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GDL | once upon a time one GDL,the itself a completely neuartige Modellbahnsteuerung in Powerbasic (DOS) austüftelte. through irgendeinem chance coming I on The Freewareversion Profan 5.After some try (be kommpletter Windowsneuling) coming The curiosity it time so To try.Since I Arrays needed coming The XProfan 8 How called.
suffering Nr.1 by a Buscrash went any 2 HDES hopps and everything einschliesslich Backup was sonic and smoke. so the Neuerschaffen faster goes watts Dateigenerator and RVKcompiler erschaffen.
suffering Nr.2 with Profan or.windows can no RS 232 interrupts intercepting.These were but essential.without The Thread.pcu wären here The suffering at an end been.means with the thread.pcu weitergemacht.
suffering Nr.3 with of my Geburtstagfeier saw one Clubmitglied my software and asked: is The analog too useable.response :No. alas Please mach tappt im dunkeln still too analog useable.and GDL power.
suffering Nr.4 this Clubmitglied was the Clubboss.its small equipment runs now analog.but he's bookkeeper.question: can you a grafischen editor make? GDL power.
suffering Nr.5 Gehende equipment , grafically surface müssten pleased his. Clubversammlung:Kannste your Prog too DCC/NMRA konform make? GDL power.
suffering Nr.6 SKE has none ISA Steckplatz.GDL power 2 RS232 konform.
suffering Nr 7
my software and hardware should now The Grossanlage steer.my exit was of 90 Loks now To 300 Loks.GDL learn now Assembler.
suffering Nr.8 Matthias meant mach still on the competition with, ifs too none into aisles get. GDL lies itself persuade.
what comes yet everything? I had time NEN PBasic Prog... .... ....
Hello Georg |
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Torsten Rümker | I bet you have a crowd learnt thereby or?
but in the serious, have you got really so under suffered? because, if I under of my Programmiererei suffering täte, würd ichs drangeben.
Najut, nevertheless really very beeindruckend.
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 10/18/06 ▲ |
GDL | Ne do not have under suffered.reminded me on Wherters suffering.The has too always that made, what it really not wished. have simply time above thought what from my attempt - the for me eigendlich already positively exits was- so watts.
Hello Georg
P.s. Niederbayrischer Galgenhumor on ironical hold. |
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Hubert Binnewies | [quote:ee0752d854=GDL]Ne do not have under suffered.reminded me on Wherters suffering.The has too always that made, what it really not wished [/quote:ee0752d854] has the not erschossen?? |
| WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie
Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal: "Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!" | 10/19/06 ▲ |
GDL | already, but that have I still not till.
Hello Georg |
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Hubert Binnewies | [quote:1c483a2cfe=GDL]Ne do not have under suffered.reminded me on Wherters suffering.The has too always that made, what it really not wished [/quote:1c483a2cfe] [quote:1c483a2cfe=H.Binnewies] has the not erschossen?? [/quote:1c483a2cfe] [quote:1c483a2cfe=GDL]already, but that have I still not till. [/quote:1c483a2cfe] it still neither...tztz... |
| WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie
Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal: "Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!" | 10/20/06 ▲ |
GDL | no idea, lying already 30 years back, Literatur german 10.class. time again vorkramen, make me again wonder on the Schinken.
Hello Georg |
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GDL | on the side polished one too his verstaubtes Schulenglisch again on. |
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