Yes anyhow not rausgekommen.
And if I then see, wieviele or. little people itself yet at all on whom first three Wettbewerben with own Programs involved having, then can I these whole excitement over The Wettbewerbsausschreibung and the Zusammensetzung the Jury already none More understand!
I can me neither on it remind, that too only one einziges Community-Member handfeste Notes and suggestions to Wettbewerbsausschreibung 2008 given - geschweige because, yourself a own design suggested having (time irrespective the not serious To nehmenden MMJ-parody). but to Davids something slight versemmeltem Posting (of my opinion to) had suddenly many a opinion moreover. the find I somehow comic! who plenty operates, ... (see supra)!
In each Karnickelverein having solely Vereinsmitglieder one right to vote over vereinsinterne affairs. who nevertheless its mustard add would like, the standing it spare, itself circa take into association To bewerben. but to its possible take standing it it yet long not To, of today on tommorrow all jahrelang bewährte Leitungsstrukturen umzukrempeln.
and here in the Community should suddenly people over Wettbewerbsfragen mitbestimmen and mood make can, The it in the Verlaufe of three years not geschafft having, at least one klitzekleines own Tool whom competition einzureichen? the likes understand, who wants - but i'm a such (Un)Logik To high!
Dietmar, believe You Real, that itself any here announced User with iF verifizieren let ?
time again typischer Schwachfug one pubertierenden Jugendlichen, if it sachliche Argumente auszugehen threatening. Sorry - but plenty More falls me moreover not any more one. out of, that I such nonsense never written having. but one kanns Yes try, integrally under the Motto: Irgendwas becomes already hängenbleiben! - see moreover supra in this Posting.
but What is because so bad at a Verification? with each Versandhandel must You with your to uphold idendity rausrücken, if you The farming merchandise to dwell skillful get want. here in the Community there everything umsonst, and there ought to the unzumutbar his? Privacy Policy there, Privacy Policy since. it standing still each spare, not verifizieren To let. then must it over short or long but too so life, that it not any more any Community-offers in claim take can. If I iF would, then would I even another couple steps go on (integrally diktatorisch, How I now time tuned be) and z.B. Free Downloads and Postings only verifizierten members gestatten.
so - now likes one again because of of my Klartext-Lines on me eindreschen. always on it - I stops the already from, because Hörnchens having Yes known one quite dickes fur.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 01/17/08 ▲ |
Rolf Koch |
so - now likes one again because of of my Klartext-Lines on me eindreschen. always on it - I stops the already from, because Hörnchens having Yes known one quite dickes fur.
Eindreschen? no contrary - thanks you for these klaren and right words. alike what now again comes: I stand To 100% To your Worten. Thx Dietmar |
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Dietmar Horn | Aua weiha Rolf,
now are we already two Diktatoren, The here presumably of some Dresche relating go.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 01/17/08 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | its seldom, still this time voice I with Dietmar fully überein. The absolute Mindestvoraussetzung for Mitwirkung in the Jury - and be it only as minderes Stimmvieh - is the Verification. I would yourself too none spicy hereon, in the Jury mitzuwirken, there the one erhebliches measured on work mitbringt. Letztes year have I at least To some Programs my mustard submitted, and the fixes, what Dietmar already erwähnt has: it power a crowd work, one Program half-way in detail To testing and then yet To try, it objective To evaluate. who means its Posting as Jury do would like, can the integrally simply make, because it into jeweiligen Vorstellungsthreads these programs runterlädt, testing and its comment moreover abgibt. If then z. B. half-way sinnvolle Own Programmierfähigkeiten and the genuineness the person shown go, will The now existing Jury certainly forward, if someone says: i want Please too join! but so one this is undemokratisch, because with we-search-unserern-own-Pupsstar can any vote stops so did i for Unfug.
In of/ one thing would I Dietmar though contradict:
And then happens the iF time so one Lapsus,
the faith I namely not. i think the was a bewußte (and yet very erfolgreiche) provocation of iF, circa here time To see, who ready is, something To make. To my regret must I same moreover allude, that I it unfortunately don't can i'll me but at least The Einreichungen time runterladen and my Testeindrücke moreover to give away, in the hope, so The Jury something To support. and two prices I will too yet stiften
Greeting Jörg
I see:
time again typischer Schwachfug one pubertierenden Jugendlichen,
Soche spotting stops I as always for superfluously. In of/ one talk can something like quiet time place. there but written words always harder rüberkommen as spoken, and schwerer zurückzunehmen are, ought to one there everything avoid, what personal feelings unnecessary injure. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 01/18/08 ▲ |
after I this Thread time with mind red have (what too I do not always make...ash over my master)...be I to the Schluss come that I my Posting over The holding in a Boykott zurückziehe, widerrufe or anything else...
because i'm something noticed what yet here yet none seen has.
I make time a comparison whom eachone understand ought to, because in the Übertreibung lying The Demonstrative.
my daughter is mitlerweile 20 years, but too she was time in the nursery school and gambling with others Kindern in the sandbox. there heard one always : DAS IST MEIN FÖRMCHEN.......... NEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNN......DAS IST MEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSS....
what about me say : FALSCH!!!!!!....the Förmchen heard the nursery school, ergo has the nursery school too above To to determine who it get!!!!!!!!!!
and now time differently framed : JA Dietmar...in a point have You right, in the DDR widersprach The Gesellschaftsform (berichtige me if I wrong lie), the Marxismus, the government. in the Marxismus heard everything the Volke, ergo has too the entire people above To to determine and not only a few Diktatoren. but we life here in the Kapitalismus, means having diejenigen over The items To to determine them tappt im dunkeln belong.
No IF..... The competition shining of course evident you To belong there it here held becomes, but the isn't so.... (the following all which here over Abstimmungen or not Abstimmungen quarrel) To to Übergabe belong The prices whom friendly Spendern, and DIE having To to determine what with IHREN Preisen happens !!! SIE having To to determine who The Juroren are, SIE having too The regulate To to determine. The EIGENTÜMER the prices lay whom Kaufpreis solid (in this drop The performance and its rating)! and the Interessenten (possible Buyer) can decide whether it To valuable or not. therefore has of my unmaßgeblicher opinion to jegliche public collaboration over Verfahrensweise or Juroren in the Vorfeld Done. only and alone having The Stifter the prices above To find. it be because The Stifter the prices dispense this right, then is automatically IF (because it not only Betreiber this hervoragenden Community is separate too the EIGENTÜMER) derjenige the The regulate and Juroren festlegt, there it in the drop automatically to that owner the prices and is over its usage To to determine has.
Sorry my deutlichen words, but its ONLY my unmaßgebliche opinion. alike as here moreover decided becomes, i'll The regulate accept and thereafter deal and not any more above quarrel because my unmaßgebliche opinion is in this drop my Überzeugung.
Greeting Hubert. |
| WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie
Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal: "Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!" | 01/18/08 ▲ |
Nico Madysa | could we not finally on a peaceful Solution some? for may part dikatorisch, but at least what Handfestes! I übernähme yes to gladly whom Juryposten, though traue I me the weder in things Kompetenz yet enough free time To. and the latest what we use can, are code Jury-Members, or?
@Hubert: yet had The Sponsoren cordial little this right the decision over the competition zurückgegriffen; and optimistic, How i'm, faith I, that the too The next years so his becomes. iF against has his right on Wettbewerbsgestaltung now ditto submitted: on The wicked Jungs, The its Wettbewerbsänderung (The admittedly in the good sake prepares been were - thanks for your almost unlimited Gedulf with us, iF! ) by the cacao pulled having, to see, How The now so clear come. i'm in the meantime with the opinion arrived, that we now first everything at middle-aged let should - and possible yet a new Juror find ( = a, the The thing voluntarily undertaking, otherwise might the little sense having...). so having we noh one year Time, here thoroughly over Scheindemokratie, good dictatorship and Perhaps over Improvements the Wettbewerbs To diskutieren.
PS: Verzeiht me my unqualifizierte Meinungsäußerung, but I Have as pubertierender Jugendlicher my loves Problems so, my opinion hinterm mountain To hold. |
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RGH | @Hubert:
SORRY, but I must you contradict. there's sure Competitions, The by the Sponsoren initiiert and therefore too certainly go, but the must not so his. there's too Competitions, The a person, Gruoppe and institution ausgeschrieben (and definiert) and be The to the known terms then Sponsoren search. with whom jährlichen, general XProfan-Wettbewrben tread I of course regelßig as Sponsor on (and is 2008 and 2009 presumably not differently his), beschränke my Einflußname but not more than as Vorschlläge, where I integrally aware very zurückhalte. If I as Sponsor a bestehende thing side, The me gefällt and the I for interesasant and meaningfully stops, contract I therefore not automatically the right, The thing umzukrempeln.
Greeting Roland (would be I duirch XProfan so plenty money earn, I of it a arena building let could, would I already for care, that they XProfan-arena hieße ... but whom interessiet already, How Arenen in Modellbahnanlagen hot ... ;) ) |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 01/18/08 ▲ |
| @Roland
(would be I duirch XProfan so plenty money earn, I of it a arena building let could, would I already for care, that they XProfan-arena hieße ... )
should we time together with Herrn Hopp vorstellig go ?
for not-Insider: mr Hopp is of/ one the Gründer the software-firm SAP, dwelling in ours sew - Walldorf - and is here in the perimeter as one very grosser Mäzen and Sponsor famous. [web]https://www.dietmar-hopp-stiftung.de/ger/preface.php[/web] |
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