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| Horst horn
Seltsamerweise remind itself two Humans, which the same erlebt having never same on the Geschehene.
here ists sooner so the it even not two Humans gives, The exakt the same erlebt having - the lying sure too on it the not The reality gives separate eachone its Own has - particularly too therefore because nothing to equal Time on the same place his can - already not at all two on the life bleibende menschliche body (with likewise same/m Prehistory and construction) which itself too yet later on very The same Situaion remind could.
so a Zeitrückreise (in the the typischen senses) Gibts imho momentarily therefore not, because we yet of it go out must the The Time something's wovon we not uncouple can there we not without space understand which The Time finally conditioned.
Zeitrückblicke against afford us already our know (items the Nachwelt leave behind can) and the so connected engineering something capture and pass to. (deal How z.B. particularly talk and write, means Höhlenmalerei gleichgesetzt with Videographie) so seen are we any purer Zeitrückblick there We also one Result the Time are.
Zeitvorreisen are imho too possible we're a couple small Eckpunkte settle. For this, would first of all The Question answer in How remote something/someone Zeitgereist is, which Teilchen only a defined Time not usual shape vorlagen. One example to would the freeze. i'm cold me 200 years one - from of my visibility I will zeitgereist his if aufwache, likewise but too one table zeitreist if which digitalisierte Teilchen in the future as Replik again into reality as material spent go.
I faith means, Zeitreisen (according to Definition) are ohnehin already To 99% on the agenda and component ours Daseins, the what we but with the typischen Zeitreise my is only virtual machbar.
what would mere we're no fancy hätten!
@Frank: even if Funde no future occupy is the no Beweiß for ausgebliebene Zeitreisen. too therefore because we only find can take off us visible is, and take off us visible is changes itself (juhu!) each day! (we knoe means vlt. not at all wonach we look müssten or. own The nötige engineering (yet) not) |
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Frank Abbing | I speech from the klassischen Zeitreisen: human setting itself in machine or ray or what otherwise always and traveling within kurzer Time in a others epoch. your Definition sees Yes quite different from.
have your you the Schonmal respected? [...] |
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| Shakespeare: there's More items between sky and world as our Schulweisheit itself dream can or so similar...
something is ulterior ours Begreifens. daVinci had the what it known, not at all know can ! - The enumeration could one plenty former begin and I am too no Däniken-fan. nevertheless faith I, that Zeitreisen possible are. only we're not yet moreover in the site.
@Frank - The Animation is class on the Site
@iF - you have utterly right. what would we without The imagination make ? |
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Jac de Lad | @Frank: is the your serious? buy You too at Teleshopping? |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Frank Abbing
have your you the Schonmal respected? [...]
hears itself in principle integrally jolly on. though believe The Jungs yourself not really on it. there's namely none reasonable reason, the Result first in the years 2012 To expect. If it really klappen could, should in the momentum, where The 90000 there are, already the Time(back)travler on the Matte stand. |
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| i will but the 5 Billionen ! |
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Frank Abbing | @Jac: I find The Texts and the idea behind it interestingly. believe do I do not on it, and support would I something like already none. shining me eh right dubios To his, the whole construction. but alone itself something like auszudenken is already fascinating.
@Jörg: the date is the zentrale core behind the whole thoughts. which day very select watts is thereby not important. only that it a zentralen day gives, on the any Fäden together walk should and that this of in front come in feststeht. |
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Jac de Lad | @Frank: then be I Yes beruhigt. Yes, The idea is well and plausibel. though is it very unseriös, if one there money give should, particularly so plenty. Also are The pages voller Rechtschreib-/Grammatik-/Stilfehler; this is suspicious. |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 07/01/08 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer |
only that it a zentralen day gives, on the any Fäden together walk should
even! and there had one genausogut tommorrow noon take can. If it at all works, then functions it too then. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 07/01/08 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | there's yet a further reason, the for speaks, that it Zeitreisen never give becomes. If someone try would in a others Time To gelangen, then verschlägt it it too on a far entfernte position in the universe. to this Time - into the Zeitreisende jumping - befand the world integrally elsewhere in the outer space. Rotation around the sun and the Expansion the Universums are on it even guilt. Perhaps materialisiert the Zeitreisende quite in irgendeinem Himmelskörper. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Well, Perhaps clutching there then The Realativitätstheorie. If you in a train hochsprings, knallst You indeed not same on The back Abteilwand.
if one there money give should, particularly so plenty.
Why? Kost still nothing. You can but donate or you one Zertifikat procure. I finds anyway ne jolly Gedankenspielerei. Zeitparadoxa found I always class, and this is one particularly nice. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 07/01/08 ▲ |
Frank Abbing |
Well, Perhaps clutching there then The Realativitätstheorie. If you in a train hochsprings, knallst You indeed not same on The back Abteilwand.
Yes, because your volume The same speed own How the train and it in the breeze hardly Reibung gives. your comparison limp Yes. |
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