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Dietmar Horn | Hello together,
here for all recent users of Profan² 7.6 The most important Neuerungen and extensions in the actually Freeware-Version XProfan 8.0a on a look.
News in XProfan 8.0a
The usage of Units
XProfan 8.0a bid The Possibility, like in Delphi, Include Files as compiled, compressed and encrypted Units To produce and To use. the means for developer of DLLs, Function- and Class libraries and others AddOns, that they no longer have the source code yours XPROFAN-extensions transmit must - not even The Include Files with the Offenlegung the Aufrufe the DLL. so could too demonstration- and Sharewareversionen of extensions and Vorlagen possible go. whom Source Gibts then first with the Full Version. the Urheberrecht is rather To protect.
SetDialogfont n extended
has n the value 1, becomes for nachfolgend erstellten Dialogelemente (with @CREATE...) the with USEFONT tuned Font using. is the worth n the lever one with @CREATE("Font" begot Fonts, becomes this akin. is n same 0, becomes the Systemfont akin.
New in XProfan is a eigenständiger Debugger: PRFDEBUG.EXE.
XProfan allows ex Version 8 The object-oriented Programming!
CallBack-functions go often needed, if it z.B. circa Aufzählungen goes. needs becomes moreover the new function @PROCADDR,
New Compiler / Linker
Compiler and Linker get in a Program zusammengefaßt, the How yet the Compiler PROFCOMP.EXE is. from Kompatibilitätsgründen can it How yet called go:
new Controls
One SpinEdits serves to input numerischer Ganzzahl-values in the area of -32768 To +32767. by the small Buttons in the Editfeld can the worth changed go.
One DateEdit serves to input one Datums. at that Click on the arrow down opens sichg one Kalnder to that komfortablen take on the Datums.
One TimeEdit serves to input of/ one Uhrzeit. at that Click on The Pfeile , depending on the position of the Kursors hours, minutes or sec tuned go.
One RichEdit is vergleichbar with a MultiEdit with the Difference, that much more Texts Edit can and that umfangreiche Formatierungren (mostly over Messages) possible are.
Status Window
herewith get the window a Statuszeile with the Text s.
If the Cursor over the Dialogelement dwell, then appear the suitable Text as Hilfestellung.
In XProfan 8.0a becomes one with $P+ or $P* verschlüsseltes Program too during the Programmausführung not unverschlüsselt in memory stand! Additional to recent Verschlüsselung becomes with $P+ and $P* a further blitzschnelle and effectively Verschlüsselung akin, the ever only for currently abgearbeitete row the compilierten Codes aufgelöst becomes.
extensions with Include-Files
Include-Files can now nested go, that is: an Includatei must ihrerseits Include Files using. Include Files can now too Units verwendenn. likewise How with whom Units can also with whom Includedaten Namensräume akin go.
New MessageMode-Parameter
it watts the Messagemode 2 introduced. The reason: by the Einbinden the Manifesto-Resource mail Windows XP additional Notify-messages.
three new System-Variables
$PROGDIR Programmverzeichnis $TempDir Temp-directory %Printing During the Druckens
Erweiterte command and functions
@DiskSize values over 2GB @DiskFree values over 2 GB
@ReadIni$ DWord in Registry Add too for Longint byte several values with a commands Dec too for Longint Inc too for Longint Long several values with a commands String several values with a commands Sub too for Longint Word several values with a commands WriteIni DWord in Registry
yet was is you don't say so WITH - ENDWITH To nest. These constraint watts aufgehoben.
Arrays and Memory-Variables now too pub
Arrays and Memory-Variables can now in Procedures pub declariert go, just as as well as others variables.
Structures and classes with Fließkommazahlen
its now too too permits, in Structures and Klassenbeschreibungen Fließkommazahlen (with "!") to house.
Direktzuweisung of Stringliteralen on Longints as Adressen
becomes one Stringliteral (one String quotation marks) as Parameter with an external function inserted, becomes The The address the Strings transfer:
The STARTPRINT-commands watts around the Possibility extended, whom printer-Setup-dialog aufzurufen.
Erweiterte SET-function
The function SET with ihren Unterfunktionen serves to that settle of Systemzuständen. tappt im dunkeln watts circa following Unterfunktionen extended:
SET("SQLDEL",s$) supplant whom recent command SQLSETDEL S$. SET("SQLNULL",s$) supplant whom recent commands SQLSETNULL s$.
SET("DBMEMOWIDTH",n%) supplant whom recent commands DBSETMEMOWIDTH n%. SET("TRUECOLOR",n%) supplant whom recent commands SETTRUECOLOR n%.
SET("AUTOPAINT",n%) supplant whom recent commands SETAUTOPAINT n%.
ODBC error only when errorlevel> 0
The display of/ one Error Message at ODBC-Access to tables watts yet with of/ one Messagebox Done, The independent of tuned Errorlevel the program anhielt. now there The Messagebox only yet, if the Errorlevel larger as 0 is. furthermore supply &SQLCount in the Fehlerfall the Result -1 is.
the are means several good Reasons, circa of Profan² 7.6 on XProfan 8.0a To updaten.
from eigener jahrelanger experience in my Programmierkursen can I confirm, that without exception any older Source code compatible To XProfan 8.0a are.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 11/26/09 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn | and here The new "Technischen Daten" on a look:
XProfan 8.0a
65535 Program lines with apiece max. 32767 characters 262144 Arrayelemente apiece Datentyp
262144 Entries apiece list apiece Datentyp 262144 Entries in the Listboxliste 1999 variables apiece type
max. Parameterzahl with Procedures/functions: 15 max. Size Memory-Variable: memory While-Wend-Verschachtelung: 30 Proc-Endproc-Verschachtelung: 150 amount apertured Files: 99
apertured Datenbanktabellen: 15 Size Datensatz: 16000 characters boxes per set: 1024
to that comparison: Profan² 7.6
32767 Program lines with apiece max. 32767 characters 65535 Arrayelemente apiece Datentyp 65535 Entries apiece list apiece Datentyp 32767 Entries in the Listboxliste 500 variables apiece type
max. Parameterzahl with Procedures/functions: 15 max. Size Memory-Variable: memory While-Wend-Verschachtelung: 30 Proc-Endproc-Verschachtelung: 150 amount apertured Files: 15
apertured Datenbanktabellen: 15 Size Datensatz: 16000 characters boxes per set: 1024 |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 11/26/09 ▲ |
H.Brill | would have been time diesbezüglich a question: are really The Bugs, The over a longer Time not notice been are, too into Freeware - versions fixed or only whom latest versions ?
i think there z.B. on The dBase - functions, with them the Memory-area over longer Time not correctly. funktionierte. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 11/26/09 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn | of my Wissens to any Bugs fixed been, The until attend the Full Version XProfan 8.0a famous been were.
differences between the former Full Version and the Freewareversion XProfan 8.0a there definitiv not!
To concrete (former) Bugs becomes Roland sure More say can. in the Zweifelsfall ought to to the yourself try.
as an afterthought are anyway in none Full Version Bugs fixed been (means not in whom Freewareversionen) - except if naturally some Time later one kleineres Update showed up was (here means of 8.0 on 8.0a)
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 11/26/09 ▲ |