The XProfanerkarte I had then under Use the disengaged GeoDB manufactured - was Although a tierischer nude - but the GeoDB running with my last Tests not any more on my Server - I nunmehr on unsure Komponenten verzichtete.
I look but strain time whether The GeoDB the Own system now Perhaps something flexibler configures has...
[quote:ce6f1b34d8=Michael Wodrich](what can in a perfect system already improve?)[/quote:ce6f1b34d8] If the question imply should the The .com not verbesserungswürdig be - then must I bad wiedersprechen.
I personally be nähhmlich not pleased - werds well too never his.
The Api würd I me something übersichtlicher Wish, How in nem Program (see Image, declared everything). If the whole on Ner data base aufbaut (Text/DBase/MySql), then could one one Program develop with the same Oberfläsche The Api too Offline available position.
the whole could one later Perhaps yet on The code- shred strain...
It's all right you mainly around the Representation of the individual Api-Identifiers or grundlegend around the Representation of the Identifiers in the ODoku?
The Search isn't so been successful. one finds of course ältere Threads thoroughly again, however go there no Anhänge and Images displayed. If I Search, would like so did i whom originalen Thread recovery...