DLLs | | | | - Page 1 - |
| | Addfiles.Dll
File- and Verzeichnisnamen rekursiv + Features.
Download/ into Cart1,50 € inkl. MwSt. no Shipping fee
declare h&
chdir "C:\lol"
while 1
likewise can with SetProc(procAddr(myProc,1)) a XProfan-Function for the Enumeration bring into action, and optional by SetMsg(0) on Messages dispense:
so can the program z.B. Show effect during sought becomes - important ifs time longer lasts. |
| 14 kB | 1,50 € inkl. Tax. no Shipping fee | | item: | DE-1404 | | Bezeichnung: | Addfiles.Dll | | Version: | 1.5 | | Kurzbeschreibung: | Addfiles with tollen extensions. | | Hochgeladen: | 02/05/09 | | | | Download | | | | 16 kB | | Hochgeladen: | 12/23/15 | | Downloadcounter: | | | | Download |
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| | | | - Page 2 - |
| | | The DLL are of pages the Rekursion and File/Verzeichnisanzahl anyway no border staid.
The DLL uses The FindFirst-Api and places The Results into by lever angegebene Listbox. Listboxes are imho in the Number of Entries dull. here could one one Dummyhandle indicate which The ListBox-Message abfängt and objectively The data differently save - so could You do... or The ListBox simply subClassen circa abzufangen. |
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| | Frank Abbing |
Listboxes are imho in the Number of Entries dull.
under WinXP not, so far I from eigener experience talk can. anyway so far the memory reicht. |
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| | Stefan M. Caillet | Hello iF, Have there still one small Completed: your Addfiles.dll (or the ListBox, The The Ordner aufnimmt?)! Folgender code runs free from problems if I it over the LW E: (is my 2. - The data-Partition of my Laptops) mail. Mach I with the LW C: , becomes The 1.LBox apparently filled, the Content but not displayed, sonden The LBox sometime simply removes, and einigezeit later the PROG simply closed. what thereby strange is, is the fact, that the Prog. on my PC correctly runs. I feel it however as very important, that the Prog. on my LapTop perfect runs. there the trouble währen ADDDIR appears, hope I, that You whom Error find can. The Number of Ordner ought to really not the trouble his, because on the PC finds go on LX C: over 3300 ORDNER found - on the LapTop should it really less his. Getestet under Win XP , XPROFAN 10.0a + 11.1 CompileMarkSeparationSuche bestimmten Ordner auf allen vohandenen und bereiten Laufwerken
Def GetLogicalDrives(0) ! KERNEL32, GetLogicalDrives
Def GetDriveType(1) ! KERNEL32, GetDriveTypeA
Def GetVolumeInformation(8) !KERNEL32,GetVolumeInformationA
Def SetErrorMode(1) !KERNEL32,SetErrorMode
Def ext.addfiles(3) !addfiles.dll, AddFiles
DEF ext.addfilesex(3) !addfiles.dll, AddFilesEx
Def ext.adddirs(3) !addfiles.dll, AddDirs
declare drives&, lw$,Drives$[31],N%,DRV$
declare H&,H0&,H1&,H2&,I%,j%,font&,dll&,mode&,SUCHORDNER$,SUCHFILE$
declare buffer#, dirbuf#, H$
dim buffer#, 4
Proc CheckDrive Test auf Laufwerk bereit (Disk, CD/DVD eingelegt ?)
Parameters drive$
Declare result&,olderrormode&,dw1&,dw2&
Let olderrormode&=SetErrorMode(1)
Let drive$=Upper$(Mid$(drive$,1,1))+:
Dim dirbuf#,Len(drive$)+2
String dirbuf#,0=drive$
Let result&=GetVolumeInformation(dirbuf#,0,0,0,Addr(dw1&),Addr(dw2&),0,0)
Dispose dirbuf#
Return result&
Proc ReadyDrives$
Declare DRV$
drives& = GetLogicalDrives()
whileloop 0, 31
Prüfen ob Laufsbuchstabe vergeben
if TestBit(drives&, &loop)
lw$ = Chr$(&loop + 65) + :
string buffer#, 0 = lw$
Drives$[n%] = LW$ : Inc N%
dispose buffer#
Dec N%
DRV$ =
WhileLoop 0, N%
Case CheckDrive(Drives$[&loop])=1 : DRV$ = DRV$ + Drives$[&loop] + |
N% = len(DRV$)/4
Return DRV$
H& = Create(ListBox,%HWND,1,10,20,200,150)
H0& = Create(ListBox,%HWND,1,216,20,200,150)
H1& = Create(ListBox,%HWND,1,422,20,200,150)
H2& = Create(ListBox,%HWND,1,10,190,612,200) : SetFont H2&,Font&
WhileLoop 1,1 1. Laufwerk C: (A: ohne Disk, B: nicht vorhanden) Val(Right$(DRV$,2))
Clearlist H& : Clearlist H0& : Clearlist H1&
print Druchsuche Laufwerk +SubStr$(DRV$,&loop,|);
ChDir SubStr$(DRV$,&loop,|)+
N% = Getcount(H&)
print - > +STR$(N%)+ Ordner vorhanden, wovon ;
waitinput Nur zum Test, um zu sehen, ob erste LBOX korr. gefüllt wird!
N% = 0
WhileLoop GetCount(H&)
CaseNot INSTR(SUCHORDNER$+,UPPER$(GetString$(H&,N%))): Addstring(H0&,GetString$(H&,N%))
inc N%
N% = Getcount(H0&)
Print Str$(N%)+ +SuchOrdner$
If GetCount(H0&)
N% = 0
WhileLoop GetCount(H0&)
ChDir GetString$(H0&,N%)
inc N%
Print Dieser enthält +Str$(GetCount(H1&))+Dateien ;
If GetCount(H1&)
N% = 0
WhileLoop GetCount(H1&)
Case InStr(SuchFile$,Upper$(GetString$(H1&,N%))) : AddString(H2&,GetString$(H1&,N%))
Print wovon +STR$(GetCount(H2&))+ +Suchfile$
If GetCount(H2&)
Print SubStr$(H$,-1,)
Print fertig
deleteobject Font&
Thank you. greeting Stefan |
| | | Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf. Entwicklungsumgebung: XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD | 01/06/09 ▲ |
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| | | Teste time Please, if The ListBox to create(list,...) created watts, whether the trouble still appears.
The DLL are in the Grunde The amount of Files and Folders as well as The Rekursion completely alike. |
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| | Stefan M. Caillet | Hello iF, helps unfortunately neither. fixes Have I yet The following: During the Search totals The maximum Processor load between 25% and 52% - I as OK erachte. the Speicherbedarf soar until Time where the window closed becomes on 126510 KB, means concise 126 MB! on the PC lying the Speicherbedarf with max. 20123 Kb means concise 20 MB! These 126MB find I something high? what mean You? Thank you. greeting Stefan |
| | | Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf. Entwicklungsumgebung: XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD | 01/06/09 ▲ |
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| | | Have yet no plan, I could frühstens tommorrow a Debug-Version post if you these then once testing want.
The DLL sends Message 384 = LB_ADDSTRING on the übergebene lever with address for memory the Stringinhaltes in the lParam.
You could too testing and a Static produce and subclassen on Message 384 (LB_ADDSTRING) - whom arriving lParam z.B. by wm_setText on hWnd weiterleiten and in the cover of hWnd see, which entry there möglicherweise Problems power. |
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| | Stefan M. Caillet | Hello iF, thanks for your trouble. Yes, self-evident would like I gladly through Tests give a hand whom Error To lokalisieren. only fürchte I, I self moreover your Help in shape the moreover required SubclassProc for the Static. I Have with the the Subclassing unfortunately simply not yet on it. can You me Please The benötigte expansion/Änderung on my code show. I knows of course through your Help in the vorigen Posting, what you mean, can But for want of Sattelfestigkeit in the Subclassing , not funktionirenden code umsetzen. true you very for your Help grateful. Thank you. greeting Stefan |
| | | Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf. Entwicklungsumgebung: XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD | 01/06/09 ▲ |
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| | | You know the... You would gladly... but have ca. 500 Window open The on Inputs Waiting...
I look same time... |
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| | Stefan M. Caillet | means, iF, I have over again something tested and experimentiert. Have too attempts, with the the Subclassing to that walk To catch, though without success - it was I do not possible, a Message of your dll abzufangen - shining on of my inability in the Subclassprogrammierung To lying. however was is me moglich, LW C: on the LapTop with the XProfan-commands Addfiles *.* To durhsuchen. there but Addfiles the known Completed: the Staküberlauf has, (under XProfan 11.1 immernoch?? - standing anyway yet so in the Help XProfan11), would like I rather on your dll zurückgreifen. One moreover benefit your dll is naturally the AddDir - I here namely really need, I really first whom ORDNER BKPFILES search must - however on sämtlichen vorhandenen and lesebereiten Laufwerken. have You already ne idea (NEN code) with the I with the the Subclassing testing can, circa to find out, where it hakt? Thank you. greeting Stefan |
| | | Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf. Entwicklungsumgebung: XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD | 01/07/09 ▲ |
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| | | @Stefan from the Updatetext of XPatch111.zipper
AddFiles *. vast speed and functions now too for large Festplatten without Stacküberlauf |
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| | Stefan M. Caillet | @Horst, Yes now where You it say, can me dark dran remind, time something like red to have. in the benefit is, who itself the gelesene too remember can. Thank you. greeting Stefan |
| | | Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf. Entwicklungsumgebung: XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD | 01/07/09 ▲ |
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| | Michael Wodrich | FindFirst - FindNext - FindClose there there were one Speicherleck-trouble, if one not well aufpaßt. Also: If FindFirst no Files one directory finds, then must on none drop one FindClose follow.
to that Laptop:
I had a Vista-Laptop to that testing. some programs ran not so How on my Heimrechner. The reason were versteckte Systemverzeichnisse of Microsoft in a drop and a komprimiertes directory in another drop.
The directory-names white I now not any more, it were but 2 The with Recycling To do had and one for Systemwiederherstellung.
Perhaps help these Info Yes moreover.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| | | Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 01/07/09 ▲ |
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