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| Addfiles.Dll
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declare h&
chdir "C:\lol"
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likewise can with SetProc(procAddr(myProc,1)) a XProfan-Function for the Enumeration bring into action, and optional by SetMsg(0) on Messages dispense:
so can the program z.B. Show effect during sought becomes - important ifs time longer lasts. |
| 14 kB | 1,50 € inkl. Tax. no Shipping fee | | item: | DE-1404 | | Bezeichnung: | Addfiles.Dll | | Version: | 1.5 | | Kurzbeschreibung: | Addfiles with tollen extensions. | | Hochgeladen: | 02/05/09 | | | | Download | | | | 16 kB | | Hochgeladen: | 12/23/15 | | Downloadcounter: | | | | Download |
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Stefan M. Caillet | No, unfortunately yet always not. The first Listbox becomes right quick filled (To see on the Scroll bar), then disappears these - with one Speicherverbrauch of ca. 10 MB, thereafter soar the Speichervervrauch moreover To ca.125 MB. hereon schlisst itself the window automatically. greeting Stefan |
| Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf. Entwicklungsumgebung: XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD | 01/08/09 ▲ |
| Dass The LB disappears is sure only visuell - objectively becomes tappt im dunkeln present his and only with the display not afterwards come. I have but a little bit the feeling and the hope, that You Perhaps not The newer DLL in Use had as against 125MB memory needed get. is me namely too happens, I had The DLL something versträut (z.B. too under \windows) on the computer and XProfan having so always a ältere Version used. Überprüfe Please over again - today evening can I then ggf. a Debug-Version Upload which with a couple informations noticeable power. |
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Frank Abbing |
[online] Dass The LB disappears is sure only visuell - objectively becomes tappt im dunkeln present his and only with the display not afterwards come.
You can The display with WM_SETREDRAW deaktivieren, as long as The Listbox filled becomes. the verhindet the trouble and speed whom whole Process integrally vastly. |
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| Jupp, but the DLL might this Flag not settle. These sends solely The Message 384 a lever.
thatswhy indeed my Info create.list instead of create.listbox To use.
But correctly., grosse Changes on the Content of Controls speed one z.B. by:
sendMessage(hControl,wm_setRedraw,0,0) before, and afterwards sendMessage(hControl,wm_setRedraw,1,0) with invalidateRect(hControl,0,0) and updateWindow(hControl) use so did i gladly circa z.B. many Entries quick of/ one ListBox add.
thatswhy too: CompileMarkSeparation
lb.movelisttolist(long h,hold){
long ti
if hold==true {
string cs=lb.getcs(h)
if hold==true {
sendmessage (h,LB_SETTOPINDEX,ti,)
} elseif hold==false {
sendmessage (h,LB_SETCURSEL,,)
sendmessage (h,LB_SETTOPINDEX,ti,)
sendmessage(h,wm_setredraw,true,) t color=#0000FF>}
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Stefan M. Caillet | ought to really The right dll his, I on the laptop as a precaution whom kompletten way to Dll indicated have. The old Version have I in entspr. Ordner deleted (with Invoice values+Del), before I the new DLL hineingeladen have (directory directly as Downloadziel indicated). you have still not about on The incorrect Dateiversion verlinkt? greeting Stefan |
| Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf. Entwicklungsumgebung: XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD | 01/08/09 ▲ |
| no Falschlink - wished only sure weg because unfortunately not everyone as accurate swaps How You. |
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Stefan M. Caillet | no trouble, therefore Have ichs you too as accurate described. was me namely already time happens, I ne incorrect verse. of/ one Dll (faith was with the SKControll) during Korrekturversuchen eingebunden having, nacher i was geheilt and was vorsichtiger. Since I here in the Comunity already during Updates red have upps, incorrect Version uploaded (If neither absolutely from you), I thought, I frag time to. wasn't angry meant. greeting Stefan |
| Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf. Entwicklungsumgebung: XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD | 01/08/09 ▲ |
| time one small Test - shows these Special Version in the attachment a MessageBox after a while? |
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| and here again a Special Version in the attachment which You Please as lever z.B. %hWnd commit instead of of/ one ListBox, because these Version The wm_setText-Message on the lever sends. accordingly müsstest You z.B. in the cover of %hWnd see can, which Files momentarily on the row are. Perhaps can You so too discern, whether at a designed place a problem auftaucht. |
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Stefan M. Caillet | means, with the the MessageBox klppt not. the window dismisses itself still and heimlich. prozessorlast now zw. 88 and 99%. Speicherverb. 121616 KB. your second verse. , The with the display in the HWND I will now testing. Register thereafter same again. Stefan |
| Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf. Entwicklungsumgebung: XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD | 01/09/09 ▲ |
| here a Special corrected version, Please lever on %hWnd and once testing. |
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