


Hello dear Gemeinde,

I had it full, always the suitable Subclassing new To write, if I time a GridBOX (one ListView) discretionary coloured format displayed having wished. there coded one itself a wolf. therefore have I me now The trouble made, the in a DLL zusammenzufassen, so one not all the time the wheel new invent must.

there the whole quite komplex get is (but still simply To valet, hope I), could I presumably not any Konstellationen durchtesten. It can means thoroughly his, that yet somewhere something hakt. I hope but, that on the whole everything walk ought to.

its one code-example enclosed, moreover a detailed chm-Helpfile.

here another Screenshot from the Beispielprogramm:

further Features next to whom colours: arbitrary Icon in eachone cell, Check boxes (with Click into Kästchen the Headline go any Check boxes the column markiert or geleert), Sorting through Click on Spaltenüberschrift to Text or to numbers, on- or absteigend, Anpassung the Zeilenhöhe

best Regards, Jens-Arne

1.657 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Formatted ListViews simply produce
Hochgeladen: vor 25 Tagen
256 kB
Hochgeladen: vor 25 Tagen
275 kB
Bezeichnung:Beispielbild 2
Hochgeladen: vor 25 Tagen
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de
vor 25 Tagen  


i'm thick, the To using

wars not running, have with all versions attempts and PHGen.exe from the LL extra a .ph File prepares, come nevertheless not further.
Alle Sprachen
TC-Programming [...] 
XProfan 8.0 - 10.0 - X2 - X3 - X4

vor 24 Tagen  

by me the same !
though FLV_UserMessage_LeftClick=$8B00; in the .PH present is.

system : Win7x64 ; Win10X64 ; XProfanX4
vor 24 Tagen  


I have whom Error found. does me sorrow, I had with JRPC3 tested. there's it alike, in which Order The $I- and $H-Files stand, with reinem Profan but not at all. Also must additional windows.ph eingebunden his. this is now korrigiert, new version is uploaded. Please entire entpacken, The DLL self has too changed, therein is too one small Error korrigiert been.
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de
vor 24 Tagen  

Nabend, ah super, it functions !

an Kleinigkeit have I yet, How I see, managest You too The wide the Split. If one on The Trennlinie between whom Split twice anklickt, shining with the column 1 means Column 0, with slot with the CheckBox Column 1 as well as ex whom Split Column 10 u. following The wide not correctly justiert To go, possible becomes with the wide there not The Checkbox and Text Length mind ?

Alle Sprachen
TC-Programming [...] 
XProfan 8.0 - 10.0 - X2 - X3 - X4

vor 22 Tagen  

Huch, this is Yes strange. the might Windows come, evident becomes with so one Double click (whom I yet not knew) The Column new tuned. there windows nothing from the Check boxes and icons white, becomes the evident To small tuned. have You a Idea, whether there a defined Message gives, everybody can intercepting could? there's integrally sure a, can I me none differently present. i'm though tomorrow a week in the leave, i'll me the before not distinguished can.

EDIT: the here might it his: [...] 

i'll to my leave see, whether I the trouble so into handle get. sees to first Durchlesen well from. today fummel I there but rather not any more dran rum. The Subclass-Proc, The The Einfärbungen etc. vornimmt, has in the momentum exakt 1.731 Lines. there must one itself something Time take, around the right Changes vorzunehmen. what kind of deliriousness, what Microsoft one aufbürdet, only for a List view a little bit coloured To style!

what me though a little bit care power, is the Umstand, that it with this Notify-Message none Return-code gives. one can windows means not say, that it The fingers of it let should, on this Double click To react. we're going see, what from it becomes, particularly, whether The windows-Changes to my own come, or thereafter. in the ersteren drop would The thing into handle To get.
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de
vor 22 Tagen  

Please again testing, the Double-click on The Spaltentrenner functions now hopefully.
XProfan X4
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de
vor 16 Tagen  

Constant FLV_StandardColor_Windows for DLL-function CPSSetStandardColor (in inc: FLVCPSSetStandardColor) added for windows-Standardaussehen, the yet to lauter Überschwang fehlte.
XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM
PM: jreumsc@web.de
vor 13 Tagen  


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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