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Hi iF,

say time, possible is it sure, but what hold You (or others) of it, if it one Subforum were, in the one without registration smaller ones ask questions can. the fänd I meaningfully, there it etliche people gives, which Register and not more than one mail put down (I find our circle the correctly. active Programmer has into last 12 Monaten not extended). what about me find the somehow pity. the would too The speedy question for these people vereinfachen.
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

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@iF. The problem is, the nothing rather becomes, if one The Humans moreover force, rather To go. to the result coming already Immanuel Kannt to zweihundert To dreihundert years.
Nico Madysa

force is so one hässliches Ossiwort - talking indeed none of it.

it must nobody soap using and none must in that internet and none must a PKW-driver's license make.

can itself still eachone one vent in the woods buddeln. (or a wall circa his Allerheiligstes nominate)

iF, You vergleichst Äpfel with pears - or Trabbis with bananas, How You want.
It's all right therefore, that The Humans not therefore rather go, that one tappt im dunkeln streng monitors - in the first go tappt im dunkeln still heimlicher yet böser, secondly feel itself Humans under permanenter Bewachung quite unwohl.
If you The world rather make want, then must The Humans erzogen, formed and aufgeklärt go.
Nico Madysa

Überwachung of Humans isn't fundamentally badly and will too moreover enforce. Letztendlich is it a Gewohnheitsfrage and Missbrauch can with everything betrieben go.

The following association could still helpful his:

The whole world becomes by Satelit Videogefilmt and first abgespeichert.

stand You innocent to dish could one aimed The data discover circa you To relieve. come with the car from the Street ex into woods could it recognized go, become quick found. too The Kriminalität under freiem sky would minimizes, about which at least the tenuous strain sure not sorry would.

sometimes power it already sense, items To verlagern...

Apropos verlagern - you should Perhaps The Thread separate, these Debatte could another little last...
circa your Argumente to a spots zusammenzufassen: You vertrittst whom viewpoint: who nothing To hide has, has too no trouble so, monitors To go!, correctly.?

I but behaupte: eachone, too the, the in principle nothing hide must, wants at least in the site his, something hide to!
1. sure could one Kriminalität up to one conscience Grade reduce - bring but nothing, because The Humans self stay nevertheless angry. You überstreichst whom Schimmelfleck on the Wand only, You beseitigst not whom fungus.
2. defined Straftaten can one none through Überwachung prevent. or believe You, that itself one shootoffenders of something How punishment detain can? (I wiederhole over again: Triiiieeeebe. )
3. through such Überwachung arise one Datenmüll, which Dimensionen You not even erahnen can. already now cut the BND each year over einhundert years phone-calls with! and the must everything of Menschenohr screen go. what believe You, becomes first go his, if each street by satellite overlook go becomes?
4. The staatliche Überwachung (a private I will me none first present) becomes größtenteils moreover using go, whom state against his own people immune To make. because if it something beschließt, what the Volke not fit, what can it then for Gegenmaßnahmen grasp? One eachone, which against whom state aufmuckt can then geortet and off go. through utterly Überwachung would item 20 §4, GG ausgehebelt and we wären only yet a Katzensprung of Totalitarismus removes.
Nico Madysa

You beseitigst not whom fungus.

you haven't been understood sometimes power it already sense, items To verlagern....

From Pilzbeseitigung is no speech, but a reduction would messbar there the hoisted soar. accordingly is it too no Überstreichung More. The from you angesprochene Triebtäter would not on it detain let, but sooner under freiem sky. (what, How I find, Schonmal a performance would)

through such Überwachung arise one Datenmüll, which Dimensionen You not even erahnen can.

whom say You, the, but must too nobody erahnen there we no Speicherplatzproblem having.

You think there of course far, but I find even not far enough, the life isn't totkritisierbar.

hold You it really for meaningfully, The Triebtaten into dwelling To verlagern? How big is since the chance, that random vorbeilaufende Passanten whom offenders disturbing or in the Nachhinein at least The corpse find?
Überwachung serves never the Prävention, at the very most the resolution (the Straftaten, not the Humans ). the like You again as "Teilerfolg" bezeichnen, though can me this Teilerfolg not whom damage (wastage the Privatspähre) aufwiegen. or How Benjamin Franklin it said:
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Nico Madysa

You can "Privatsphäre" not so as prerequisite deklarieren, there "Privatsphäre" nunmal Umweltbedingt is - and your understanding of privacy nunmal one integrally other is, as the to 1000 years or in 1000 years.

hold You it really for meaningfully, The Triebtaten into dwelling To verlagern?

I stops Triebtäter Schonmal not for "sinnvoll", not in Wohnungen. whether one tappt im dunkeln objectively into dwelling verlagern would is speculation, but How You self say: you'll verlagert and with eachone Verlagerung there Schwund. whether these Verlagerung vorteilhafter is can no human foresee, but I promise here integrally konkrete advantages on and spekuliere not over detriments.

The question, whether, because a "Frau" on the Felde verschont watts, now two "Frauen" in the dwelling not-verschont stay, stops I against for foolish, there not überprüfbar is whether these "beiden Frauen" verschont stayed wären, if The Überwachung from the sky not stattgefunden had.

Statistisch against lowers The Überwachung unmoralisches behaviour, hope I still!

from it result but too from my understanding no lückenlose "Überwachung", if it you therefore weg ought to.

You can privacy not so as prerequisite deklarieren, there privacy nunmal Umweltbedingt is - and your understanding of privacy nunmal one integrally other is, as the to 1000 years or in 1000 years.

the faith I already, because I can me not remind, that it to a designed Zeitpunkte in the story large Menschengruppen given has, The ready been are, around The watch monitors To go - it comes namely on The Definition on! under privacy understand I The skill, Zeitpunkte festzulegen, To them one alone and unbeobachtet his must.

I stops Triebtäter Schonmal not for meaningfully, not in Wohnungen. whether one tappt im dunkeln objectively into dwelling verlagern would is speculation, but How You self say: you'll verlagert and with eachone Verlagerung there Schwund.

so wären we again with the Pilzvergleich. Triebtäter remaining Triebtäter, alike whether it to the Kamera standing or not. You scheuchst The people mere from whom dunklen Parks into not überwachten areas, to that example Wohnungen. one could tappt im dunkeln if need be moreover bring, yet gerissener To agieren.
PS: Beautiful would it, if it with eachone Verlagerung Schwund were. then should one whom Atommüll only often enough of Endlager To Endlager transport and already hätten we no Problems More.

but I promise here integrally konkrete advantages on and spekuliere not over detriments.

correctly., what about me promise integrally konkrete detriments on, so The not under whom table entrapments.

Statistisch against lowers The Überwachung unmoralisches behaviour, hope I still!

this is, as though You one kid during of his Heranreifens of 14 To 18 years each day said: go not to the Nazis, are angry! go there mere not there, hear You?
Eh one itself versieht, becomes the young with bald head and Bomberjacke run around, because one has just prohibited ( = monitors) and not about rational declared and begründet, Why one not To this people ought to. ( = Humans clarify and in a ethisch good senses bring up) the Image with the pilzbefallenen Wand wasn't well chosen, Perhaps understand You now, on what I out wants.

from it result but too from my understanding no lückenlose Überwachung, if it you therefore weg ought to.

the not, but its already time a good step to there. still can from the result one Result come into being, which follow cause the lückenlosen Überwachung go can, and the reicht me already.
Nico Madysa

as Allerheilmittel becomes too a Überwachung from the sky not count "Triebtäter" make always dummes stuff, alike whether cloistered, monitors, home, in the disengaged...

I bezweifle but the Kriminalität under freiem sky not reduce would, would this videoüberwacht. I bezweifle but too, thats "verdrängte" Kriminalität on another place schadhafter his must.

If the offenders believes a good chance to have, then ergreift it these. minimizes itself these chance on less space, then becomes The chance not absolutely twice so often come forward.

what eachone in its 4 Wänden does ought to private his.

"Überwachung" position one itself always to How "Da sits of/ one and guckt zu" - these Überwachung my I do not. I mean sooner a manner Recording which, what as public life bezeichnen would, so in the entrapment the Falles one call possible is, because it could the Wahrheitsfindung serve - against which itself usually none to put custom.

know You whom saying: "Macht korrumpiert - absolute power korrumpiert absolut"?
it'll itself always someone find, the these note ausnutzt. Perhaps even first with "guten" Motiven. but The menace, that the whole mißbraucht becomes, is, of my opinion to, To big, as that the it Flächendeckend introduced go ought to.
Sinnvoller is, The Prävention already plenty former anzusetzen: reasonable education for any and not only for People with money and Perhaps yet so a manner Elternführerschein, with the on it geachtet becomes , as People with ihren Kindern bypass can, circa evtl. interfere to, as they as problematically erweisen (The parents!).
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

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To this leidigen Topic "Überwachung" comes now coming tuesday (Repeat) one very well and realistic gemachter film:
"Der public enemy Nr. 1"
in cables1. If to the, what there viewed becomes, at the end think, there Gänsehautgarantie !


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