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| me nerves in the moment ongoing new viruses on the Rechnern of my children (having none Internetanschluß and therefore no Firewall and none actually Virenscanner - are but often on Lanpartys). what speaks against one small Program, daa with want The Registry Autostartordner with a Schreibschutz for Administratoraccounts versieht??? |
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Don Bubu | win.ini jep. my but too The winini.ini this is another File The yet from middle-aged win95 and 98 beständen spare is and still in win2k and xp from comp. your legitimacy has (unfortunately)^^ How said can you only recommend you the simply time down To loading and anzuschaun, then can immernoch scheisse say ;) and no fear is Yes net of me ;) |
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| Meinst You The WININIT.INI??? |
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Don Bubu | jep The my I. heard too to that autostart and becomes too in trojanercheck displayed. |
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| Mmh...
so have you got well right. of course there here a Registryschlüssel the the same does - gemappt becomes The File but faith I do not. The WININIT.INI existing too only zeitweise in the system and becomes to erfolgten Installationsarbeiten into WININIT.BAK umbenannt - one Schreibschutz nützt here means nothing. i'll once more very look over - I take but in the moment on, that the WININIT.EXE these File ausliest circa driver and programs to the started Windows To install (i'll but once more very look over). Evtl. could here So one Perform prohibit for WININIT.EXE help...
did you know the detailed stature, the The WININIT:INI using? How must there one Eintrqag erfolgen, for a Program to start? |
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| Aaah...
Habs already... with the WININIT.EXE lie I correctly.. The WININIT.INI becomes used, circa DLLs umzubenennen or To delete, before windows these läd! stature is too clear. Zugriffsschutz becomes here well nothing help. Evtl. can but the Creation the WININIT.INI entgegenwirken - time look... |
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Melanie Brayer | Servous Andreas,
circa viruses effizent vorzubeugen, emfehle I a zusetzlichen user on To lay, the no sizes schreib-, read- and adminsitrationsrechte has. a little bit slow, but 1000+E99 Prozentig sure is it, if You with the Bochs one virtual Linux-PC for internet uses.
0% Vieren, 100% Niewida (or Nevea???) *lach* Windos XP has unfortunately still To many öffnungen, where itself these Parasieden einnisten can.... MS even! I hope the Tipp helps. Solltes You ask moreover having, then schick me ( ) PM.
i wish you and your Progg-computer plenty health. |
| mele (¯`·.¸¸.{ WinXP Pro, XProfan9, XPIA }.¸¸.·´¯)
<Bugs zählen ist besser als Schafe zählen, da der Computer nur so schlau ist wie der der Mensch der ihn bedient.> | 12/01/05 ▲ |
| Moin...
It's all right, How said, not circa my computer .- the is Virenfrei - separate around the computer of my children. many Spieleprogrammierer can of my opinion to simply no programs write => many Games walk only in a Administratoraccount (SIMS z.B. apparently)... otherwise can I the, what You there say, only twice and triple underline!!! I engage me since some years something intensiver with the NT-Sicherheitstechnologie and its Programming: enable and add of Privilegien, settle and Change one Security-Descriptors on Low-Level plain (u.a. PrivAktivate), read and Change the SACLs (Überwachung of Zugriffen on Objects), loading of strangers Userhives into Registry without Passwortkenntnisse.... it would me forward, if I here somebody find would, the there mitreden can - have you got Idea? Perhaps can itself complement??? |
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Melanie Brayer | Hello once more Andreas:
Maybe helps you the moreover: Search in google.de to: game+security-patches+winxp |
| mele (¯`·.¸¸.{ WinXP Pro, XProfan9, XPIA }.¸¸.·´¯)
<Bugs zählen ist besser als Schafe zählen, da der Computer nur so schlau ist wie der der Mensch der ihn bedient.> | 12/01/05 ▲ |
| without Internetanschluß - unfortunately well No... |
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| Have bislang under 2000/XP 30 reasonable Eintragsmöglichkeiten for viruses to that Autostart found - knows someone More??? |
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| [quote:12e0b45855=Andreas Hötker]many Spieleprogrammierer can of my opinion to simply no programs write => many Games walk only in a Administratoraccount (SIMS z.B. apparently)...[/quote:12e0b45855]I faith you do the überbewerten, because I faith You forget thereby the computer with Restriktionen nunmal no Spielerechner are.
there's for a real Gamer i.d.R. none reason itself self as User/Guest walk To let (viruses battle one differently) and in the countermove moreover are computer with Restriktionen seldom good Spielcomputer.
i see since the industry already the tappt im dunkeln none Großteil the Entwicklungszeit in lästige OS-foveae investiert.
I mean - the numbers give them well right...
If your children no internet having would - then would have You warscheinlich too no viruses. Installiere whom Kiddies (sorry, but no idea How old) simply NEN schickes DOS and gentry The best 20 classic on it.
to that Rumballern is there even one 486DX4/100 superb suitable. the my I therefore - I self such a Ballermaschine have. Drauf installs is z.B. Raptor,Descent, Doom and many JumpnRun ala GODS or Giana-Sisters. More than enough for anstrengenden Spielespaß. |
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| [quote:8be2fc7654=iF][quote:8be2fc7654=Andreas Hötker]many Spieleprogrammierer can of my opinion to simply no programs write => many Games walk only in a Administratoraccount (SIMS z.B. apparently)...[/quote:8be2fc7654]I faith you do the überbewerten, because I faith You forget thereby the computer with Restriktionen nunmal no Spielerechner are.
there's for a real Gamer i.d.R. none reason itself self as User/Guest walk To let (viruses battle one differently) and in the countermove moreover are computer with Restriktionen seldom good Spielcomputer.
i see since the industry already the tappt im dunkeln none Großteil the Entwicklungszeit in lästige OS-foveae investiert.
I mean - the numbers give them well right...
If your children no internet having would - then would have You warscheinlich too no viruses. Installiere whom Kiddies (sorry, but no idea How old) simply NEN schickes DOS and gentry The best 20 classic on it.
to that Rumballern is there even one 486DX4/100 superb suitable. the my I therefore - I self such a Ballermaschine have. Drauf installs is z.B. Raptor,Descent, Doom and many JumpnRun ala GODS or Giana-Sisters. More than enough for anstrengenden Spielespaß. [/quote:8be2fc7654] Hello IF...
who game does this in networking, and who the network (internet) with NT on the way is, the ought to this Perhaps still not integrally without Einschränkungen do. Virenscanner discern only viruses, The already once damage done and have a Firewall blockt only the, what the User not self inadvertently freigibt. Also bid XP there yet the RUNAS.
I personally understand whom reason not Why one game, that in the Administratoraccount once installs watts, absolutely for process furthermore Administratorrechte needed - this is integrally great Humbuk. the can really only occur, if simplest Sicherheitsrichtlinien not known or not mind been are. One really effective protection to schädlicher software is with so programmierten Programs none possible.
You know my opinion: NT is größtmögliche safety under windows, who furthermore so program How under windows95/98, because it not in the site moreover is, for newer Betriebssysteme programs To write (or this not would like) ought to the on The Packaging its software write... The Hauptgrund Why new computer only yet with NT sales go, is the existence one Token. Each Extension 95/98/ME would integral faster walk. who whom Token not knows, has The world verpennt
straight The Kiddies having new computer (and need these too for your new Games - having The through Zeitungausteilen self erarbeitet), with me walk The 486iger - and To program need I in the rule neither More. is what You there vorschlägst is therefore in itself utterly widersprüchlich.
OS-foveae??? Neuerungen would here well angebrachter. The list, The it there To mind gives, is relatively short - who against it believes, it have itself NT nothing changed and moreover program How under DOS, windows3x or windows9x must itself naturally not wonder, that its programs without Adminrechte XP not walk. in the principle must one only know, where one what very hinschreiben must, and moreover reicht it from, itself the Betriebssystem five minutes once something accurate to examine (what about me my really only five minutes). who itself against it a Scheißdreck circa NT and security on itself kümmert and hereon hope, that possible nobody pleasure get, its programs time in a something sichereren mode walk To let, the writes its programs then too accordingly. who yet exercises programs for NT To write (How I), the ought to then too instead of 80,-Euro rather too 5,-Euro for its programs desires .... |
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