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Timo wants mitwörkeln...


I wanted to me Yes self participate, but if already others there join, überlasse I the gladly them, I self little Time because of school and anderem have, überlasse I the gladly them, little more Time having, and not The Schulbank pressing must

nevertheless would like I, the my whole ideas moreover not lost weg. here time any wrote, How I me Okrea present would:

Grundidee ought to it his, quick, simply and Anfängerfreundlich 3D Objects to create. about about so: right comes a groin with eindeutigen Images of 3D Objects there. one clicking to that Bespiel a Button on, on the one Quadrat pictured is, clicking left on the 3D-part, and on the place on the one clicking, appear first time one Standartquadrat. in the downstairs pieces the rechten groin are some Radiobutton appropriate, The me wide, Höhe, deep and generally beschriftet are (for Zilinder or ähnliches come too yet upper radius and unterer radius moreover). These Buttons go active, if one one Objekt in the 3-D part klicked becomes, and therefore something heller displayed becomes. with the Keys G and k (for larger and small) You can then The with the Check boxes marked sizes Change. In of/ one 2. groin (The through tab or ähnliches The first supplant) come The Funktionsbuttons, for example duplizieren turn, colour Change, or on other 3D-Objekt add, so the if one Objekt moving becomes (because one it anklickt, and then Zieht), the itself the second too same with moving. for the moving into depths space into holds one then The Stg.-Button pressed, and the mouse can itself then solely on of/ one circa 45° geneigten line to right supra or left under moving go, what then as Tiefenbewegung interpretirt becomes. the turn the Kammera can over The Pfeiltasten happen. and to that Schluss becomes the finished XPLG-code ausgespukt, the itself again into 3-D Objekt transform can.

the are of course ziehmlich many ideas, but I think the ließe itself release. some Although of ROC abgekupfert, but what functions, can Yes again use. Vieleicht can Roko Yes even self with dran works, and a couple Experience with yielding.


now here GEHTS not therefore, the one Einziger on it operates - separate here's Teamwork demand.

the the The whole thing komplizierter power understand itself of self.

Hm now sagter garnix More moreover the Timo.

(my neck is even yet integrally dry from the obigen talk ...)


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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