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Plibwin.win / Gettext-trouble

Hello Sebastian...

first once in front lane:
The latest Version the File plibwin.win, The You me zugeschickt have, shining a wildly Error To include (ready compiliertes Program crashes).
The of IF named Error exit by me in the Beta ditto on, can means therefore the new Version with PrivAktivate as View source not testing. If you The obengenannte File as basis for the new Version taken have, takes you Perhaps The plibwin.win over again to.

PS: DLLs with Profan produce? this is Real the gavel...

[quote:7c16b55f8a]first once in front lane:
The latest Version the File plibwin.win, The You me zugeschickt have, shining a wildly Error To include (ready compiliertes Program crashes).
The of IF named Error exit by me in the Beta ditto on, can means therefore the new Version with PrivAktivate as View source not testing. If you The obengenannte File as basis for the new Version taken have, takes you Perhaps The plibwin.win over again to.[/quote:7c16b55f8a]
Hello Andreas,

the trouble, the iF described has, concerns glücklicherweise only whom Syntax-Check. You müsstest The Message means igrnorieren and the Translation fortfahren can. is naturally well possible, that then further Problems appear - it has itself still some changed...

That the plibwin.lib is really strange - I had only a Line in the function GetText() changed [SendMessage() instead of GetWindowText()] and these Änderung too into new Beta übernommen. exit the crash because so on? (i'll you too again a new Lib for old Version, in the I The Änderung cancelled have, by Email send.


Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11
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[quote:e8c4228f66=Sebastian king]Hello Andreas,

the trouble, the iF described has, concerns glücklicherweise only whom Syntax-Check. You müsstest The Message means igrnorieren and the Translation fortfahren can. is naturally well possible, that then further Problems appear - it has itself still some changed...

That the plibwin.lib is really strange - I had only a Line in the function GetText() changed [SendMessage() instead of GetWindowText()] and these Änderung too into new Beta übernommen. exit the crash because so on? (i'll you too again a new Lib for old Version, in the I The Änderung cancelled have, by Email send.


Hello Sebastian...

with the rückgängig made Changes functions the Programmm.
Compiliere I with the Beta, flackert the Cursor like mad (How with the plibwin.lib, The You me before it zugeschickt have), it comes but To keinem Programmabsturz. really strange...

[quote:0d4f025b74]with the rückgängig made Changes functions the Programmm.
Compiliere I with the Beta, flackert the Cursor like mad (How with the plibwin.lib, The You me before it zugeschickt have), it comes but To keinem Programmabsturz. really strange...[/quote:0d4f025b74]
Hello Andreas,

in the doing, really strange... best place I it in the next Beta first again on GetWindowText() circa (you had indeed a Workaround for the trouble, haven't we?). Why the behaviour otherwise so comic is, white I unfortunately not .

i think, i'll hereafter the new Beta-Version ready make and Upload. in the momentum is the weather but yet To well ...


Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11
Profan2Cpp-Homepage:  [...] 
Alte Profan²-Seite:  [...] 

[quote:55db7ee949=Sebastian king]
Hello Andreas,

in the doing, really strange... best place I it in the next Beta first again on GetWindowText() circa (you had indeed a Workaround for the trouble, haven't we?). Why the behaviour otherwise so comic is, white I unfortunately not .

i think, i'll hereafter the new Beta-Version ready make and Upload. in the momentum is the weather but yet To well ...


Hello Sebastian...

i'd it on your place with GetWindowText() leave and the with AtatchThreadInput entstehenden Problems with Gettext$ in the Help allude. there can indeed on The Message verweisen.

[quote:cca39b9330]i'd it on your place with GetWindowText() leave and the with AtatchThreadInput entstehenden Problems with Gettext$ in the Help allude. there can indeed on The Message verweisen.[/quote:cca39b9330]
Hello Andreas,

a idea have I yet - I mail you same again a new Lib. If the too nothing bring, remaining hold really only one Info the trouble - it might Yes to that Happiness _sehr_ seldom his...


Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11
Profan2Cpp-Homepage:  [...] 
Alte Profan²-Seite:  [...] 

Hello Sebastian...

with the nuen LIB power the program no Problems More. I have yet attempts, The Problemstelle To extract, having bislang but none success. to my leave I will the thing on none drop More accurate on The track come.

[quote:682678144a]with the nuen LIB power the program no Problems More. I have yet attempts, The Problemstelle To extract, having bislang but none success. to my leave I will the thing on none drop More accurate on The track come.[/quote:682678144a]
Hello Andreas,

if the Error now fixed, is the already very well - mach you means none Stress so . Vielen thanks for testing and Schonmal lovely leave!


Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11
Profan2Cpp-Homepage:  [...] 
Alte Profan²-Seite:  [...] 


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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