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Terms of Use

our Terms of Use [...]  to Discussion.

a) needs The XProfan.com something like?
b) contains The jetzige version Irrelevantes or "Komisches"?
c) what missing and ought to with mere? (@Jörg: Telenummernklausel?!)
d) what standing "doofes" drin?
e) what therein understand You do not?

divided be I me seither too therein, whether with visiting one treaty arise.

I faith, that law see it so, or had it gladly.

I mean, i will niemanden what "andrehen", but it uses us indeed nothing, we're us in menace begeben.

f) has someone here Experience?

I knows, that hardly someone this whole Text let[ed], though I me therein plenty trouble geb.

nevertheless would like I Discussion above offer.

...I have everything durchgelesen and my Wenigkeit for well felt !


§ 1 - If tappt im dunkeln with the Terms of Use not all right are, can tappt im dunkeln XProfan.com not visit.

Hm, how can I these circumstance reading, if I not XProfan.com be ?

§ 2 - ... there's accordingly further geltende Terms of Use which not aufgeführt are. in the Zweifelsfall is one obliging, to eventuellem offense against The Terms of Use, with one Administrator The Zulässigkeit the Vorhabens To inquire.

Something like would I the "Hausherrn" decide let, there eachone Admin Yes another view may have, what permitted is, and what not.

.... with dispatching the Information explain tappt im dunkeln itself all right the The inputted data stored, weiterverarbeitet, and z.B. on different "Abteilungen" weitergeleitet go....

there know I but but already gladly, on which "Abteilungen" weitergeleitet becomes. there Gibts Yes sometimes:
- section "Werbung & Spam"
- section "Vermittlung of email-Adressen" or what it there everything yet so gives (or give can).
Perhaps would The appendix "interne (sections)" Irrtümern prevent.
If I naturally my Mail-, www- or Wohnadresse in a Posting write, then can it naturally eachone reading and I am self for Responsible.
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

a) Yes, XProfan.com needed soetwas around the joint together in a not-anarchy To gewährleisten.
b) everything is somewhere relevant. best everywhere absichern, you never know, what so happens.

I find, it fit ^^


§ 1 - If tappt im dunkeln with the Terms of Use not all right are, can tappt im dunkeln XProfan.com not visit.

of my opinion to would rather: "Mit of/ one Login on XProfan.com explain tappt im dunkeln itself of these Terms of Use all right.

§ 5 - in the XProfan.com-community herrscht grundsätzliche Meinungsfreiheit. Topics or Diskussionen, The against single or several Terms of Use of XProfan.com offend, entrapments not under Meinungsfreiheit separate are widrig. particularly are Jugendschutzbestimmungen einzuhalten. this umschließt adolescent to unfit Inhalten To protect.

means gewisse teacher are me "widrig" and the one or others Text too, but juristisch would "untersagt" or a similar Formulatur probably rather.
in the set three would something How: "Dies serves moreover, adolescent to...", presumably rather.

§ 7 - contents are to that protections of XProfan.com as Ganzes einschliesslich yours Integrität property of XProfan.com, insoweit so no bestehendes Eigentumsrecht limited becomes.

my grammatischen bear corresponds to sooner: "§ 7 - contents are to that protections of XProfan.com as Ganzes einschliesslich yours Integrität property of XProfan.com, as long as so no bestehendes Eigentumsrecht limited becomes."

§ 10 - Topics should into each for gedachten reaches eröffnet and be with a aussagekräftigen, suitable cover benannt go. Topics should weitestgehend spare of Adjektiven his and only from Schlagworten consist. item should simply omitted, with Verben is economical umzugehen. Kon-, Ad- and Subjunktoren are as well as Präposition simply wegzulassen. Examples of forbidden cover: "Brauche Hilfe"; "Geht the?"; "Warum does it not?"; "Wer can help?"; "XYZ functions nicht"; "Bin I To *.*"; "Problem with *.*"; "Hilfe with *.*". gladly looked cover: "Drawtext Drucken"; "XProfan10 Helpfile Zusatzinfo"; "Rufnummernwahl"; "Farbverlauf". words How "Hilfe" or "Problem" can gänzlich omitted, be because tappt im dunkeln stand in the reference to a product.

this item ought to Perhaps little more the reality adjusted go. "Kon-, Ad- and Subjunktoren" can in the german Language To "Konjunktionen" abstracted go.

only in order to some Artikeln my opinion kundzutun. thereby deals it itself namely not circa a juristischen piece of advice.
Nico Madysa

Nico Madysa

Nico Madysa
§ 1 - If tappt im dunkeln with the Terms of Use not all right are, can tappt im dunkeln XProfan.com not visit.

of my opinion to would rather: "Mit of/ one Login on XProfan.com explain tappt im dunkeln itself of these Terms of Use all right.

not first with Login. otherwise could The contents Yes first to Login available stand.

for the remainder: Danksesehr, have it eingearbeitet!

Mario Patzlaff

Mario Patzlaff
§ 1 - If tappt im dunkeln with the Terms of Use not all right are, can tappt im dunkeln XProfan.com not visit.

Hm, how can I these circumstance reading, if I not XProfan.com be ?

well not at all, for what too?!

Mario Patzlaff

Mario Patzlaff
§ 2 - ... there's accordingly further geltende Terms of Use which not aufgeführt are. in the Zweifelsfall is one obliging, to eventuellem offense against The Terms of Use, with one Administrator The Zulässigkeit the Vorhabens To inquire.

Something like would I the "Hausherrn" decide let, there eachone Admin Yes another view may have, what permitted is, and what not.

But this is ok, because if one Admin "entscheidet", then depends it indeed for, because it even Admin is. The Entscheidungsweg however can very well over a Discussion in the Adminforum lead or. over the Abgleich with the opinions another Admins. the heard to that Admindasein moreover.

Mario Patzlaff

Mario Patzlaff
.... with dispatching the Information explain tappt im dunkeln itself all right the The inputted data stored, weiterverarbeitet, and z.B. on different "Abteilungen" weitergeleitet go....

there know I but but already gladly, on which "Abteilungen" weitergeleitet becomes. there Gibts Yes sometimes:
- section "Werbung & Spam"
- section "Vermittlung of email-Adressen" or what it there everything yet so gives (or give can).
Perhaps would The appendix "interne (sections)" Irrtümern prevent.
If I naturally my Mail-, www- or Wohnadresse in a Posting write, then can it naturally eachone reading and I am self for Responsible.

this is such Standardfloskel How tappt im dunkeln imho the Gesetzgeber demanded, around the User aufzuklären, that The of it inputted data nunmal "verarbeitet" and (intern) "weitergereicht" go. I faith "Abteilung" can't extern his, but a "externe Abteilung". have nevertheless simply "interne" before it staid.

typical german one solches Regelwerk! give You, the thing 3 Rechtsverdrehern to that Korrekturlesen, then hear You of them moreover at least 9 different opinions.

And if you then of/ one from the Dreien because of one Nebensatzes to whom cadi zerrt, circa on your cost its Haushaltskasse improve to, then comes it nowadys still hereon on, on whom judge You come and How the on this day straight with his zehnten opinion on it is ...
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circa even this in the Zaume To hold, goes it Yes therefore, what we (nevertheless) "machen" can.

I faith, we need no Terms of Use.

Korrigiere: on the dearest would me, we bräuchten no...

I habs: we need Terms of Use, infinite fat and unkünstlich aufgeproppte in them possible each situation declared and that the Haftbarkeit impossible. too the fade of Sehschwäche because of Langzeitnutzung the Community, with ausgebliebendem Warnhinweis in the Terms of Use on Suchtgefahr, must besiegelt abgesprochene thing his with gegenseitigem Verzicht on Ansprüche lol. Well, thereabouts even...

and because the truth known often in the middle lying, having How such a thing as we now having.

[offtopic]now missing me really only another folgeposting of paul schubert with a quote of nico madysa: "nun be I so wise as How zuvor" *g* - or was is dietmar? dietmar? [/offtopic]

must one help out? /me means same:

now be I almost so wise as How before

Why should quotes too always into past tense point?
standing Yes nirgendwo into Terms of Use!


suggestion for a §2a:
who not auskennt, should whom ask, the itself neither auskennt.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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