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| which Koalition would you right?
I had following Proposals for Jamaika:
Uniformly tax rate for ALLE without exception of 15% One steuerfinanziertes Gesundheitssystem with a gedeckelten Eigenanteil the Versicherten abolition the unemployment insurance, because work is enough there abolition the Federal institution for work without IF UND ABER abolition the Arbeitsrechts and instead application the Vertragsrechtes to BGB disposal all subsidies and Steuersparlöcher abolition the Dosenpfands abolition the exorbitanten Mineralölbesteuerung Streichung the Begriffes Gegenfinanzierung from the vocabulary the Politiker. because Gegenfinanzierung means nothing other as The Beibehaltung the status Quo Stärkung the police Schaffung one Berufsheeres against The Widerstände the disengaged Wohlfahrtsverbände. These structured young Humans only from under the coat the charities. From because of charities. enumeration isn't entire...is me famous. can but one beginning his.
salvo, iF. |
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GDL | <Stachelanfang>
then darfste us same erschiessen, there we nirgends fall under and net only of alms life would. so simple Konzepte weg simply net, so beautiful it too would. <Stachelende>
Hello Georg |
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| of my opinion funzen always The simplest things on the best. but the lying well in the nature the thing because so komplexer a function - so fehleranfälliger. solely greed, corruption, nonsense and fehlende Farsightedness having from Germany a Bananenrepublik made.
the so (How supra) beschriebene Konzepte sehrwohl fine functions can in almost each Geschichtsbuch nachlesen. lastly incidentally found something very Vergleichbares in new zealand instead of. there was one almost to the civil war To finally recognized watts the Sozialität not working without economy. in example is it for me unverständlich and so one it faktisch-Arbeitsunwilligen allows To dial. I feel this as cheat on the Volke.
salvo, iF. |
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GDL | Hello iF,
there's worker and pensioner, there's but too forced Renter The yet school-age children and have no high Zuzahlungen and sonstiges do can. unfortunately have I from personal Lebenserfahrungen join must, How important our derzeittiges system into Grundzügen is.The Leistungen The our private health insurance company brought(Beihilfeergänzung undertaking what not beihilfefähig was) and it get too Medikamente übernommen The no legal cash-desk take would. each rumwursteln on this system means only again a step moreover to there who money has living longer. as long as one well is and work has, can slight everything on cost another vereinfachen.
Hello Georg |
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| we talk together past Georg. I speech of Faktisch-Arbeitsunwilligen - and not of Kranken or Rentnern.
I wisely not on what itself your Posting relating.
and without economy too no pensioner (because pensioner only no middle-aged because tappt im dunkeln pension relating) - geschweige Medikamente. |
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GDL | Hello iF,
One steuerfinanziertes Gesundheitssystem with a gedeckelten Eigenanteil the Versicherten
One normal pensioner has no expenses longer school-age Kindern
I and others but already.
a Zuschuss would I but not get, there my Mindestrente higher is as Sozialhilfe.whether I yet children durchbringen must counts, interested not.
can me believe, have me already erkundigt what on us zukommen would if a Einheitsversicherung or a Kopfpauschale käme.
and what help me 15% if any subsidies gestrichen go.
child allowance is Subvention Schwerbehindertensteuernachlass is Subvention free benefit the ÖVP as Schwerbehinderter is Subvention
what help me then one tax rate of 15% if the mikrige Gesammteinkommen, the dank small Abschreibungen(Hausabschreibung,allg.Pauschalen) at least steuerfrei was, then too yet charged becomes.
it meets always only The small, alike How one it turn.
integrally short
Steuerlich I get not any more out,Zuschüsse Gibts no,charges climb - of what yet Eigenanteile numbers??-
Hello Georg |
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| I listen always only what uses me - I see the something gesamtverantwortlicher. |
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GDL | Tja the uses me saves me the Überleben and there fight I with all I have.
Hello Georg |
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| It can one but too The visibility verblenden. I must whom Humost too fertilize - if I only crops verhungere I soon. |
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GDL | Hello iF,
I have whom Humost long directly gedüngt, dünge it now over Verbrauchssteuern dank 4 Personenhaushalt likewise übermässig(since the Ökusteuer me with none Steuerleichterung helped but the expenses fully for 4 people met).
i'll too moreover fertilize, I niemanden on the Tasche lying would like.only should the fertilize but too me Überleben let. in your situation become You you probably never in our situation hineinversetzen can - desires too none - but eachone would like yet NEN bisschen what of life having - and only for fight I-
i'm now 44 and I miterlebt what our system broken made has.it weren't only The Patienten and Arbeitsunwilligen.
and with the Globalisierung need me none come.Who because The Globalisierung first allows.who wished whom disengaged were and Geldverkehr withal unterschiedlicher Rahmenbedingungen etc...... I schweife ex, the Topic is To komplex circa with a couple Postings abgetan To go.
Hello Georg |
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GDL | Friedensvorschlag:
You attempt with Ner new party your system durchzubringen what about me must then NEN small bisschen rupfen . OK?
Hello Georg |
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Frank Abbing | [quote:1a7d93b427]the so (How supra) beschriebene Konzepte sehrwohl fine functions can in almost each Geschichtsbuch nachlesen.[/quote:1a7d93b427] what against beweisst, the end each Regierungsform fails. One real Eigentor.
of my opinion to must the Trend gestoppt and inverse go, that The wealthy always reicher and be The poor always ärmer. us missing mittlererweile the Mittelstand. Harz IV is a guter Ansatz, could but yet intensifies go. and want very urgently one controlled Ablaufs. ultimately shouldn't yet More Arbeitsplätze verdrängt go, separate only The unwilligen unemployed into job market zurückdrängt go. best becomes us the gelingen - so think I - with of/ one grossen Koalition. |
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