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which Koalition would you right?

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which Koalition would you right?


I had following Proposals for Jamaika:

Uniformly tax rate for ALLE without exception of 15%
One steuerfinanziertes Gesundheitssystem with a gedeckelten Eigenanteil the Versicherten
abolition the unemployment insurance, because work is enough there
abolition the Federal institution for work without IF UND ABER
abolition the Arbeitsrechts and instead application the Vertragsrechtes to BGB
disposal all subsidies and Steuersparlöcher
abolition the Dosenpfands
abolition the exorbitanten Mineralölbesteuerung
Streichung the Begriffes Gegenfinanzierung from the vocabulary the Politiker. because Gegenfinanzierung means nothing other as The Beibehaltung the status Quo
Stärkung the police
Schaffung one Berufsheeres against The Widerstände the disengaged Wohlfahrtsverbände. These structured young Humans only from under the coat the charities. From because of charities. enumeration isn't entire...is me famous. can but one beginning his.


salvo, iF.

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Have I Yes again what tolles of fence broken.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

Related to the Eigentor understand I of course not there it in others Ländern vorbildliche Examples gives - but who knows How You, the mean.

The Mittelstand ists whom The SPDPolitik kaputtspielt - there the Mittelstand but 2/3 the Marktwirtschaft ausmacht - can this only The incorrect make his. too The industry sees with Schröder eh only yet ruddy - brauchma still only look where The Konzerne hinflüchten. To right! - obs disagreeable or not.

The Gewerkschaftserfindung comes from england - there mussten really poor! miner to Ausbeutern beschützt go. there having the whole too its Legitimacy - but Hello - nowadys is still z.B. here in Dt. of such of/ one work well hardly another speech. what maßen itself means these Parteiparpeien eigendlich on? Nunja - tappt im dunkeln get Yes finally not umsonst abgewählt.

Mist - before I aushole - I must home lol...

I say only yet one,

we in bavaria need no Koalition separate:
bavaria need its Kinni again and should selbstständig go.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

Hello iF,

have me vertan, must so Notlöschen, there other Delete you don't say so.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

means my wish Koalition would,is and remaining!
realistic seen having we nothing other.


Schröder is without question a personality The but controlled weden must,and of course of Sozialen strengths ( left )the social together has the namely forget.The is so Black colored ,the paßte inspired into CSU.
but there it me as einziger capable appear,Germany international To represent,so my I the Amis not everything and each nachzulaufen.
I mean what would been if To Beginn the Irankrieges one CDU Kanzler there been would....

Well and The green go used,the sees eachone on whom Sprit-Öl-gas-Heizkosten,we need ever another shape of energy,and these must on none drop nuclear energy hot ( or verschmutzt You your Kindern whom garden with what white I yet what,as they once your House inherit!is still sausage there leb I do not More,should The still look where tappt im dunkeln the stuff hinschaffenn ( ENTSORGEN! ),or.

unfortunately is the but the think the Humans The the To to determine having

make a long story short our System is Perhaps still not the right?

WinXP-Home ,XProfan10

Alfreds ... Freeware :  [...] 

Germany is through Globalisierung and EU in a site, in the it tiefgreifender Changes want.
the Wahlergebnis is since the catastrophe at all - alike which Koalition - How should there Einigungen possible his?

i feel me insgesammt from the Politikern verarscht and go already since some years not any more dial. eachone arbeitende human the only half-way its world viewing recognize, that the next years hard - very hard go must. Why says one whom Humans not what comes and what do must?

for me as Normalverdiener with Handwerkergehalt is it in the moment already difficult, my family To ernähren - that it yet worse comes - alike under which government - is clear.
whether this status now 5 or 10 or 20 years anhält, is thing of/ one politics, The klare decisions setting and a klare direction einhält. whom courage, the To do, has no party in Germany. but not resolution there in the rule only bizarre Wahlversprechen, The on none drop eingehalten go can.
How should with this Konstellation at all something decided and decided go? I bound me on hard times to, The long stop go...

Andreas You promise me from the soul.

[quote:630d4b34a4=Alfred wainwright]
I mean what would been if To Beginn the Irankrieges one CDU Kanzler there been would....
not vorgreifen, rather Alfred.

The Iraner are still now first dran (if there not still the lebanon dazwischengeschoben becomes).

Dunkle outlook of these Stammeshäuptling übern large pond.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

[box:dd01d92082]Sofas are calm!
dial SPD!
(SofaParteiDeutschland) [/box:dd01d92082]
this Posting in the Shoutbox of H. beast ought to of my opinion to not verlorengehen ...

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Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


Hello Profaner

have IF;s Proposals aufgegriffen with Verbesserungsvorschlägen


Uniformly tax rate for ALLE without exception of 15%
response: all right

One steuerfinanziertes Gesundheitssystem with a gedeckelten Eigenanteil the Versicherten
response: of my opinion belong Private Krankenversicherungen and Rentenversicherungen legally prohibited!
reasonriviligierte (wealthy) Humans numbers lifetime in no the both Versicherungen one,or!

abolition the unemployment insurance, because work is enough there
response:If you mean.

abolition the Federal institution for work without IF UND ABER
I take at times you mean the unemployment benefit ?
responsea I will but my 22 years(nachweisbar)paid Beitrage back!

abolition the Arbeitsrechts and instead application the Vertragsrechtes to BGB
response:who ever in a pursued under 1000 Arbeitern (in the disengaged economy)engage was,the white the the anyhow not practising becomes!

disposal all subsidies and Steuersparlöcher
response: all right

abolition the Dosenpfands
response: OK,make we our Dreck moreover.-Blech verrotet eh in 1000 years

abolition the exorbitanten Mineralölbesteuerung
response: on the whom Straßen observes man not the gasoline valuable is (any rad full throttle),and at all in some decades resolve itself the trouble yourself
-Öl nothing More there!

Streichung the Begriffes Gegenfinanzierung from the vocabulary the Politiker. because Gegenfinanzierung means nothing other as The Beibehaltung the status Quo
response:status Quo own only wealthy

Stärkung the police
response:god bewahre us before it,though I befürchte is so come.

Schaffung one Berufsheeres against The Widerstände the disengaged
responseann becomes our german armed forces one eigenständiger association without Neuankömmlinge(Wehrpflichtige)The Own Ansichten in yours Wehrzeit and accordingly on your Vorgesetzten with yielding can-therefore becomes one realistisches think the Berufssoldaten ensured(in the Contrast To others Ländern where soldiers others Humans torture).them becomes namely learnt -the Feind is evilly (not Menschlich)and otherwise nothing other!-very How with ours police!
whoso with the german armed forces as Wehrplichtiger was should these opinion confirm can.


so and now give eure opinion to that best,man ought to too others opinions respect circa possibly its opinion Change to !

WinXP-Home ,XProfan10

Alfreds ... Freeware :  [...] 

circa me time unbeliebt To make:

i'm for (as far as I'm concerned first as Probeobjekt at a mittleren town)
The complete government commercial auszurichten.

Spontan falls me there a stock corporation one, with the eachone Wahlberechtigte (means
Volljährige) a unveräußerliche Aktie sustain.

the entire strive the government becomes hereon ausgelegt Ggewinn To erwirtschaften,
the though directly on The stockholders auszuschütten is.

for Ergänzungen on this system be I naturally to have, but fundamentally would
the one system that I support would.


(now but time on The Reaktionen tensely be!)
Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht!
- Ubuntu 15.x
- Windows (diverse)
XProfan Version: X2


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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