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| Habter pleasure? [...] Michael? |
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| i know - some items functions not. have not yet herausbekommen Why the lying. I ahne it's located on the Sessionmanagement. |
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| Behoben - now ought to everything functions. |
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Michael Wodrich | Yes now works it. Tutorial Logeleien 1 is ready.
code-Tags are there not uses been. In one Wiki reicht it, The row with a space To begin around the Text as vorformatiert attend To let.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/17/07 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | an small corner for Online-Aids arranged ROC, XPSE, XPIA, XProfan-manager, ........
who helps at type?
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/18/07 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn |
who helps at type?
Hello Michael,
i'd me on any Cases occasionally on it participate.
still first of all is me yet quite unclear, whom sense these whole Abtipperei really having should?
would be it there not plainer and at least just as effectively, if one here The Help Files the individual Tools to that Download offer would?
though - the latter ergäbe for me yet really too none large sense. because who z.B. with ROC or with the XProfan-manager operates and Help of/ one Programmfunktion needed, the has in the program still faster F1 pressed, as if it itself moreover first in that internet einloggen and to XProfan-Wiki durchklickern must, or? as 56-k-modem-User would I on any Cases not The idea kommmen, me therefore always first in that internet einzuloggen ...
of my opinion to would for Wiki a short Programmvorstellung each Tools completely suffice, so yet-not-User the Tools itself above informieren can, that it this Tool at all gives and for what it virtual is. These Info stand Yes in the rule already anyhow at the beginning eachone Helpfile and need only quick 1-2-fix rauskopiert go. time integrally of it foreseen, that I with the Helpfile for XProfan-manager integrally beautiful afterwards limp, because the meanwhile already almost infinite many Programmfunktionen and XProfan-Tools are.
yourself be I one bekennender Helpfile-Hasser! either one Program can itself weitestgehend with to some extent vernünftiger menschlicher Logik intuitive valet - or I use the program in the rule not.
take we still time as example whom XPSE: there have I me The Compilerdirektiven and the Erläuterungen the spezielleren XPSE-Syntax from the Online-Help in a stinknormale Textdatei copies, and the reicht me really completely from.
or ROC: I wüßte not, what there yet big (except The eigentliche Programmvorstellung) into Wiki write ought to. ROC is still really completely selbsterklärend.
with XPIA is it similar. who this Toool sinvoll benefit would like, the arrives the Erlernen of a couple Assembler-Grundlagen anyhow not past. who itself XPIA herunterlädt, the has The Helpfile already on seinem computer and finds there everything already almost idiotensicher declared.
who itself it antut and the something more XProfan-manager-Batzen with almost 500 MB on its PC installs, the has ditto so quite everything on seinem computer, what it for the program with XProfan needed, including all Help Files and wesentlicher contents ours Community.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 07/18/07 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | now Yes, if the everything so selbsterklärend is, Why then the many ask To this Tools.
i'm the opinion, that a Help in a Wiki of each complement go can and so in the quality always moreover soar. too can here others ways weg as in the Offline-Help. See The Original-Profanhilfe and the Online-Doku - here get Rubriken introduced. On of my Page there the whole then again in groups feiner unterteilt.
many users - many ideas. And so something can itself in a of everybody editierbaren system plainer release. quick-Referenzen How from you addressed to that example. Fehlerkorrekturen, further Examples, and and and
One good example is too The Possibility, simply in Stichworten a Überblick over one Program To give, the then of a the users the Program in a tidy Help umgesetzt becomes.
on this system must Yes eachone teilhaben. then there too no Gemecker More over Tippfehler. simply self correct if of/ one discover becomes.
correctly. sense get the whole still, if these Aids of iF in a CHM generiert go can. so could then on the Eingangsseite objectively one Link with date the last Generierung stand.
too The Online-Documentation has on attempt Yes not each erschlossen.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/18/07 ▲ |
| I find the is nothing hinzuzufügen. |
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Dietmar Horn | human, Michael,
stay still Please calm (withal the derzeitigen Affenhitze - anyway here with us in the Lausitz).
On my eigentliche question are You unfortunately not eingegangen:
short Programmvorstellung - well, the would I and eachone others sure hinkriegen.
And then? what thereafter yet?
I ahne already, on what You out want. still How very could one dbzgl. NEN reasonable hanger find, so The User really hereon start and yourself join?
by which would itself in this Points The Wiki of a self-contained Forum To each Tool discern (which itself Yes now already eachone Programmautor of iF arrange let could)?
If I the lane undergo and the target know, then would I join (first something whom XProfan-manager concerns - and thereafter would I naturally too with my Lieblings-Tools occasionally mitwerkeln).
One separates Forum for XProfan-Manger have I me yet purposely not yet arranged. The couple Notes, The by me to that XPM yet eingetrudelt are, related itself yet almost solely either on yet To erweiternde or. einzubauende Programmfunktionen, or Anfängerfragen to the in the XPM encompassed Tools. since then I in XPM one standard-XPSE-XPIA-proposition by Click available set having, with the the potential XPSE-User immediate loslegen could, come only yet Thank you-Mails To XPSE by me on.
The Integration of XPSE (as example) has iF of course of my opinion to idiotensicher in its Helpfile described. still first, after I the everything by Click in XPM integrate having (too Profan2Cpp) keep busy the XPM-User (in the rule Programmieranfänger) of these Tools intensiver. this is anyway my experience.
what could or. ought to I your opinion to z.B. over the XProfan-manager kongret here in The Wiki present (except general Programmvorstellung)?
i want here under no circumstance Rumnörgeln. The Idea on itself find I lovely! but How kongret umsetzen, or at Umsetzen the idea yourself give a hand can? Diesbezüglich missing me yet unfortunately another Piece film ...
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 07/19/07 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | by me tröpfelt the in the momentum too only... i'm unfortunately neither against The heat invulnerable.
About whom manager: there there were some spotting over The operating. The Pictogramme shine not each immediate To erschliessen, evtl. missing too The Kenntnis, the Tooltips helpful Notes give.
here could one set and whom bloody Beginner short describe How one begins. on the best for well in shape one HOWTO. one dial one gängiges Szenario and describe it so in detail How possible.
for example: - How find I one bestimmtes Codeschnipsel - one Miniprogramm (Hello World) create, compilieren, perform - in this Program The Versionsressource Change - one small Dialog-Window with some few Elementen (each small step detailiert describe)
and thereby on further Opportunities allude (z.B. ROC, Babybox,...)
means really of zero on begin.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich
stay still Please calm
Have I in the haste The Smileys forget? |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/19/07 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn | Hello Michael,
I thanks you for your Notes, because such are for may part always Welcome (particularly from you).
so that here in this Thread not too very ausartet, have I mean spotting moreover into XProfan-manager-Thread posted. See: [...]
thanks and Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 07/24/07 ▲ |
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| see strain - is yet fehlerbehaftet, be means only on half-way ways... |
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